Dormant hero!!
Consider the source, he just feels important. If the job comes in, do it, get paid, then mention it to a superior. If it was a home owner, then i'd walk but theres no reason to lose a good client due to an idiots comment
Good deal, Skwishey.
Today I got a call back from my best client for the last 2 years. We haven't spoken in a couple weeks ever since I drove off his job after spending the last hour and a half on the job going back and whacking more limbs off trees I had already trimmed heavily. After the fourth "one more limb over here" I blew up and said no more.
We came to a truce of sorts. I asked him to not put me in a position of having to hack on nice, healthy trees to the point of creating future hazards and he asked me to just tell him quietly when I've had enough. Both are fair requests I believe. He is by far the highest class company I sub for but they sell a lot of commercial over pruning work (raise and gut pruning). They carry the same standards over into residential work and I hate it. A couple weeks ago his partner said to me "If we're paying you by the hour, then what difference does it make how many more limbs you cut?" He simply does not understand trees or where I'm coming from. I absolutely will not hack trees for dollars and maim otherwise healthy trees to the ugly and unhealthy ideal they consider standard. Stripping every leaf and limb up to 40' and all interior growth out to 5' of the tips isn't pruning, it's rape.
I used to do that but unfortunately not any more. As soon as you put a rope in the tree it is your responsibility, if it falls on the house now the insurance co. might make you pay the whole tabi finally have internet back! moved into an awsome cabin in the mountains, and ive been fighting comcast ever since. now ive got a lot of catching up to do. tons of storm work here too bodean. refused to climb a pair of firs left standing after the third tree of the group fell, the ground was moving with every gust of wind. threw a couple ropes in them with the throwline and guyed them to nearby trees. hope they hold. pretty exciting stuff.
I was wondering why we were being Jabbed so.