How'd it go today?

I'm not one to buy CDs but I just bought three for my upcoming vacation trip.....

Tomorrow I'm going to help put my neighbor's old WWII Willys Jeep on its new frame.....


About helping the neigbor, not buying the cd's that is.

I've got two words for you Satellite Radio. I'm a lifetime subscriber now and have had it for 5 years I think. I love it still.8)
I always thought a book on tape/CD would be good for a cross country drive. I tried it when I was commuting but my mind was always wandering or I was in too much traffic.
I like the stories, just finished listening to Mike Huckabees book. if the man is half of what he says I will vote for him next time
On Thursday and Friday of this past week. I worked for a dude who was 94 and living on his own on a 25 acre hobby farm. When I finished up and was leaving on Friday he was mowing the lawn. Freaking amazing, said he has no known ailments or chronic pain whatsoever. I dunno if I beleive him but that's what he said. I mean I beleive he's 94 because I met his kids, grandkids, and great granchildren who all stopped by to see the spectacle of treework.

I was blown away.
Slayed a small oak over a barn today. Katy came with me to groundie for me. Teaching her some rigging things as she has not had a lot of time doing it with me. Mostly lowering and zip lines. Then dropped another very dead white oak. Butchered them up for the HO and went to check on Rob and Wyatt at the other job just down the road in one of the gated communities. Job had grown so I donned a brush cutter and made it finish out quick to get back where I had just been. They wanted the fox tails cut and gone. All and all a good day. Katy took some pics and I did too.. See how they came out here in a few.
I helped my paint and body buddy set the Jeep body back on the new frame today. It's a rusted out piece of junk but my neighbor John really loves it. The frame broke in half last winter and they've about got it back together again.
I have a love hate relationship with those jeeps Brian! I think they look neat as hell, but I sure hate working on the engines!
It sure looks good!
I put up a ceiling fan in my bedroom this morning, and I've got gun parts cooling in the oven now. I'm watching We Are Marshall since the race is rained out, and am enjoying Gin Bucks and Natty Light here tonight. :D
We worked on the rock wall today. I was able to do my second favorite activity besides tree climbing: operating machines!! Today it was the skid steer. Used it to move the larger rocks around. Other than working on the wall, I mowed the cat client's lawn today.

Today also marks the time when I can now get my intermediate license. Any day after today, we schedule my drivers test, and if I pass, I get my intermediate license, which means I can drive by myself when I get it!!
Just another day at the retirement village doing boring garden work,applied for a position on a tree crew but not enough experience the owner said.
I helped my paint and body buddy set the Jeep body back on the new frame today. It's a rusted out piece of junk but my neighbor John really loves it. The frame broke in half last winter and they've about got it back together again.
Interesting .Jeeps were one of my departed pappys' passion .After he retired he did at least 12-15 total frame off restorations . One of them,1946 CJ 2A was purchased by a guy from Texas who drove that thing there on the interstate .Took him 4 days .

The last one he ever did is sitting in his barn as I type .
Today kinda of turned into a short one. Had some extra help so we were going to blast some weeds down today. Got one donein 2.5 hours, got off to the next one and ran into a weeeeee problem......
No park or reverse. Tranny stuck in drive. :P Knew it was coming. Oh well back to the phone banks for me to find a replacement.:|:
At least I could get home :D
Lazy day here. I never left the house except to mow the lawn earlier. Napped for an hour this afternoon and now it's raining again (with lots of lightning and thunder). I called tomorrow's job for an address and he hasn't been able to contact the property owner for a week so it's a no-go it seems.

I definitely have the lazies today. I wouldn't mind if all my jobs for the week canceled.

Al, if you ever want to get rid of that Jeep, let me know.
80 Degrees here, awesome day for the graduation party we went to. I bbqed 70 burgers! Also welded the cheesy fenders on my trailer that I need to replace, built a movable pvc sprinkler and need to go plug the front lawns
Ah, today was good. Slept in till 9, ate breakfest, went bowling, had a great memorial day lunch with Grandma over here.

Only downer today was I had to finished my 1600 word paper for English. Our last major assignment before schools out besides finals. And now that its done, I can finally begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Summer, here I come!8)
Crappy, crappy day. (I'm watching my language, Butch)

Crinkly old sun hag of a waitress gave me a senior citizen discount today.

It got worse when I googled it and found out their discount starts at SIXTY!!!!!!! :X
Hahaha, sry for laughing.

Today was great weather. Washed the moped quick, then washed the Ford while I had the stuff out. Took the moped 20+ miles to a buddies house. Went to drive it home and it started acting funny, so I got a ride back...time for a big bore kit? :evil:
Few years back I was in Ft Laurderdale with the Mrs and son and we went into a restaraunt to get some brunch just because we were on vacation. We had already had breakfast so we ordered 1 meal and shared it. Those of you that have met me might have noticed that I am no fashion model. I asked for the check and the waitress said dont worry about it:? I then looked around at all the fancy clothes + cars and realized she thought we were homeless and couldnt afford 2 meals:lol: She got a fat tip
Hahaha, sry for laughing.

No you're not, neither was my husband when HE was laughing. :what:

Thank YOU, Brian. I didn't stiff her....but I did say bad things about her behind her back. THAT should teach her.

I also contemplated buying some hair coloring. But I got over it. :P
Few years back I was in Ft Laurderdale with the Mrs and son and we went into a restaraunt to get some brunch just because we were on vacation. We had already had breakfast so we ordered 1 meal and shared it. Those of you that have met me might have noticed that I am no fashion model. I asked for the check and the waitress said dont worry about it:? I then looked around at all the fancy clothes + cars and realized she thought we were homeless and couldnt afford 2 meals:lol: She got a fat tip

Ha! Well, at least her intentions were good. :)
Good news little while ago. Local guy whose daughter used to watch the boys is a tranny guy and he can fit me in after a couple days and maybe get the truck done within a week. Leaves me one for a buffer :) Price was right too. Soooooooo the van goes to work for a while and then off to June thing :)