How'd it go today?

I just got back from my fiberglass buddy's house. He never would give me a price for fixing my bucket but I insisted that it was a paid job and not an exchange for future favors. It is too important to just be a 'favor'. Anyway, I gave him another $200 on top of the $50 I gave him up front to cover any materials he might need. Does this sound fair? He fixed all four upper corners and the crack at the bottom of the mounting rib.

Oh, speaking of the bucket- I stopped by the sign shop today and ordered two more Rocky logo decals for the bucket. One for now and a spare for the next time it needs to be replaced.
And the two large companies here each have a 7 and 8 foot band mill, respectively......
Those are good sized mills .When we all went to north of Meadville Pa this spring to play with the saws they had a head rig made from evidently a west coast resaw that had 54 inch wheels and sported a 7 inch wide band . I don't think they could cut 7 foot though .

The guy that hosted the event was a timber cruiser/cutter in a family business from what I gathered .
Busy boy! Hope you got some good money from that :)

I'm beat, need sleep but I don't see it happening! My wife, the accountant mind you, can't seem to do math! She left last night, called from Chicago and told me she would be in London at 2:30am my time. I went to bed at 12:30, 2:30 came and went, no call when I got up. I laid down and slept until 4. Now I'm concerned! I pulled up the itinerary and finally found a place that I could track her flight down on the net. Nope, she gets in at 5:15am my time. Well I'm up anyways. Plane lands at 5:06, I know this, I can see this, no call? I finally called her at 6:45, "Oh, I was just going to let you sleep a little more." As if!
Got Bubba to school on time and now I'm wired for sound! Might just go to the bike park for a while and see if I can ride without hurting myself.
Went to a big ol' funeral today for crazy priest's mother. Mandatory attire is dark black suit, white shirt, black tie. My white shirt got misplaced in the recent move, so I wore a gray shirt. :|:

Quite a shindig! When a priest's mother dies they really pull out the stops. Something like ten-fifteen priests to conduct the ceremony, and even one priestess with a shaved head...kind of cute :P The sprit came and got sent off in the incense smoke. Even crazy priest gave a nice little speech about his mother's past.

After was a major spread lunch for all the attendees, as is the custom, but never one so fine....really an excellent meal. All the beer you could drink was lined up in bottles in front of you, but I had driven there. I thought of perhaps a couple bottles discreetly placed under my jacket, but chose to avoid the indiscretion. All in all pretty interesting.
Was that John Suppa from Sugar Grove Hardwood at the Meadville Pa. sawmill? I met the guy up here. His company logged a woods down the road from me. One guy brought his skidder and pop up tent camper up and did all the logging. Several loads. John came to look over the woods after it was logged to make sure everything was kosher. I had him look over a bunch of black walnuts on my property. He said I have a few thousand dollars worth. No definite bid though. I would put it up for bid anyway. Seems you make out better.
Good day today. Had a good day in school, and so far, a good day after school. Working on planning our trip to Stockbridge College, up in Amherst, MA the week of October 4th through whenever we leave. We have 3 days off that week, so with my additional 2 off, I won't be going to school at all that week! Good thing they have 3 days set aside for each student to visit colleges.
Brutally busy still. I sure wish I had someone who could do some serious cutting. Big removals are all over the line-up and my hands/arms are getting vibed right out. Makes it hard to count all the money I'm making. Lol.
Dudes that are good with a saw, I mean really good, don't seem to be that easily findable ime. Even here in the land of logging. Not to toot my own horn, but I can make sawdust like a mofo. My new guy is a good worker and he's coming along, but I'm not seeing him making the big money cuts without some serious training.
I'd almost want to come over there and flop them for you. I liked the scenery in BC.
You don't age discriminate, I can tell that.
Day went pretty good today. I finished a 100 foot CDF clearance for a house inspection.. Now the guy has hired us to chip it after he was going to... :lol: Guess we made a lot of brush piles :lol: Then consulted him on the oaks that the builder buried with dirt he moved off the pad. So the HO is going to pay me to supervise dirt movement and rock placement to fix the issue. I pointed it out to him when I first saw it. His neighbor (a master gardener) talked to him also. Going to try to make it right with no liability on my behalf. He is holding the builder solely responsible. All I am doing is making sure they comply to what the HO wants. Feel like a foreman again :lol:
Did a small chipping job this am before going to the other job. Got paid for that and a 10 day old invoice on a prune.. :)
Got hired for a partial TD. Basicially a stage 2 removal... :lol:Only one more stage after that :lol: Gotta love people that do that. Just mo money in da pocket.
Kids are all over me tonight and I have been putting a Helicopter together with an erector set. The kids have lost so many pieces that I am just winging it. Last time it was a jet plane. Still have not eaten dinner yet as I was feeding kids and taking the heat off mama so she could get a little more homework done before school tonight.
You'd think I could sleep by now! Bubba has been fed, bathed, played with and read a story. I went down at 12ish, up at 4ish with little rest in that time, had a damn good stiff drink and a hydrocodone at 8:30am, no sleep. Ran around earlier trying to find a "button head socket head cap screw" in 3/8"-24, just needed one for a project, couldn't find one local, finally ordered from Amazon, ten for $4.27 shipped?
Tried the Hydrocodone and stiff drink again at 2pm, no love. Now I've had two oxycodone and several drinks, I'm still wired for sound! I hate like hell when the wife goes away! I don't sleep that good when she's home, really screws me up when she's gone!
I rarely make it to a bed when my wife is away (like tonight and tomorrow). She is much more of a sleeper than me. I'll likely be asleep on the couch about midnight or 1am. Sure, I could do whatever I do on the couch from bed (no TV in the house), but, somehow, is just doesn't happen much, but I'm getting better at it.

Are you just an insomniac?
Yes, I suffer from depression as it is so my brain never really shuts off, then the lack of having familiarities really messes me up.
No worries, some do, some don't, but typically it's a misnomer that people with depression "shut down" or just block the world out because we need solitude. We shut the world out because we are so busy trying to process what is already in our heads we can't take anymore input.
If you didn't know me, you'd think all I did was sleep. Right now I average getting to bed between three and four am but am up at nine to ten am. On the weekends I try to stay in bed until eleven or twelve.
Yes, we spend a great deal of time in bed, but I assure you, maybe half of that time is real sleep! It's a rare night, as in ten to twenty nights a year, that I even dream. Normally I am up every hour or so, just because. The bed becomes a "comfort zone", much like my house did years ago to me. It's useless for the most part, but it's "familiar".
Anyway, enough of this talk, third oxy is kicking in and I am going to take advantage of it!
I picked up my PU at the tranny place this morning. They replaced a solenoid in there. I did a bid today and then went fishing just before dark. Caught a 3 pounder or so, and a couple of little ones.
Go to bed Andy :lol:

During depressed episodes I can go from insomnia to Rip Van Winkle..
Xanax works great for quieting the head when it is in anxiety wont shut up mode.
I don't suffer as much these days and I have in the past. But I keep a really close eye on my state of mind and use my tools I was given to keep the dark monster at bay.