How'd it go today?

I've been spending the day on the couch.
I was really beat up from logging, had a hard time getting up the stairs to the bedroom last night.

Felling the big one sure takes it out of you.
Running the big saw all day often in weird positions, like over head, when bucking.
Also I have borrowed a faller from another company this week and I couldn't let him think he could outlog the old man, could I?

He does some nice work, so I asked his boss if I could borrow him for another week.

I do quite a lot of subcontracting for her, so she was happy to help me out.

Having him next week will really help me get through this glut of work.
Heck Brian. What would you have done?

He is good enough that I may try to steal him ( his boss told me that she is thinking about leaving the company. and I have no loyalty to the company, only to her).

So I outlogged him and badly, too!

After a week we had felled the same number of trees, but I had spent a day cutting down residuals in another stand:P

Got to keep the young pups in their place.
I know how you feel Stig. Keeping up with the kids in there early 20's is hard work. You have to dig deep & use every bit of experience you have. Nice when it happens though8)

Often we forget they will be hurting too.......
I work with Richard( 36 years) and Anderts ( 28 years) every day. Both good fallers.
I can keep ahead of them, simply by being more experienced.
With this new guy I just felt the need to show who is the alpha male.

And then I paid the price:lol:
I'll have to look into that stuff Erik, just always had using pitch beat into my head.

GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR, went to the convenience store and came back to a damn hornets nest! Wife is all freaking out she has a virus on her computer and downloaded the software to fix it and now it's all jacked up! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Al knows exactly what I'm talking about! Why is that women believe EVERY DAMN THING they see on a web page?
Trying like hell to sort that all out now, no easy feat! I can't even find the root program to delete it, just like they want it!
Then her van wont start. I went out, it cranks and cranks, I got it to fire off, but it acted like it was flooded, then cleared out and ran fine.
Shut it off, now it wont start at all! I've got a call in to get a scanner over here.
Should be one hell of a fun night!
I'm smelling something, and it's getting a bit deep! :lol:

Brian, I'd never say anything I couldn't face up to.

I'm saving up for another trip to the big trees, but I'd be willing to bet the amount saved against any faller in the house on a one week felling job.

If Erik thinks I'm blowing hot air, he can just name the place and time.

Looser pays the winners airfare and wages:)

I've done this for a looong time and more important, I was trained by the BEST!
This is what I've spent my life preparing for. A logging duel.

Words cannot tell how much I'd love to do this:)
What the old bull and young bull again thing eh .Let em jump the fence and get with one of the heifers .Take your good old time ,walk through the gate and get friendly with them all .;)
Hundreds on little pondos kicked my butt today :P
Can't even walk though them. Just slice a face and clear the face.. Can't use a brush blade on the smaller stuff either. Keeping all the little baby sugar pines. I guess the forestry mower guy finished yesterday. Wish I could have got to see that working, but he was switched over to another part of the parcel by the time we came in. I was lazy and did not want to hike all the way into where he was. He will be working three more properties in the area so I might get some pics yet :)
Now we get to keep going behind clearing and thinning where the machine can not go. As soon as we are done with the protected homestead part, we get rocky slopes:|:
Wet as hell out today. They predicted a snow storm, luckily it was only rain. Moved some snow early this a.m., went to my house and cleaned up a little. Stopped at home depot and picked up some better adhesive stripper, this new stuff is insane, wish I didn't waste my time with the "environmentaly friendly" twice as expensive/works half as good stuff. Live and learn.

Tomorrow I'm thinking of a snow shoe walk through the woods. I want to scout a White Oak to fell for some lumber for a few things. Oh, and I want to get all the tar adhesive scraped off my hardwood floors in the kitchen.
Nope. If something that small was needed then most here would simply go to the local rental yard and rent a small Vermeer 625 or Brush Bandit 65 and then tow it with a four wheeler or small tractor into the work area.

Although we don't seem to have as much inaccessible space as you guys do. Rural areas are usually easily accessible and urban areas if the work area is inaccessible to bigger equipment then you're probably not going to chip it and leave the chips on location anyway.
Nope. If something that small was needed then most here would simply go to the local rental yard and rent a small Vermeer 625 or Brush Bandit 65 and then tow it with a four wheeler or small tractor into the work area.

Although we don't seem to have as much inaccessible space as you guys do. Rural areas are usually easily accessible and urban areas if the work area is inaccessible to bigger equipment then you're probably not going to chip it and leave the chips on location anyway.

Do you have a comparable machine on tracks? A 4WD cannot compete with it.

With the varia-track you would be amazed at access. No drag felling is cool in my books
Stig and Erik in a logging death match. Sounds cool. It was windy at the sand dunes today and I have sand everywhere a person can have sand. We found a great spot to sled and had a really good time. My kid should be good and tired tonight, hiking up a sand dune so many times.
Spent the day fighting my way through chem homework.

got a call form these old friends I used to play bass with to run sound for them at a concert in a couple weeks.

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