How'd it go today?

Went and got a late start today... Was supposed to be a day off but.... So I weed-whacked an old account.. One of our first clearing jobs for a house move in...when we went full time. Took Levi with us to give momma a break. Then off to another account and weed-whacked. He is the owner of a towing company and mechanics/tire shop. I owed him a bit more time on the last pair of tires I bought... Tipped the scales in the barter in my favor. I still have his shop, horse pasture and some oaks to clean up for him to do yet. I am truly making out on the deal. :) Nice to be able to tell Katy to just take it into the shop and have it done.. He does some welding for me too ;) And, so far, I have never had to wait in line :D
Came home and left everyone here to go get a burn done in the fire zone... Pulled a permit on it this morning and got er done... Nice to see some green come back up there. I finally took some pics from one account when I was there and I think I will post them tonight or something.. Came home to 4 more phone calls ... :D
I will gladly pay you tuesday for a cheeseburger today!

I went out and sold 4g in work tonight.:)
Damm Squish, I'm offically jealous of a Canadian. This can't be happening. I sold a, well I didn't sell anything, I spent like two hours and got a maybe on a $600 job. The gardner might take out the bushes and cut it down to $450. Plus she was chatty as all hell, and I went there once about 4:30 and she wasn't home, I'm heading home and my wife calls and says she is home and I get back there and she is over BSing with the neighbor and I go knock on her door and she doesn't come over until I'm getting ready to leave the second time. I have a nice job for tomorrow and one of my guys just called and said he might not be able to help tomorrow because he has no one to watch his son. On the way home something started rattling on the motor and it was loose where the exhaust pipe bolts onto the exhaust manifold. It was too hot and I had the bid to do anyway. By the time I got back from miss chatty it was too late to fix the exhaust pipe thing so I have that to do in the morning before I go to the Post Office and trim their trees.
Rough day bro.....


Never mind on the pics in the aforementioned post... They were too dark due to the camera I was using.. Make mental note... Switch cameras in truck tomorrow :P @#$%%%@@&^^@&@&*(*&(@&^*&^*#&^*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:X
I'm just a lucky mofo. I did a half day job for this rich dude two years ago. Calls wants to re-prune a couple of willows to get his lakeview back to how he likes it. While I'm there going over things with him he asks how busy I am. I say 'Well I'm booked a couple weeks out but I'd like it to be more'. He suggests we drive over to one of his other properties and boom a tidy little bit of work at straight day/hourly rates.:)
I've been booked with work since I could drive (mostly mowing and landscape/mulch jobs). I did a small prune job last Friday and took the weekend off to go 4 wheeling in Indiana. I have a big job coming up this weekend that will take most of the weekend (will get lots of pictures).
Got the big news today, the c-section got moved up to friday at 10am:D

I'm only working one more day to tie up loose ends and make sure the guys have enough work while I'm gone. Thurs we have a Dr. appointment and I'll be doing all the last minute errands.

If ya don't hear from me you know where I'll be;)

these are the before and after pics:/:


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Took down three tall skinny dead yellow pines in a TIGHT spot today. Powerlines along one side, other slightly shorter trees were surrounding all of them, tons of nice dogwoods underneath... made for a long process.

One was lucky enough to have a taller tulip next to it, so we GRCS'd the whole tree, and chunked it as it was lowered, the other two had to be climbed and taken in itty bitty pieces.

For one of the tops, I couldn't get as high as I needed because of how dead it was, so I had to take it a little big, which left only one place, and that place had other targets.

Joe, the guy standing up holding the saw, had the idea of making this web to catch the piece and hold it off the ground, so it wouldn't crush a rhododendron and a bench.


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I was supposed to kill a medium Elm today, but the rain never stopped! Hopefully it will let up a little tomorrow?
Went to Vermeer and finally sucked it up and bought a throw line and weight. I am not that interested in climbing a slimy Elm in this wet weather and need to set a pull rope.
I couldn't see spending the money they wanted for the bags or cubes so I went to Walmart and found a collapsible bag that I think will work well for $5. It's called the Bajer Multi-purpose sorter. It doesn't fold as neatly as the cube, but works, I hope. But I can't find a link for it!
I am hoping to get some fishing in tomorrow as well, got my fishing license today, they have a "three pole permit" add on this year, yeah, I got it!!!! But Bubba is getting sick so........................
Yeah... I hadn't really thought about the web being hard on the rope in a shock load kind of way...

There were a lot of places for the rope to stretch and a lot of rope involved as well, so I bet the shock loading wasn't that bad. I also took as small a piece as I could, and dead yellow pine is light.