How'd it go today?

My front brakes on my big truck will probably be close to $1K this winter. I need new drums and I also have a slight air leak somewhere (leaks down to 0 overnight). I cannot even change my own oil in my driveway because my next door neighbor's only purpose in life is to try to get me fined and/or arrested for any and every violation she can possibly report me for. I will gladly go piss on her grave when she dies.
Brake pads are a pretty easy do-it-yourself fix. Next time. I hate taking my cars in for anything; they always give me a list of about $1,000 worth of "recommended" repairs. :roll:

Condo dweller here, no work allowed in the parkade downstairs. Plus its more convenient, I have been using this mechanic for 20 years or so since my first car, he hasnt done me wrong or sold me anything I didnt need. So far :shifty:
Butch......glad to hear truck is rolling again, sorry about the $.

Brian......sorry about your neihbor, hope the cost to fix isn't too much.

Hung in there and tried hard 'till 3 this pm. Then got a hole with a guy I like to work with and we flat kicked it! 17 removals in an hour. I climbed and he ran bucket. (groundsmen watched w/slack (whats happening?) faces until we got on them to start moving and doing what they were supposed to do.

Just love getting the chance to knock out some trees once in a while.
Blah! Just Blah!
My knee has been bugging me for the last three weeks, just seems to get worse every day, I go to bed and it hurts, I wake up and it hurts worse, just an ongoing theme. I guess I need to go to see the Doc. but I can't get excited about having fluid drained (with the chance of a staff infection) AGAIN so they can tell me it's not Gout AGAIN, then to take it easy on it and in another three weeks it goes away mysteriously!:X
Had a good sized TD, thorn less Hedge 36" stump multiple leaders. We dropped the easy ones and cleaned up the wood and brush, five loads of brush, one load of wood, and here comes the HO, "Well you can't leave it like that, that part of the tree has to go to!" Yes sir, I know, we are cleaning this up so we can see what we need to do to get that one down next.
I was loading brush on the trailer with the mini, rolling up the the ramps, drop, then get another load. One of the drive chains breaks on the mini. I figure I can milk it and fight it enough to get the job done then fix it, so we carry on.
I am having trouble getting a large load up, so I step off the back to help push but it wont go so I go to back up and get another run. Bad idea, it comes back and smashes my foot between the bottom of the platform and the ground. Hurts like hell, and yes, it's he same leg as my knee problem:whine: That was 10am.
My help didn't trust my judgment on the way it was going to drop with a pull line and wanted a couple of other limbs dropped. "Get your happy ass up there then, because I am not climbing anything today!" We set the line and puled it like I wanted:lol:
Here comes the HO "Your not going to leave those stumps that high are you?" Jesus man, give it a rest already!
Got it done, he's happy and paid cash.
Got home and liked to never got my boot off, it wasn't as swollen as it is now, but my foot is more than a little mad at me right now!
I hope to get the trailer re-decked tomorrow then look at a concrete job, it's supposed to rain the next week. I think I am going to take a few days off:)
Hang in there man, it only gets either better or worse, if you know what I mean.......sorry about your foot.
Cleared some PO in a couple groves along a driveway today at an estate we do all the time. He had some guys clearing after the machinery was kicked off the property and they can't do PO..:roll: Nor can they trim trees properly. :P
So we got that done and have a dead Pondo to drop in two sections (about 90 foot high) probably a bug kill.. And some willows to just take the obvious dead off of tomorrow...
So I cleaned the grill tonight, cooked dinner, bathed the kids, going to take the grill back and sharpen saws for tomorrow.. :|:

I'll post some pics after I get back from dropping the grill....:|::D
I cannot even change my own oil in my driveway because my next door neighbor's only purpose in life is to try to get me fined and/or arrested for any and every violation she can possibly report me for. I will gladly go piss on her grave when she dies.
Ha ha ha ,you live in a community of butt holes .They ought to be wiped out .:lol:
I just got back from a little take down of a couple of white birch trees. I'm going to put front pads on my PU tomorrow. When I had a leaky tire fixed a week ago the guy said my pads were getting pretty worn.
Goddamn Andy, you can't win for losing.

You need to see a Shaman.

Religion of any sort has been leaving me cold lately, the more I read on the Koran the more it seems to just tie in with Christianity. Maybe I need to go hang with the Indians and have a "vision quest"?:lol:

The last few weeks I've been really questioning if I need to be climbing any more. It just really hurts, and hurts for days, and all I sem to do is tear up another part of my body.
Andy, it sounds like climbing alone isn't going to get you in shape to climb. Maybe supplement with some light exercise? I know, who wants to workout after working all day but it might help. Even do some light stretching and loosen up before you start climbing. You might want to hide around the corner so your co-workers don't have any ammunition for teasing.
Got the engine out and the pump off. Fixing to change the rigging so we can remove the pump's adapter and the fly wheel. Hopefully there'll be enough room to get the cam out with it on the engine stand, otherwise turning it upside might get a bit interesting.
G'luck with it, Carl.

I'm home waiting for the rain to quit. I'm in the middle of trimming a big old nasty laurel oak, still have at least two setups left to finish it. About an hour's worth of work. Worst part is it's over a street intersection so we get to play 'dodge the cars' at the same time.
Fixing to put the engine on the stand and move the show indoors.

That pump weighs as much as Brendon. (161 lbs) :lol: The starting fluid was to clean off the hydro connections before taking them off. We also used it to clean bolts and the female sides of the pumps' connections.

Check out the Stable Braid sling connecting the ratchet strap to the motor mount's bolt.

That's the cam at 1:30-2 from the crank. The flywheel musta weighed near 50lbs, although I haven't weighed it yet. The bell housing bolt at 8:30-8:45 is sheared off, it was one of two that holds that corner's motor mount on.
Went and trimmed a couple of bradford pears a couple of towns away. Hate those things. Have to take the wife to the doctor now, hot outside. Computer says it's 93 but it felt hotter than that.
finished a big hard maple removal this am, 80 footer or so, in a tight yard, everything went well, but after doing so much pruning lately, sans spurs....I hated climbing in them ;)
Another beautifull day here. 22 removals & 8 trims, I'm pretty beat. Glad tomorrow is my last day this week.
Mowed cemetery lawn today :tongue3: and felt like a big dork
Then, to top off insult to injury, so beeotch complained to me about hitting her stupid faded fake flowers with the mower:big-sad2: They were in the way.

Starting to feel like I cannot participate in the TreeHouse 'cause I am not doing tree work full time anymore