How'd it go today?

My head hurts, hung over, and I get to go finish Christmas shopping. I am not looking foreward to this.
I don't want to go, I don't want to go!!!!!
Just got home. We got about 8" of greasy snow in 2 hrs this morning.

Could see almost 18" they say by tonight.
Snowed in today, school bussed not running and all are told to stay home!!!

Snow removal trucks haven't been out yet. Blowing & drifting etc.

Our snow didn't come and its a great day to work, to bad I gave everyone the day off and didn't schedule anything.
79 degrees and sunny here. Nothing to do even though it is absolutely perfect working weather. :(
I got dressed and cooked a couple hot dogs about an hour ago.
RJS, howzabout fishing? :)

-6C here, bright and sunny out, wind supposed to kick up a bit later. I have an evening shift from 5 to 9 at the treelot, I am not looking forward to it but whatever.
Well I'm a little cheezed off today. Just found out that most of the company that I team up with on snow removal is taking off out of town for the holidays? I was like WTF? I'm the only one involved with a young kid and have got 20 people coming to my place for christmas dinner. So you can guess what the forecast is, snow christmas eve and christmas day. I can't beleive they failed to mention this until now. :what:

Oh well worse stuff can happen then making fist fulls of money I suppose. I won't be missing christmas morning or dinner, I just might be alot more tired than I hoped for.8)
That's crazy. If you plow snow you don't get to go anywhere during plow season. At least not overnight.

Looks like the snow train is full steam ahead now, eh Squishy?
I've been out working in my arctic garage cleaning up. Things fall apart pretty quick out there but its now 80% sorted. I would have finished put my fingers were getting numb. I need to get a heater out there and some insulation.
Cold mornings and evenings, with very clear relatively mild afternoons.
There ought to be something better to do than work :?
Katy dragged me off to the Dr.s today to figure out how we can get me fixed up and over this thing I got. My asthma has been really bad and I figured I was going into bronchitis so I figured I better just go. That and ya have to make momma happy. Have to get over this bug before the baby is born too or I will be certainly on the sidelines.
SO they gave me an asthma treatment, some antibiotics, some steroids, a pat on the back, and help with my excess of funds :roll: then sent me home.
I am feeling better now with some air getting into me. Throat is sore from all the coughing, but that will heal if I can stop talking for a bit... Funny how the phone just keeps ringing when you have no inclination or ability to talk :roll:

All goes well... I should be back on my feet and back in the groove again by next week :D
Meanwhile... I will continue to lurk from time to time and post. Hope ya didn't mind the company this last week :D
Carl, where's your shop? I don't remember seeing it when I was there.

Not a big shop, more of a big shed. The brick building across the back yard, about 500 square feet with storage on top of the ceiling's 8x2s.

I told dad I'd like to get it cleaned out back in June-July so we could use it for storage and not just a pile of crap surrounded with brick. Didn't like that idea, don't know if he didn't understand me or what, but we tussled over it for a couple days. Fast forward to mid December and suddenly it's his idea to clean it out so we can actually work in there and get it organized.

Jay, I'll post a picture when we get through getting it sorted.