How'd it go today?

DR gave me some issues today right when I really needed it. In this green high grass mixed with small brush it is a god send. Of course the blade clutch stopped working right when I needed it most:roll: Back to brush cutters :|:
I pretty much figured it was a quick repair, just did not have the part with me or anyway to bypass the dang switch.. Fixed it in 10 minutes when I got home.
Felt like a Massachusetts inland July today :P Some of the help did not show today so they aren't going to be asked to from here out. One no show and I move on unless they have a really good excuse. Talked to them in AM and no showed, but did show some where else to work for someone else.. D O N E! Small town, don't try to mess with me. NP lots of hungry people to chose from and I am booked solid to Sept. NEXT PLEASE! Thunderstorms today up in high country, you could hear them .... Might make for an interesting fire season this keep up :/: Canceling a clients spot of two days this month to off set my labor issue this week, but she will work with me NP ;)
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If you're booked through September then maybe it might be time to bump your rates up 3%-5%. Working like a dog sucks when you're not getting paid very well and there's no end in sight.
Just got home from seeing Star Trek. Decent flick, I didn't see the origin of the plot coming at all! Probably a 6 1/2 out of 10.
Went with the new neighbor, nice guy going through a divorce. It was a good time for both of us.
I saw it last night. Its as good as anything else these days but a little lacking in plot and character development.
I need to look it up, Ahab seems a little too familiar!

Edit: nope, we thought Nero was played by Christian Slater, we were wrong!
Lost another softball game tonight, we officially suck. It stinks cause we have an excellent defensive team, just can't get the sticks hot.

Team moral is slipping quick

Got the 450 road ready and hauled a load of logs. waiting on a quote from the welder for fab work. He was talking like it might be cheaper just to skin it with metal than wood. We will see tomorrow.
My truck blew a brake cylinder, I usually do most work myself but not brakes.

Put it into a good place, got a call tonight $1020, they needed doing. :( Ready lunchtime tomorrow, now it's raining. :whine:
Brakes are pretty straight forward over here, although some drum brake's springs can be a bit stiff at times.

This morning I drove to various jobs to see which were dry enough to do. Lucky me, none of them are really "dry." It looks like I'll do my only roadside job tomorrow.

This afternoon I'm finishing up the AC cages. I got one skinned, headed to get the paint before my commercial sales guy (discount) goes home for the day.

I'm going to swing by the weld shop and see if they have an auto helment that they demo or if they take returns. I aint plunking down $350-400 for a helment until I see a weld through it.
I'm going to swing by the weld shop and see if they have an auto helment that they demo or if they take returns. I aint plunking down $350-400 for a helment until I see a weld through it.

I wouldn't pay that for a hood period! $100-150 is a good enough hood for me!
Today was a great day. 1st day of a 130 piece landscape install around a pool. Hopefully my following days of work on this job go just as smooth.
Dug/washed daylilies for orders til 9....fed herd....walked up and down the wooded hills for a couple hours looking for a cow that probably was calving and I haven't seen in days, figured I may have to start looking for buzzards....trimmed/labeled/boxed daylilies and went into post office....did grocery shopping....helped disconnect feeder and attach mower (hay season) to JD....FOUND COW AND CALF....happy and healthy. Hooray.

Now my feet hurt and I'm tired.
I've got an old Huntsman, a '97, same year I got my wire-welder. It's been good, but the lens is somewhat screwed up. I used one at work yesterday, a 3M, I think it was a Speedglas or something. Wide field of view, and lighter than a shade 5 when you're not welding. It's also got sensitivity and darkness adjustments. The hood itself is a bit clunky, I like the Huntsman better, but the 3M only fits in the 3M hood.
I had a blast today, despite the day starting out nice and turning to crap. I've got a right of way falling gig lined up for this weekend I'm pretty excited about. Went and looked at it this afternoon and it's going to be pretty easy going. Dude was unhappy with the last company he had working on it, who just happen to be one of my competitors. No doubt they were unhappy, looks like a total rookie was making the cuts on the stumps I seen. He'll be seeing a big difference in production and the lay of the timber too. 8)
Cruised the woods a bit .I've got some wind falls to take care of it appears .

I'll get on it a few weeks ,it should be dry by then unless we get a monsoon or two .In Ohio you never know .
Ok day in school. Just another boring day ,since summer is only 3 weeks away!

Just learned today that this Saturday, instead of the spike job, we're going out to a job that involves cutting down some crab apples. They also have a big Bur Oak, over 250 years old I would say. I'd say 75' tall, 120' wide. After the crap apples, we're going to use it as a training tree. Dad and I are going to teach our best employee some climbing basics and hopefully get him started down the road to full time climber.