How'd it go today?

You don't need the boot. Just lick your fingers and grab hold of the wire on top of the plug when you want to shut the saw off. :P
Willie, How much did you have to give for the materials in your box? Give me a guess on the weight of those panels please.

I honestly don't remember either. Weight sould be easy to calculate on line, hmmmm, 700 pounds just came to mind, maybe. Any decent local fab shop should be able to quote you on all that, although most don't have a brake big enough they should be able to send it out
Today just got better!!! Dad went to do a bid on a possible $100,000 planting job!! Granted, 3/4 to 1/3 of that is materials, but that is a very sizable chunk of cash!!!! Job would start in September, and would take around a month or so to do. Hard labor and machine work is about even, since a lot of the work involves plant boxes.

Another interesting point, we're bidding against an old landscape designer we used to do installs for that tried to screw us out of a ton of $$$.
Hope your dad lands it Adrian just for the principle of it ;)

I am over at my Mom's right now.. Brought the kids over for a visit. Katy and Rob went down to Fresno to see Aunt Sheila and the kids are not allowed in. So this was a good solution as they get to visit Grandma and Grandpa. Bought a new Brush Cutter today to replace the one that gave out. Got home and tried it out. Worked nicely and I will probably buy one more in a month. Mom found an old essay my sister wrote for college about the tree house we had when we were kids. I will post it after I get it home. It's pretty cool to read again after all these years.
Nice to have a day off.
The estimate I did today did not pan out. Guy pretty much wanted me to work for wood and I refused of course. Told him if everyone else flaked out to call me Oct to schedule the removal. About 3 cord of wood on the ground. If I can fill my wood orders from there in my slow season I might consider doing it if I am payed to brush it out. See what happens..... Pretty central to my delivery area and very accessable.
Just had a customer call me up drunk to argue. Says I didnt get the stump low enough. So i apologized and said I would be out 1st thing tomottow morning to see to it what he was happy. that made him angrier and he argued more. I dont know what point he was trying to make. Just kept going in circles. the conversation ended poorly. There was no appeasing him and he just started taking personal shots at me and kept babbling.

I'll slip by his house tomorrow and take another swipe at the stump while no one is home but I will never deal with him again.
Yup, no rain, no wind, no storms blowing up! It was a nice sunny day, caught 11 crappie! Boy do I need to relearn how to fillet fish:lol:
I hope to get to take the boy next weekend. It will either be a blast or I will come home bald!
I went and visited my parents and then got all my stuff ready for tomorrow morning. Saws sharpened, truck dumped, tractor loaded up, and I blew out the air filter on the chipper (I noticed it was smoking a little extra the last time I used it).
Since I've only got 2 weeks until it's time to boogy, and I wantto get a large (5-6 day) job done next week, I'm looking at grapple buckets for the tractor. We're/I'm removing 15 trees and it may take too long to load that many trunks with the mini.

Prices look like they run from $1400 to $2200 on Ebay, I know I want a solid bottom and 2 independent tines.

I might see what materials would cost, or I might just use the mini or rent a skid steer, we'll see. :)

545lbs so far w/o weld. 1/2" plate for the grapple, 3/8" back plate, 1/4" bottom and bottom back plate (bevel piece). 72" wide, 36" back to tip, and 30" tall. I can get it under 500 after I get the spacing on the tractor's loader and make the rest of the back 1/4"

With a 4' log:
Carlos, one place I worked at years ago had a tractor with a bucket that had two sockets on the lower lip, inside the bucket, to insert pallet forks in to, would that be something worth working in to your design/build?
Na, I got pallet forks for the mini that are still at a job (where I didn't use them) I did a year ago this month. (No one lives at the house, nothing has changed at the house over the past year except the lawn guy keeps the grass cut.) Good idea, I just don't use them.

This morning I knocked out a tree that was listing from a storm a month ago, dropped 6 trees for another customer, now I'm grabbing something to drink/eat and I'm headed to knock out the third job of the day which is grinding 6 stumps in Alabama.

For a Monday it has been a good $$$ day, so far :)
pulled over that ugly tree today, literally. Put my 50,000lbs line on it and snapped it off, didnt have to pull much. The customer agreed that it was a good thing I didnt climb it:|:


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Wow, so you just snapped it off at the base??

I had a good day today, but Dad had a bad one. For those that remember my Ash Tree Removal video, Dad got stuck with getting that stump out today. 6 hours, a backhoe, and a number of different saws, and that stump was finally out.

A pic of the stump before we felled the stem. This is the best pic I have to show what he had to deal with. Course Removals/IMG_0451.jpg
Sheesh! Bunch of U G L Y stuff!!!!
Too windy to fish, too windy to climb. I did fix a mower, whoo hoo, busy day:roll:
Went to the eye doctor for a check-up. I have ocular hypertension, something I inherited from my parents, thank you. He gave me some new eye drops, that I have to wash my face immediately after application, or it will turn my skin black, he said. :O Had a good hambugee on the way home, with onion rings. The waitress is cute, my type.
I took out a cottonwood for the Army Corps today at one of their parks. They added on a little more work, I return on Wednesday for that. My daughters came from SF and kidnapped their Mom and took her shopping and goofing off.
Nice spear! ;)

Couldn't get a stump grinder in there? :?

Nope. Stump sat on a it's on little island of roots a couple of feet from the edge of the bank. No way to get a stump grinder in there.

Good thing Dad had a carbide-tipped chain I think it's called. $200 for a 36" chain, but it's perfect for this type of work.
Well, today went great. I started building a corral out of green black locust timbers. They are damn heavy, and they didn't want to get planted squarely, so I built a timber wrench out of heavy wall 4" sq. tube. It hangs on the post and you give it a tug with the excavator. Got most of it in, but had to give up, waiting on locating some underground utilities.

I got a call this morning for some compost, so I meet the guy after work to check out the delivery. Everything looked good, so I go home, get the farms silage truck out and load up about ten yards of wet compost. I get to the delivery site, and just as I am backing into the dump spot, I find a hidden mud hole, the truck gets buried up to the axle, then I see smoke coming out from under the truck, try to dump, but the hose blows, spraying oil all over the fire.:\: I dump a jug of water on the fire, and it settles down to a nice glowing pile of embers.:what: It only took about an hour to shovel the 92 million pounds of compost off so that their tractor could push me out. All in all, I consider it a smashing success. Normally, with my luck, the truck would have burnt to a crisp, probably 900 miles from home, the haz-mat team would have shown up and hauled 8,000 yards of dirt away, the home owner would have a team of lawyers sueing me, and the guy wouldn't have paid me for the compost.:lol: