How'd it go today?

Knocking big beech trees over in the mud.
Man, I wish it'd get cold again.

Had two nasty ones next to a country road, both leaning towards the road.
Just in case i lost one into the road, I had the skidder stand by, so we could drag it out of the road.
But even though I have no understanding of hingewood dynamics, I managed to drop both of them parrallel to the road.

Sure felt good having the skidder there, though.
Probably should have rigged them with a chain or cable and pulled them over with the loader. You can only get lucky so many times.
I can't believe it...I'm still too sick to go to work. Today is the 7th day of work I've taken off sick, plus two weekends. I sure hope to get back in another day or two. Miserable flu!
Get well soon B, the flu sucks. The last time I got sick was a bad case of pneumonia back in July of 09, put me out for 3 weeks.
Definitely improving, but zip for stamina...been sleeping about 16 hours per 24, 12+ at night with a couple of naps thrown in during the days.
I'd happily trade ya, so long as you take the reason to need for all that sleep in the bargain...:).

Actually, no I wouldn't...I don't think even my worst enemy deserves to feel as badly as I have lately...:(.
Butch, not who, but definitely I picked it up on a business trip down to Corvallis, OR. That's a college town, lots of people traveling to and fro. Attending a classroom training, living in a hotel, eating out every meal.

You know the deal, lots of exposure outside the ordinary circle I usually inhabit.
You get that damp cool weather that most likely is in the PNW this time of year is where that damned viral stuff really gets a hold on people and it sucks .The same happens around here .If it gets colder than a well diggers butt for a couple of weeks it all but goes away .

I feel for you B. because I've had it ,not too much thankfully .It just flat knocks the wind right out of your sails .:(
You were right in my neck of the woods Erik. How'd your stay go out here?

Longer than planned. :lol:

I'll be back in Rockford later this week to finish up the job I'm working on, then I'll head home from there.
Damn Burnham, rest up. There's some nasty bugs out there. I really focus on boosting my immune system this time of year, lots of vitamins, healthier eating and little to no alcohol. Up here February is about the worst month, winter's just holding on a bit to long and it seems alot of people get a 'last' cold or flu of the season.

I've been plowing/sanding like mad and prepping for launching into the trees full-time again. It's looking to be a good year I hope.
Hey this is kind of neat .I had some low spots that kind of messed me up when I went to replentish my firewood supply .So I bladed it off and packed it full of snow.The temp is just right that the snow packed hard as rock .No slide ,spin the wheels ,nothing . I got my own ice road .:D
Longer than planned. :lol:

I'll be back in Rockford later this week to finish up the job I'm working on, then I'll head home from there.

Rockford is a real treat let me tell yah :lol:... for some reason I have just never been fond of Illinois's third biggest city. I am in Crystal Lake, almost right in the middle of Rockford and Chicago, but still considered the suburbs of the big windy. It is good to see a TH'er out this way, I'm surprised there isn't more people from this area on the TH. Safe travels out here bud.
Now that sounds like just the sort of thing a kook would enjoy :D.
Ha Ha guilty as charged :)

This time of year I burn about a face cord every 7-8 days .I can hold about 5 days worth between the wood rack in the house and one in the garage ..It isn't a big deal because it only takes maybe half an hour --unless I get stuck .That part sucks .:(
It was a pretty good day,got started on some fencing, planning a storage building and a horse barn to build this week.A big thanks to Brian [Skwerl] for the wrap handle for my 372.

You're welcome, Bill. This evening I used your parts saw to fix another buddy's saw which was smacked by a wayward log a couple months ago. The handle assembly was broken so I swapped over the necessary parts to make it whole again. Took me three tries to get the throttle linkage and kill switch assembly right!
Rockford is easy compared to this shit hole called New Jersey; at least I wasn't awoken to gunshots there.
I hope you get over that bug soon Burnam. I am on two weeks starting three this one coming. No energy. I really need to rest, but ain't happening. Don't think I am contagious anymore, but the cold air at night or up skiing trashes my throat, then the coughing keeps me awake at night so I am a zombie by the end of the week. TG I have a couple of days off this one.

Just got home from ski instruction.. Tired as all get out but not as bad as it has been. I did not have the little girl social club today :D Happy Dance Happy Dance:big-jump::big-jump:
I had Seth and the more advanced beginner group of boys.... We got to have some fun!
And they are much more self reliant ;)

Back to work tomorrow and then a day off Wednesday for a little road trip :D
I subordinated a large co-dominant stem on a London Plain tree. There was a nice shop below loaded with antique cars. The trick of the job was not breaking the lower branches as I too the top out. I had intended to use a speedline but my best ropeman was sick today and I got pummeled by thunder storms. Rain, snow, hail, high winds, I got it all. I sent a lot of brush down butt heavy with a pull off line weaving it through the lower branches. In terms of arboriculture I believe I did the right thing subordinating the one side but in terms of aesthetics, I hated the result. My efforts to do light, aesthetically pleasing subordinating have failed. It seems like you go hard or don't do it at all.
Booked a lot clearing job today about acre+ then a rather sketchy live oak to fell for some barter at a forge and a early cushman that needs some tlc.