How'd it go today?

Got my new glasses last night, broke them last night:cry:
Went with the wife and Bubba to check out the new YMCA, I guess we are getting a membership (I need it) for the family deal and Bubba is going to start swimming lessons this summer.
Then we went to the Zoo for the wifes work thingy. It sucked! Cold and drizzle the whole time! I'm beat!
The neighbor kids are trying to talk me into going catfishing tonight. It's too cold and I'm too tired!
Heres the last home show I went to, I remember Jay complementing the fine craftsmanship of my chair:/:


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Cool deal Willie!:D

I was Mr. stumpgrinder man today.;) I like grinding days..... easy money and I get to keep my feet on the ground all day.;)
Yeah, I wasn't very pleasant when I went back in today with them!
They put some heat shrink tubing on them to hold it together and ordered me a new pair.
The only productive thing I did was a couple of bids. I took the kid to a birthday party in the evening. She is getting to be such a bright young lady and we can talk about so much more these days. She's still only five.
My daughter had a rough weekend. She flew to Brazil with 2 co-workers on Saturday night, got to Brazil on Sunday morning and the Brazilian government would not let them in the country. The government said they did not have the right work visa's. Because of a language barrier, they deported them right back to the states. Cost her company 26,000.00 dollars for the wasted trip.
That's a bummer Gigi. Immigration people, they seem to be a different species of humanoid.

Yeah, she said they would not even talk to them for hours and when they got up, they were pointed to sit back down. MB, they flew them first class at like 8 grand a pop. Crazy huh?
The past few days have been ka-ray-zee.

Friday morning was the MAA arbor day, good times lots of work got done, good BBQ and a band.

Then I drove out to western Mass for the NEC-ISA climbing competition. Helped with set up, went to a judges meeting and then to dinner. Stayed at the hotel bar way too long then got up way too early:cry: teched all day at the comp, hung around to watch the masters, drove the two hours home exausted and got home just in time to watch the Celtics win! I spent yesterday on the couch and running errands with my very pregnant wife:)

Tough but rewarding weekend. AND I got to hang with Scott inztrees, who is one of the funniest mofo's I ever met!
Today sucks. It's one of those days when you wake up and it's that horrible mist rain. Then I wonder if I just should of went to work slipping and sliding up in the tree getting soaked. Hmm na.

Went to the bank, then called on my trailer. It's done waiting to get shipped from OH to PA.