How'd it go today?

Carl, that is far worse than I had envisioned. The guys at the carlton factory might be able to help. They had alot of blown engines on the factory floor.

I pruned at a large bank. I am tired of having to dodge cars and move traffic cones, ready to get in someones backyard again. Utmost respect to you all that work along the road day after day.
Man, climbed coconuts all day today. I'm sure glad I make guys more money in the trees, so I get away with climbing cocos only rarely!

Not much excitement . Went to the bank to investigate an inquiring E-mail which I thought was fictious ,it was .

Made arraingements to rent a big air compresser and 250 foot of hose to blow the sand from my well .That should be interesting .

I'm waiting on a tow truck to take my truck to the shop. Something's gone wrong with my front end. At least I was lucky enough to be pulling out of my driveway when it happened. Man, I bet the repairs ain't gonna be cheap. Hell, it's already cost me a day's pay. :X
Got revenge on two yellow jacket nests. They like to nest in the sawdust piles around the mill. Little did they know that sawdust lacks the structural integrity to support a 20 ton:/: payloader.
Hmmph. Had a 3 to 4 day job lined up to start today, booked through the clients property manager as they live out of country. Then I get a call last night saying not to start the work until they are back in the country later this week. Well what a pita. Ended up with one day off here today which was probably a good thing as I slept 12hrs last night, getting run down a bit. It's all sorted now and we roll in tomorrow am. Just pretty thoughtless imo, like I can just move everything around to accomadate them. There's a language barrier inolved so it didn't get sorted until this morning when I could talk to the property manager.

Hope your truck is nothing to serious MB.
Got a call to go flop some insect demised pines, tomorrow. Everything has to be cut to specific length, the branches included, covered with a tarp and fumigated. Only ten of them. Doesn't that sound like funsville. :|:

'Luck on the truck.
Good luck on the truck MB.

I've had a good day so far. Got our package of goodies in from Wesspur. Dad got a few things and so did I. Spliced a new loopie with the Tenex I got. It should work nicely to mount blocks in the tree.
Bid a job this AM, saw Greg on the way home and stopped to help him load a machine. Called me later saying he's stuck, might blew the head gasket.

Moved the high school cheer leading tumbling mats for the coach, as we could fit four in my truck.

Just ran out for an hour to chip some brush Tim left at a cell tower site.
Ok, but no big deal. Since I brought it both have strange expressions on your faces. You don't look very happy, but maybe you were just tired? I dunno....if it works for you, cool. :)
Yeah, Dad was wearing one of his famous dummy looks that he likes to put on for the camera sometimes. And it was hot/humid as hell that day too, so by the end of the day we were soaked.
Have you checked or replaced the valve guide for the intake of cyl. #4

A bad valve guide will stick the valve, allowing it to hit the piston then hit the pushrod, rocker, lifter out of sequence.

I'd look into that very closely LJ.
I've got Toms' 038 Mag on a leak test .If no leak I'll stick it back together and pump some oil through it .I'll find the freakin leak yet :X

%^%#(^#@ damned thing anyway .:lol:
A bad valve guide will stick the valve, allowing it to hit the piston then hit the pushrod, rocker, lifter out of sequence.

I'd look into that very closely LJ.

The valve is GTG. Talked to the dealer today, he said that he's had an engine that crashed 3-4 times break a rocker stand in the same fashion. He said it's not common, but it's not rare either.

The lifter he's never seen broken aside from a classroom setting, but he said that he agreed with my hypothesis regarding the way the lifter rounded over on the broken edge. He also said check all the lifters, which only makes sense to me.

I knocked down 7 trees between classes to earn some "lunch money" in about 20 minutes. It covered the manual, wrench, and my lunch with a couple bucks to spare. :)

Regarding the engine, I've got all the lines broken, everything else ready to geaux. In the morning I'll grab plugs for all the hydro lines and some eye bolts and nuts to put through the motor mounts to provide solid lifting points. Hopefully by this time tomorrow I'll be declaring I'll start sliding the engine back in "tomorrow afternoon after class."

Hopefully I won't run into any supprises while taking the motor apart. Going to study the manual tonight to try to be prepared for any issues.

Glad your truck issue was fairly straight forward, MB.
I went in for an oil change / lube, ended up with new front brake pads, $260 with taxes.

Brake pads are a pretty easy do-it-yourself fix. Next time. I hate taking my cars in for anything; they always give me a list of about $1,000 worth of "recommended" repairs. :roll: