How'd it go today?

Ooops ,that was a tad out order and context . Disregard it as for some reason my abilty to edit or delete posts no longer exists .:?
Today was a fairly nice day here as well. The temps were in the low 80's. I got my torch set out and tested again. I verified that I have shielding gas, and my welder is good to go. Otherwise, I cut the grass, picked up some grinding wheels, and repacked the head on my right angle grinder. Then I made supper... liver and onions. :D

Most of Brian's parts arrived today. I still need to wait on the motherboard, and a card reader that I picked up for a good price this morning.
If I knew how to weld then I could build my own computer. ;)

A long day today due to rain. I came home for an hour during the worst of it, then went back to finish about 1:30. Then we had to go back to another job around the corner and spent a couple hours there. I parked the bucket truck at 6pm.

For dinner my options are a ham sammich, salami and cheese on crackers or order a pizza.
Mashed my ankle today.

Tips hit, butt comes back against the tree, encouters andrew's ankle on the way there.

It's not broke or anything, but it hurts something serious. Can't really walk on it yet, so we'll see when I can climb again.

Sucks, we have a TON of pruning for tomorrow, and we're booked into the end of next week.
I feel for ya, Andrew. I twisted my ankle over a month ago stepping down out of the bucket into the bed of the truck. I stepped on the bar of my 200T and it flipped sideways, taking my ankle with it. 2 weeks later I stepped in a hole and reinjured it even worse, it's been hurting constantly for almost 3 weeks now. I may have fractured it, it hurts that bad. Luckily I'm not climbing so I just muddle through with it.
Dammit, I read that and pictured old Al in a thong and high heels pole dancing, then spit pizza all over my brand new monitor!

Mind bleach, stat! :O
The junk that got pulled in the garage:

Notice anything funny?

Here's a closeup of the first 3 lifters on the table. This pretty well confirms my theory that it ran on the busted lifter for a while.

Engine on the stand. From behind the stand you can see the bore for the cam, the bastard comes out the back of the engine only. Had to lift the engine off the stand to get the cam out. When I put the stand back on I shifted it out of the way so I could put it back in without so much PITAness.


Above the crank you can see the lifter jurnals. Used a magnet and a stiff wire hook to pull the lifters. The oil film was strong than the magnet on 3 of the lifters.
Had that happen to my knee once Andrew, I feel for ya mang.

I Td'd a 100 foot (thought was 90) pondo today in two sections in a tight grove today... It hung up... I lived.. Messed up some rope.. Got it on the ground with no incident. Trimmed some willows. Truck died. Home owner supplied a loaner.. I am alive .... Thanks tree Gods. 'Nough said but I have some picks till we got busy in the other thread. Cold beer is good as is the paycheck......

Still living is good ;)
Too much for me Carl! I'd have junked the damn thing!

So sorry about the foot Andrew, I can relate more than you know!
My foot is better, but I think the knee is worse, I don't know, it just hurts like a bitch to do anything that involves walking or standing today!
My help shined like a star today! I just wish he could understand I'm not only doing this for me but I want to bring him along with me and build something we BOTH can be proud of and make an honest living from. HE pretty much re-decked the trailer, I wasn't worth a shat! I helped load and move the boards but he was the labor. It's done and I am nothing but happy with the way it came out:)
Went and looked at the concrete job,this fool wants me to pour over the top of an existing brick/concrete pad that at best I will have 3" thick! I spent a GREAT deal of time trying to explain how stupid this is and I cannot/will not guarantee anything for any amount of time! All they are thinking about is selling right now, but WHEN??? I get saving a buck, but this MIGHT last two months?
I called the HO from yesterday with the Hedge TD to make sure he was happy, he was and wanted to make sure we got enough money for doing it, I guess thats a sign of a good job when the HO wants to give you more cash:P
Hopefully there is some young lady to make you chicken soup or whatever heals a sprained ankle Andrew. Al in a thong? You're too clever tonight Skwerl. Carl, you just keep reminding yourself how much money you're saving. Stephen, glad everything came out OK. A 100 foot tree is no place for a "oops". I just got in from doing a kind of long bid and collecting some money.
Started the job to cut down pines killed from the insect infestation, a prefectural contract. Somebody went through and found the trees, and listed them on a map. There is a red tag along the roadway to indicate where to walk in from. Once down, everything gets cut into one meter lengths, stacked into one cubic meter piles, covered with a sheet and fumigated. Sometimes we'll drive to a spot and hike in for only one tree, and a hassle in more ways than one, but some interesting falling scenarios in thick woods. Stacking the logs is going to give me big muscles, and probably screw up my back royally.

Had a chance to use the capstan winch that Leon recommended, that I purchased from the states.....a very useful tool.
Went to bed at 930, up at 645. That was nice after the 13 hours of sleep total Sun-Wed (damn girls ;)).

:lol: About $6k to get a rebuilt engine, Andy.

I'm actually not hating this work, Steve. If I had a choice I'd have prefered to do it after I had these current jobs done, money in the bank, and September paid for. Saving the money only makes sense, it's just nuts and bolts, albiet a few hundred but still :).

Hope the foot/ankle gets better. I broke my foot the Tuesday after Easter weekend. It was a couple months before I climbed again and even in Cali at the climb my foot kept me from ambling around the canopy very much. It's fairly well straightened not a problem now, thankfully. I was walking with a cane when folks weren't looking (bids and such) for a few days after the event.
I finally got all of the parts for my root pruner. I'm off to the shop to put it together and then do a root pruning and bio-barrier installation.
Well normally I don't get rained out, but the rain combined with lightning, wind, and hail made me call the day early. Soaked.