Too much for me Carl! I'd have junked the damn thing!
So sorry about the foot Andrew, I can relate more than you know!
My foot is better, but I think the knee is worse, I don't know, it just hurts like a bitch to do anything that involves walking or standing today!
My help shined like a star today! I just wish he could understand I'm not only doing this for me but I want to bring him along with me and build something we BOTH can be proud of and make an honest living from. HE pretty much re-decked the trailer, I wasn't worth a shat! I helped load and move the boards but he was the labor. It's done and I am nothing but happy with the way it came out

Went and looked at the concrete job,this fool wants me to pour over the top of an existing brick/concrete pad that at best I will have 3" thick! I spent a GREAT deal of time trying to explain how stupid this is and I cannot/will not guarantee anything for any amount of time! All they are thinking about is selling right now, but WHEN??? I get saving a buck, but this MIGHT last two months?
I called the HO from yesterday with the Hedge TD to make sure he was happy, he was and wanted to make sure we got enough money for doing it, I guess thats a sign of a good job when the HO wants to give you more cash