How'd it go today?

I killed a white birch with almost no LZ, between two houses with a fence. Had to squeeze the stumpgrinder in there too.
Do we have pictures of the new trailer Brendon?
I'll have a pretty good setup for the future after the arrival of the trailer. Only thing missing is a Wraptor and a saw or two. No pics yet, probably pick it up this weekend or next week.
Today I met with the girl from the Audubon Society at the house where I cut down the owl nest last week. I hung an owl box in the tree next to where I had cut the other limb off, then we put mama and the babies back in it. Here's a couple pictures of the mama owl getting put in her new home.
Good day-I lived and looked good doing it. I'm removing a Cottonwood in a small backyard. I got it topped out to a spar today. All day on gaffs on a Monday. I think I'm losing all sense of planning and propiety.
That's pretty neat, Brian! :thumbup:

I took down two rotten elms in a small backyard this morning. The Spiderlift made it easy-peasy. :D
I wrecked 2 old birch that were topped a few years back and never recovered. I got the job because of my new little lift! No one else wanted to climb the rotton thing and couldn't get the big trucks in the driveway. We got out of there before the rain and wind got to going hard and heavy
Killed a chestnut today that was sprawling over a garage, fence, and fancy tiled area, had me thinking hard about a grcs, and then two scabby little wrecked parking lot trees got shoved through the chipper. All and all not a bad day, back to the exciting world of chipping tomorrow though.:D
Took down a good sized Locust today from inside a hemlock grove/hedge. Lifted all the limbs whole and speedlined em' over the tops of the hemlocks. Eliminated the inevitable snagging of limbs that would have happened if I hadn't been able to lift everything. The main leader was high up enough to jump over and into the yard with a humbolt cut. :D

Took out five hemlocks at the second job, and got a couple calls. Chipper is having trouble starting again though... It's doing the click, no start thing again, so you just keep trying until it fires up. I bet that sensor has just about kicked the bucket.
Worked on 2 bids for high dollar planting jobs today. One I think I might have locked up, the other I might walk away from. This middle eastern lady is breaking my stones BAD. First she beat me up on the price per tree and i allowed it to happen because I am trying to keep the trucks out and moving. Next she beats me up on the height of the tree I brought her to look at as a guinea pig.."This is 4 foot one inch and you said they would be 4 to 5 feet, why did you bring me a small one?"
Now she wants me to warranty the trees for 1 year like Home depot did for her a few years ago.....Ummmm, NO.
This lady is just one of those that when all is said and done she will leave you shirtless. She words things very cunning like. Well spoken and quick with a response. We have had 5 conversations on the phone and 3 visits to her house so far. She wont give me a figure on how many trees she wants to border the property with. Keeps telling me that my price will dictate the number of trees. I keep telling her the number of trees will persuade my price. My gut says in the end she will screw the shat out of me and I should take a bow and split now before money changes hands.
Tucker, run away quickly! She has already shown that she has no desire to see you make money, she only wants to wring everything out of you that she can. If you lose your ass then she will be happy. Listen to your gut.
If you do bid it, just bid it high and stick to your numbers. Don't let her beat you down on prices because you really don't want her business anyway. She thinks she can beat you down because you need her more than she needs you. Once you've shown that you don't need her, she might realize that maybe she does want your services a little more than she implied.
She already beat me down and she has my ass-whipped prices in her hand. Now she's going for the accessories. I'm gonna bail before I regret it. I let her get the upper hand already and she's getting aggressive FAST. My mistake but thats it, over. I would roll the dice and throw her on the schedule if times were great but they arent in my neck of the woods and I cant be taking risky work that could hurt me.
Middle eastern you say....

Not sure about there, but some cultures aren't happy until they get their rocks off by talking you down, and with the hardcore types, there is never by too much. There are different ways to handle it. Too bad you let it get to the point where you can either do the job while regretting, or bail. With all due respect, it sounds like you need to get a bit smarter on doing business with various types, such as her. If the bottom line is that she won't respond fairly to you being honest about what you need to get, walk for sure. People like that tend to be very set in their ways, from my experience.

She may not know that from your perspective, from most people's in the states probably, she is being unreasonable. Some folks can be surprisingly dumb about that, living in their own little bubble.