Blah! Just Blah!
My knee has been bugging me for the last three weeks, just seems to get worse every day, I go to bed and it hurts, I wake up and it hurts worse, just an ongoing theme. I guess I need to go to see the Doc. but I can't get excited about having fluid drained (with the chance of a staff infection) AGAIN so they can tell me it's not Gout AGAIN, then to take it easy on it and in another three weeks it goes away mysteriously!

Had a good sized TD, thorn less Hedge 36" stump multiple leaders. We dropped the easy ones and cleaned up the wood and brush, five loads of brush, one load of wood, and here comes the HO, "Well you can't leave it like that, that part of the tree has to go to!" Yes sir, I know, we are cleaning this up so we can see what we need to do to get that one down next.
I was loading brush on the trailer with the mini, rolling up the the ramps, drop, then get another load. One of the drive chains breaks on the mini. I figure I can milk it and fight it enough to get the job done then fix it, so we carry on.
I am having trouble getting a large load up, so I step off the back to help push but it wont go so I go to back up and get another run. Bad idea, it comes back and smashes my foot between the bottom of the platform and the ground. Hurts like hell, and yes, it's he same leg as my knee problem

That was 10am.
My help didn't trust my judgment on the way it was going to drop with a pull line and wanted a couple of other limbs dropped. "Get your happy ass up there then, because I am not climbing anything today!" We set the line and puled it like I wanted

Here comes the HO "Your not going to leave those stumps that high are you?" Jesus man, give it a rest already!
Got it done, he's happy and paid cash.
Got home and liked to never got my boot off, it wasn't as swollen as it is now, but my foot is more than a little mad at me right now!
I hope to get the trailer re-decked tomorrow then look at a concrete job, it's supposed to rain the next week. I think I am going to take a few days off