How'd it go today?

Part of it for me today was trying to understand four seperate people from said co stopping in to see that the work gets done lots of bosses and two workers, condolences to your friend Mike Skwerl. g-night all.
Found out today that it is the newer tree company in town that is claiming affiliation with our company. I have also had reports that they are bidding jobs like the sky is the limit. This will make for them an early demise in these parts.
Now I will start the mill in town and see how they like how we cut off any rep they might build. They just fugged themselves BIG TIME! ;) All I have to do is make it known how they are misrepresenting themselves and lay back to watch how hard it hits:evil:
Today was a "point me to my tree" kind of day. I did what needed to be done, the customer was happy, I brought home grocery money.
I kinda like those days.. Only have to think about my climb and not what to cut... Of course my last words before I leave the tree are "Is there anything else you want cut before I come down cause I ain't climbing back up this one today?"... :lol:
I usually approach those customers as "If you want anything else done, say it now or I'm going to cut it down before I go back up!"
Probably a good thing I never climbed much!
hahahaha the Mad Jacker made the 6 o'clock news out of Miami last night. They said he got caught with his pants down, hahahaha. The cops are proud of that collar. Rarely does the Key's news end up coming out of the big city.

When the cops asked him what he was doing, he said looking for a job. That is the same thing he told us. NO, that is not how you look for a job.
So is that the new euphemism? The next time somebody calls me and asks what I'm doing I'm going to say "I'm looking for a job."
My truck is back on the road after a year and a half of sitting in the drive way! I am one happy mother trucker!
Andy what year is the van? My 09 has been in the shop 5 times in the last two months. Battery keeps dieing, they can't figure out whats wrong with it, jump starts fine and will hold a charge for random periods of time.....We started the paperwork to the AG's office for the lemon law.

I love this van but we bought a Toyota because it is the only manufacturer making an AWD mini van, and the allegedly bullet proof reliability.
This is an '04, 129k on it, I THINK I have an answer, but it's going to be tough to prove without throwing a code.
She's been taking it to Jiffylube for her oil changes and getting freaked out because they are always trying to sell her shit. When they called me about the van they asked me to get an air filter for it because it was dirty as hell and they didn't have one. Got the air filter and got to looking, the old one was dirty on the top, the air comes in from the bottom? Odd, but ok, put the new filter in and go to seal up the air box, the nut for the front bolt is gone! The air box never got sealed up and most likely the jackwagons at Jiffylube messed it up to start with! We pulled the MAP sensor off, right behind the air filter, and cleaned the hell out of it, but...............
She and I had a chat and it's NOT EVER going back to Jiffylube again!
Random parasitic draw sounds like one of the ECM's isn't shutting down fully for some reason. A good wrench shoulb be able to "map" it with a good scanner, either pulling up old codes, or watching to see what doesn't shut down properly. Just a little FYI, there is an ECM for the motor, the tranny, the ABS, the suspension and the chassis. Plus whatever they threw in for the hell of it! Anyone of them doesn't want to shut down now and again, dead battery! I also found out that Toyota is rather slow on TSB's (technical service bulletins) and it might behoove you to call around to a couple of dealers, besides the one you've gone to, and ask about the problem you are encountering. I'll be doing this tomorrow on my problem, really pisses the dealerships off when you come in knowing more than they did, they start jumping through hoops really quick!
I hope that helps a little at least Greg!
Chebby Van Astro AWD.. I highly recommend :) 122000 with hardly an issue. Change oil and tune it. Seats 8 ;)

Was a gr88888t day today and had a nice lunch up in SAC with Willie, Bubba and Stehanson... Steve even suffered the ride in the gypo truck :lol:
Wish you could have been there Darin. After all it was your suggestion of Dos Coyotes we indulged in. I had a marvelous grilled chicken burrito. :thumbup: Thanks for the suggestion :)
Good food in good company for sure :)
When we were in college my wife worked at Dos Coyotes in Davis. She used to come home with free food every night. That was the good life. We stop by there every time we go visit home.