How'd it go today?

Went to take down a cherry and prune a Chinese chestnut. Cherry was alive, so we left it for later inspection. The chestnut ended up taking 5 hours to prune (3 hours longer than anticipated). It still ended up being a fine day since it was just me and my brother working, and the chestnut looks great. The damn canker blight will probably still claim it in a few years though. Beautiful tree... it's a damn shame.
Got my butt kickedtrying to build a tooth bar for the mini. The cutting edge just crystalizes when welded and makes a brittle joint.
I am going to have to fab something to weld on the teeth to get any strength. But at least it's warm here!!
one of my guys left me a voice mail at 1:30 this am saying he got his jeep stuck in the woods and didnt know if hed be into work:/ i cancelled the first job and waited, bout noon he called said he just got back to town. i said great ive got an afternoon job for youto do!:lol:
I'd make him pay dearly for having to reschedule a customer based on his stupidity. :P
Re: toothbar. Have you tried a manganese type rod for that? I have a tube of Stulz rod for that type of work, it seems to glue that type of steel up nicely, but is expensive. Properly dried 7018 works, sometimes. It is amazing what it takes to really properly store 7018 rod.
Still planning for this tree... I'm kind of excited. It'll be a good challenge I think. I'm starting to wonder about getting a crane. It's already such a small street, so full road closure will probably be the way to go.


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boy, a lot of variables for a crane.
road closure is a given, (outrigger width will get ya every time.)
might have to get the po-lice involved, if you close a road that does not have other access, big legal issues if you don't alert law enforcement. (Think ambulance) been down that road, glad I had cops involved.

laydown area / work area. lot of wood and brush in that bad boy.

get a crane.

I am SO jealous. :|:

gonna be sweet. they're easy in a yard, lets play in traffic!!:D
Dang that looks like a great job to get ... Living out here in the country we have never had a street job, save for chipping on the side of a street.
Well today went well... burned the chit out of a bunch of brush piles. Snow held off for most the day and we only had flurries to deal with from time to time and a fire or two or three..... to keep warm by. I took some pics of the first job and then the batteries gave out. I'll post them over in the pic thread. Gawd I love being paid for being a pyro:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Cold no ice, no snow. We have power and cable tv but no net for the last few hours? Typing this on the phone which pisses me off btw!

Edit, got the phone to finally work as a modem for the pc, a little better.
well my buddy and his wife just got home from korea where they adopted a 8month old boy!! good day in my book
Today I was a sack. I brought in the Christmas tree and set it up, folded laundry while watching Jerry's Working Climber DVD with Haley. She kept asking if Jerry was a better climber than me. Kids are great. I told her the truth.