How'd it go today?

Went shopping today, actually the crowds weren't to bad. Bumped into a couple of old friends and I would even go so far as to say I had not a bad time. Might even try shopping year.:D
Congrats OTG!!!!!!

I'm tired!! Pushed snow until 10, went an built the steps, got a call while working them. Finished the steps, came home unloadedsome tools, grabed some more. I got to go work on a hot water heater in a trailer house. It works now, I really don't wish to discuss it much further!!:cry:
2 dead sourwoods, 1 decayed White Pine, 1 dead Oak, 11 stumps...........three broken stumpgrinder teeth, broken BMG grapple.......welder in the am:D....................PRICELESS
cold but good, got the dump bed off the equipment trailer, wood piles moved, more split, finished putting together one of my trucks and am eating ginger bread that my wifes making
otg, awesome! this has to be some sort of a fertility spike, trevin, my little guy, tree guys wife, nate, two for you, who else is knocked up, I forget...
And we cant forget little Haley :)
otg, awesome! this has to be some sort of a fertility spike, trevin, my little guy, tree guys wife, nate, two for you, who else is knocked up, I forget...

Well....I wasn't going to mention it but............................No......can't even PRETEND! :O
It got above freezing today.:big-dance2: I bid a job this AM and did three little ones this afternoon. Wading snow, but it wasn't cold. The high Monday according to my thermometor was 4*F.
So far so good, we all got up at 0800, I showered then we made bacon, scrambled eggs and hashbrowns for breakfast, played with Bub, put Bub down for a nap, wife showered, I took a pseudo nap for an hour. Now fixing to walk up to the mall in sub zero temps to get a couple gifts. Wife is headed to Toy R Us down the highway a bit, I can go get her gift and get it back home before she even knows I left the house! :D