How'd it go today?

I gots documentation. The resturant has a little OM flavor as you might think. I had a aparagas and pepper jack quesadilla. Very yummy, Willie's meal had Brie in it. The highlight of the trip was Stephen talking with his hands and accidently hitting the gearshift and downshifting the gypomobile while going down the freeway, and having to pull over to get the tranny back into drive. Sorry Stephen, can't keep these golden moments secret.


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:lol: My clutzy side comes out all too often... At least we didn't drop a tranny..:|:
Found out why the timing went goofy... plug on a vacuum line, dang thing.. :lol:

Steve was brave though.. He suffered through the ride. :lol:
Looks like a whole lot of trouble if I've ever seen it! I can't recall the last time I saw such a group of miscreants. Did the local cops stop you and ask for some ID? :P
No but steve did get the picture from a security guard!
Funny stuff, wish I had Gotton to see the gypomobile!
Oh hell, last night my mom cracked a tooth, had to help pay for emergency dental work last night,didn't get done till like 2 in the morning, couldn't sleep now she and dad went back for a checkup. Just gotta love family emergencies.
Got my new book coming

That's what I was getting ready to say Bill, you can find anything you want, just a matter of being able to pay for it!
I hope it gets better for her! Worst damn pain I ever had was when I needed a root canal on Friday and couldn't get in until Monday morning! I couldn't sleep all weekend, had to suck on ice water to keep it numb. I got that shot and passed right out! They could have done anything they wanted to me in there and I'd have slept right through it! Man it was nice to have that pain stopped!
I'm VERY sympathetic to tooth pain, I hope she gets better soon!
Willie don't feel bad its just because you look funny and your momma didn't dress you right. I wonder if that book advises "Sometimes it helps to just go psycho and beat one of the kids teasing you to a pulp?"
Here are the promised pictures of my little mishap.
The saw was pinched right behind that big chunk of broken hinge. Tells you how hard the wind hit, that the log went clear over it.

P1000262.JPG P1000264.JPG P1000265.JPG
No, I have a swizzy in that side.
That is why you can't see the hinge, it tore out below the backcut.

The swizzy makes them tear downwards and sometimes pull the whole rootflare out of the ground, I've found.
Just asking Stig, but isn't that face a bit small? I know "we Americans" tend to make them too large, but in those conditions would a larger face helped?
This is from the guy that has been lucky a lot of times! I've had them go as far as 30deg off the face, but never farther, YET!

I tried to work a little this afternoon, finish up a counter top and some trim. Got the tools dug out and set up just in time for my phone to ring. Poor Bubba was at school throwing up! Picked up as fast as I could and ran to get him. Poor guy looks like hell! Just pale as can be!
I knew I should have just kept my fat as warm and happy on the couch today :lol:
Just asking Stig, but isn't that face a bit small?

you just stepped into a running discussion that Burnham and I have had for the last few years.:lol:

Regional differences again.

Actually with wind like that, the only thing that would have helped was to not be so stupid/arrogant and try to fell the tree.
The next day was dead calm and i had several other trees nearby to fall.

I was being stupid, simply!

I put a whizzy in to compensate for the side wind, but with a gust like that, it was nowhere near enough.
Just finished helping my wife put her mother in a nursing home. No fun.
That's a tough one . Twice ,my wifes' mother and my departed pop .

The old man was a tough sell,I told him he was there for theropy for 30 days and he bought it .After about 20 the dementia had taken it's toll and he could have cared less .