How'd it go today?

It's finally Friday!!!!

Today was fairly easy. Walked the dog, and going to a movie later. The new Night at the Museum. Dad also bought me a new pair of Stihl chaps. Everyone here is getting on the chaps bandwagon, so I gave my other pair up to a guy with shorter legs, and I got some new, High-vez orange long ones.

Tomorrow is looking nice. I get to run the crew again for a small job while Dad goes out to lunch on a meeting. 3 quick, easy trees, and one that might be a bit challenging.
Just got back from looking at a big white oak removal. I hope I get it!!!

50"ish white oak in the middle of a freshly paved church parking lot. I gave them a sweet price, and it was still 1000 more than the price they were going to do it for. Problem is guy was supposed to come in February, and the tree's still there.

Have fun running the crew for the day Adrian! ( I think I spelled your name right) I wish my dad had his shit together enough for me to want to take part. Family businesses can be really rewarding.
Up early today had some small trees and shrubs to remove around an old ladys house for some weekend money,New (second hand)saw is going great and making me some $$$
Just got back from looking at a big white oak removal. I hope I get it!!!

50"ish white oak in the middle of a freshly paved church parking lot. I gave them a sweet price, and it was still 1000 more than the price they were going to do it for. Problem is guy was supposed to come in February, and the tree's still there.

Have fun running the crew for the day Adrian! ( I think I spelled your name right) I wish my dad had his shit together enough for me to want to take part. Family businesses can be really rewarding.

Thanks Andrew!! It's only going to be one guy since it's such a small job, but the experience it well worth it!!

Hope you get your removal also!
Finished up my big willow today. That bastard had to be atleast 50"dbh. Didn't think the 32" bar was gonna make the basal prune, but seeing as how my saws run like raped apes and are sharp as razors I was able to pull it off.:D

Got to bomb lots of big wood out of that tree it was fun. Cleaning it all up was........well not nearly as much fun.
I went to my Wife's Uncle's funeral this morning, had to give my BIL (who is dying of lung cancer and looks like a cadaver) a ride back to Livermore to the VA hospital. I just pulled out of the hospital and my pickup is making a funny noise and I turn off the air conditioner to see if that makes a difference and BAM kind of big noise and the battery light comes on. The bracket that holds the alternator and power steering pump has come off the motor block and broke off all the bolts into the block. I'm about a hour from home. I call a AAA tow truck and he gets me to a place where I can leave the truck and my son comes and picks me up. I borrowed my Dad's pickup and I"ll rent a car trailer tomorrow and go pick it up.
Not the only one with truck issues today Steve... Lost 1st gear in the Ford tranny today... HILLS SUCK! SO I guess I will be shopping for a tranny:|:

Two jobs today went well and I did an estimate on two TDs Live oak and Blue Oak. Also a limb removal and thinning on a live oak :D

Returned about 10 calls when I got home:|: :P I am friggen beat.

Referred out 8 of 10 for some one else to weed eat....
Have a white oak TD tomorrow little leaner over a garage/barn. :D
ummmm, so how did you post this? Telepathy? :P

Internet on the phone, it sucks, but can get the job done!

Sorry about the truck Steve, had something similar with the air comp on a semi a while back, real messy fix!!

I now have cable again! Every one is happier tonight! They showed up around 11am.
I got my butt handed to me on a GMC 1/ ton. Changed out the front seal, not a terrible job. It came apart easy enough, but putting the harmonic balancer back on, well it all went wrong!! I don't know what idiot engineer thought using a 7/16-20 bolt to hold it/press it on was a good idea, WAS AN IDIOT!!!
Stripped the threads right off the bolt! I took a tap and chased the threads in the crank and got a new bolt. As soon as it was tight, just pulled out again. I got pissed and drilled and tapped it out with a 1/2-13 and put it back together!
3 hour job took 6.
And the wife tells me I have a tree job, show up and do it, no bid, then give the wife the bill, it's her boss:D
Finished up my big willow today. That bastard had to be atleast 50"dbh. Didn't think the 32" bar was gonna make the basal prune, but seeing as how my saws run like raped apes and are sharp as razors I was able to pull it off.:D

Got to bomb lots of big wood out of that tree it was fun. Cleaning it all up was........well not nearly as much fun.

They're about the worst tree to clean up. Looks like nothing on the ground but takes forever, not many left around here now. :)
Old Tom's riding mower went on the blink .Repaired it my disecting two Briggs starters and making one out of them .

Now in just a short I have one of my own to fix .18 HP twin that seems to burn up ignition coils for reasons not apparent to me .:?
A full day of falling today. Frig am I beat man. Beat. Feels good but I'll sure be glad to get back to urban logging, half a day tomorrow will finish the piece. Actually had quite a few nice pumpkins today all fir, maybe two pines all day. It would've been very enjoyable only they have a whacked out plan of limbing the tree entirely and bucking the tops, that grows old fast in wolfy 2nd growth.
Getting my sh@t together to go out of town for a week for an exhibition.
Taking ten pieces hot off the presses. Got to sell some, yakity yack it up with the people that attend.
Today was basically a goof day. Our employee we we're going to call in couldn't find a sitter for the baby, so he stayed home. We ended up going and hanging 5 large hanging plants for a client today, and then heading out to a large farm. By that time, it was late, so we just watered, picked up some brush, and that's about it.

Tomorrow Dad and I are going to do the small job that we were supposed to do today. Just climb everything and pile the brush for a quick chip & go tuesday morning. Should be a good overall day, as long as the rain hold off till lunch.
Such a nice day I haven't seen in some time .High 70's low 80's .

I had little success in getting one of my riding mowers going .At times I just wonder how good of a wrench turner I really am .Frustrating to say the least :(

Burned my slash pile and grilled some dandy steaks on the patio grill . Now ,day is done ,beer thirty on the patio .;)
Thank you, MB. Fortunately, that flu thing hasn't hit the town of Nagoya, where my show is, but it's moving in. Hope people will show up, especially rich people.
Good luck Jay. I went and rescued my pickup in Livermore today. Just got it loaded on the trailer and a tire started leaking on the trailer. Found a tire shop a couple of blocks down the road. Got most of my broke off bolts removed.
Picked up my updated wedgel, did a nice bid, worked for my mother in law this afternoon for her mothers day present, now i'm just kicking. should go work on my presentation for my turf grass class
caught two swarms today.....which turned out to be one. Got the first in a the second in a box....while the first left again. Caught them again and they went in the second box....1 sting:|:post some pics later
I'm not one to buy CDs but I just bought three for my upcoming vacation trip. They should help on those long stretches with nothing good on the radio. Several years ago I remember driving across Kansas on a Sunday. I went about 6-7 hours with only 1-2 stations available at any one time, and most were preachers giving sermons.

Tomorrow I'm going to help put my neighbor's old WWII Willys Jeep on its new frame. The old one rusted in half. A few weeks ago I plucked the body off the frame and they now have everything transferred over to the new frame. Should only take a few minutes with the bucket truck.
Got back from NYC this afternoon. Went to see Cirque de sole (sp) on some island in the city. Very cool show.

Got back to the house and put a new e-brake pedal assembly on the Ford, and fondled my new Log-rite Peavy. Got $40 off because they drilled a hole in the wrong spot. 8)