How'd it go today?

I'm taking the day off have all four of my wisdom teeth yanked. Gonna be a good time, for certain.
Oh damn, all four at once, that should take a while. Good luck with that.

I'm taking a second day off, still weak and jittery... work is just now ramping back up too, wonderful timing.
I hope it doesn't take to long? I'm going with the brutalist drugging they'll give me, so regardless it shouldn't seem like long.

Rest up Blinkman, sounds like you need it. I'm swamped with work too, but will be taking today and the weekend off to recover. My hands/arms are taking a beating lately too, not much feeling in them besides pain.
Sounds like a good time to me Squishy!:roll: I did it when I was 15 or so, it sucked! They had me on gas for a couple of hours then tried to pull them, I screamed! "OH, I guess we are going to have to give you a local!" Then he drug the tip of the needle across my tongue tearing the top of it open. Hurt like hell for a couple of weeks! Enjoy it:lol:

Sounds like you needed a break Chip! Enjoy some R and R!

Bubba went to school today, he felt better, I think most of it was because he got to see mama on Skype last night and knows she will be home soon. She called, she's on the plane going over the pond right now, I'm ready for her to be home!
I tried to talk to the police chief this morning, of course he's not in:roll:
Every other outfit in town is getting work all of a sudden and I just have work till Wednesday.
Baby sitting this AM, bid at 11 and piddly pruning job around the corner
Haha, I guess so:lol:
It's time to change it up a bit but cmon, man, ring!
Oh yeah, some sympathy for the little tooth thing.....

Shoot Willie, do your worst, I do!

Josh, you're hired!!! Oh wait, you slid that other post in. You're hired, for four minutes at a time.
Well, I'm starting to become sorer then hell right about now. I must say I'm very dissapointed in all these prescription drugs.
All you prescription drug addicts out there I've got a question for ya. Oxycodone, does it work at all? Safe to bump up the frequency a bit?
That's a pretty deep wound, Justin. I did one side at a time and was thankful to have an uninjured side to chew my food for the following couple of days. Hopefully you don't have much planned this weekend and can sleep it off. :(

I ate a ton of ibuprofen for the pain, I never did care for the stuff that makes you cookoo.
They did all come out relatively easily. Chip scared me into thinking it would be a long dealio. 30 minutes and doneski. No stitches needed either. I saved the teeth to scare my kiddo with too.

Go Squisher. Mine were a SOB. I swear I woke up and the dentist was pulling for all he was worth and cussing. May have just been my drugs though.
Mine were quite the bitch . I was only 16 or 17 at the time. The doctor thought I was completely out. But I distinctly heard him say as he was pounding on them with a small hammer and chisel " If I had known they would be this bad I would have admitted him to the hospital". I was on morphine for 3 days. This was back in the early '70s that would never happen today. I am surprised he didn't at least sew the socket shut. All the dentists I know today would have filled the sockets with grft material and sewn them shut. Be sure to keep up with the warm salt water rinses. You don't want a dry socket.
All you prescription drug addicts out there I've got a question for ya. Oxycodone, does it work at all? Safe to bump up the frequency a bit?

How has the prescribed dosage been affecting you? Tolerance and metabolism, along with weight can play a huge impact on an individuals pharmacodynamics. I've got Vicodin (7.5/700) as a backup from my dentist for my cracked molar, plus a gambit of antibiotics I've been on close to a month now (abscess re-flared up prior to my last scheduled extraction). I'll be going in on Tuesday to have it and the wisdom tooth behind it extracted.