How'd it go today?

Two decent sized laurel oak removals today. Back yard, under the power lines. We came in through the next door neighbor's yard and into the back yard. I nosed in with the bucket in order to leave a bigger work area behind the truck. Managed to poke through between the wires to get to the stuff in the other yard. Got the truck back to the yard just as the rain started.
Gotta love beating the rain. I pretty much don't work in it.

Since I had to order another lifter, i went ahead and ordered a new set. The other 7 should(better) be here tomorrow so I can get the engine back together and installed over the weekend.
Got the old beast home finally. Bench testing or not.. The starter was definitely bad:roll: So back to town, get new starter. We were able to go extract more wood while we were in the neighbor hood from all those cedar we took down the other day.. Still have about two more loads to go. :DI really need to get my big trailer a deck! And that is going to be a reality soon enough. One of the guys we know up here that lost his home in the fire had most the pine on his place removed and milled for 1/2 the milled wood. He has a surplus of 2X6 that we can have for free. :D We took some trees down with him some years ago in trade and never took all the trade back. I think he figures he stills owes us work and is literally just going to give us the wood because he feels bad we have not "cashed in" yet ;) He has a back hoe we want some use of :D But I am really going to have him work with it so I want to get enough work lined out for a one visit and come out owning him and pay him some on top. He's a great guy and could use some money on top of the trade :)

So I also bought a new distributor to put in the Ford. Something I have had on my list of todo's. Get that done today and get the boat ready for vacation. We leave Saturday :D
No one recommended it.

Look into it. My experience tells me that if you have had that much metal inside an engine you might better go thru it. You will never get any closer than you are now.

How much is a ring/bearing kit??
I don't know, I asked a day or two ago what should be done since it takes a day to get parts in. I can check on the parts tomorrow and if they can be overnighted. I don't have the tools required to remove the crank's timing sprocket, but I might could remove the front cover with it on, but I doubt it.

I'll check the bores from the bottom as best and I can and look for defects. ETA: The bores look clean as far up as I can see (bottom of the piston skirt) so at least there's no gouges in the cylinder wall.
Glad you got your truck home CV, how are the kids fairing?

I am so focking sick, I didn't feel this bad the day after the crashing red maple incident. I went to a clinic for uninsured folks... sliding scale sort of thing, naturally I was at the top of the scale but still, it was worth every penny.

I have an upper UTI with an enlarged prostate... that's what happens when you go from sex almost every day to no sex at all for 2-1/2 years. The labs will be a few days but they're checking PSA levels and stuff like that.

They did an HIV test just for the hell of it, I'm clean. It took less than 10 minutes from finger punch to result... I didn't know it was that easy.

They gave me a much needed tetanus booster and Cipro for the UTI.

Total cost... $117. The cipro at Wal-mart would alone have costed over $120.

My ex-wife volunteers at this clinic once a month doing PT. I was totally surprised at the level of professionalism. The equipment wasn't red hot modern, kinda old actually but my doctor was a really cute 30-something... yes, she administered the prostrate exam. That's twice now I've had women stick their finger up my but without a so much as a kiss.

I'm supposed to be better by Monday if it isn't a resistant infection. I'm supposed to get a cat down in the AM... not looking forward to it.

So that's all the TMI news I have from the sick old man front.
Gotta love it when a 8 hr day turns into a 12 hr day cause you had your head up your ass when you looked at it.

Trees were bigger, wood was alot bigger.

He comes out while I'm loading the chipper at 6:30, "Your not done right?"... "Hmm yes we are"..."well aren't you going to cut that up smaller?"...*pointing at a pile of large round (<30") 18-20" length firewood.

I told him, it's amazing how much more wood there is when it's on the ground huh.

You can see the wheels turning in his head about what the hell he is going to do with it.

Jackass, read the contract and send me a check.

Which is another thing why I don't understand people can't cut you a check while your standing there.
Payment upon competion, Cash or local check only. You are in the tree business, not the banking business.
And the 2-3 weeks he was waiting for me to get there.

I'm just ticked, for a little business I've got a lot of money floating around out there owed to me.
I hear ya Brendon. Some people are just rude when it comes to paying. I chased down one account that went over 4 months from completion to payment. They started acting like I was being rude for hunting them down, "They were always going to pay". :roll:

Once the work is done by my company at the agreed upon price that money is mine, and I want it!!!!
Yeah if you are home when I finish and everything is to the like. Then pay me now. I look at it this way you knew we were coming, and its in the agreement that we get money when complete. I do let my better clients slide but I am on first name basis, I can call and get anything from most of them.

I also dislike when I fawk up on bids and overwork myself.
Lol, if someone pays up like at Willie's job today I always give a whistle and a shout, stop working and tell em' "Load up boys we've been paid, we're out of here". Just for chuckles of course.
I gotta say I do not have a problem getting paid.

Why do you extend credit?? (those of you that do)
Hope you're feeling better soon, Chip. While I know absolutely nothing about prostrate problems, the UTI will knock you flat, but clears up pretty quickly with the antibiotics. Hang in there.

I can't imagine contracting out to have a job done at my place and not expecting to pay that day. Strange.