How'd it go today?

Tomorrow Friday and that means the start to the 3 day weekend!!!

I talked to Jay over at Madsion tree today to get a line on teching or judging for the Ohio comp. Got Dad and myself signed up, so it should be a great day! Also spliced one end of my new AFS. Making this one out of Blue Streak. My last one didn't turn out too hot(pulled some small strands that make up each large strand of 16 strand, safe but not something I would show off) I figured it's only $15 for some new rope, so why not just redo that part. So far, so good!
I scraped my driveway with my john deere and a box scraper and a neighbor I never had met hired me to do his driveway. My grandson came by for a visit. I met a customer who had some questions about a job we did back in January. Said he hadn't received the bill (I thought he had paid) so I rebilled that one.
I took the day off, and went to a funeral for my "Cousin" Junior's funeral. I also finally got around to resizing the pictures of my Mosin Nagant, that I refinished the stock on it.


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Cool gun, what is it?

... Mosin Nagant...

It's a 91/30 Hex Receiver(the receiver/action) itself from the Izhevsk arsenal dated somewhere around 1930-1935. The front site is dated from around the later part of WWII being as it's a welded variant. The stock is also later WWII to post WWII as the sling slots are pressed in. The barrel bands are dated anywhere between 1932 and 1945 as they are called split bands(no mechanical fastener to hold them together). The stock nose cap is a later version rounded variant.

... And Butch read(had an understanding of) what I wrote.... :P

Just razzing you Steve! :)
I wonder if it's ever killed anyone?

Two spruce, one birch, and half of a big ass willow bit the dust today. Tomorrow the other half of the willow will be dealt it's final blow.:evil:
planted some more today. 18 - 8 foot Thuja occ. Smaragd, yesterday we planted 5 4cm caliper prunuspissardi. now off to make the bill :D


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That does look nice Paul. Did you plan that out?
Cybergeek (razzing me, I swear:what:) on the gun what's the caliber and was it a military gun somewhere?
Just finished up my new AFS. I'm much happier with the results this time. Still have to whip and stitch it, but other than that I'm good.

I ended up breaking my favorite wire fid though on this one:whine:. It was just the right length, perfect for most everything.
Nice. I never get to plant anything. :(

You want a daylily? I'll send you one. :)

Today just got done. I came in at 9:30, warmed up a leftover 'chicken strip' and some green beans. Have a half a glass of wine and four Hershey kisses. Pretty well rounded meal, I'd say.

I was so ticked off today. I put up two cattle panels upright like a fence over a week ago, I think. At every vertical wire I put in three half runner beans. Exactly three. Perfectly spaced....carefully covered with soil and watered in with loving care. Then I waited. And waited. Nothing. So today I dug around and all I found along the whole stretch was a continuous tunnel. I got VOLES!! Nasty creatures ate every single seed.
That does look nice Paul. Did you plan that out?

Ste, I did a bid based on the cedars at 4 foot spacing then 8 feet to the plums, repeat. They wanted slightly lower budget so we changed it to 6 feet for the cedars and 10 feet for the plums. Project approved.

then I get to meet them at the nursery (not a common thing for me, I try to avoid it unless I am getting paid for my time there) and she picks bigger cedars than spec'd, I had bid for 6 footers and she wanted eight footers, her husband shrugged, I said sure but we will have to raise the cost of course, I got no complaint and just went ahead and did it, now I am trying to figure what to charge. :)
Did 1 1/2 jobs today just Rob and I... Have to get on the phone and get the billing done on the one. Kinda bummed out tonight.. I remembered a client of ours gave me $200.00 up front for another clients job. Just a thank you for some stuff he did for her husband. So I am supposed to take $200.00 off his bill when I start the job soon. Ummm where is it? I musta found a safe place or someplace to put it 'cause I can't find it anywhere. I won't put prepay in my account, I hold it till I bill and then pay myself. I guess I get to do $200.00 worth of work with out realizing the money.. My fault but dang that bumms me out. :( Not like the shat grows on trees:|:
Did some dirt work around the house since it was finally dry. All was good until I hit the damn cable line! No phone, no tv, no internet! My name is mudd tonite! I'll be back on sometime tomorow.
Removed three small white pines (two 12", one 18"). Got done around 12:00. Groundie was draggin' ass today.:X

Now I go to look at a big white oak take down. :D :D
yeah the bees swarmed the following day at the same time. They landed in a small dogwood despite the fact I have three swarm traps....oh well, it was an easy catch....

Pruned a maple and slayed a poplar. Had to move the truck 9 times on the second job. We are working at a house that has been under sonstruction for four years at a cost of 8 million:O that does not include the lot and the landscapeing. So we go by the hour wether we are climbing or moving trucks

.........once again the wraptor is awesome8)