How'd it go today?

Now you're getting the idea. The only way to get anyone's father to do anything is to let them think it's their idea.;)
Well my kid is off school next week and I have one job scheduled for Tuesday, it looks like I get to have a go at full time parenting for a week.
I'm officially a dumb ass. ...was fixing the throttle adjuster on the chipper and while reattaching the throttle wire the thing broke. Metal fatigue in the wire... Ahggg!
over a hundred bucks for the stupid thing to! i keep needle nose vice grips on the chipper just in case
If you have the same set-up I do...... The original lasted for years The replacements are all majorly sucky and the screw adjustment strips out in from one week to six months.:|:
Well... I managed to get a hold of the very end of the wire, so when I start the chipper it's at about 30-50 rpms higher than it was before (about 810 rpm). ...not too bad I guess.

$100 bucks for a wire!!? You think you could just find a replacement wire and thread it through the tubing? Or, do you have to replace the whole thing? I can't tell. The engine diagram in the owners manual sucks because there were a bunch of other option engines, and they did the cop-out vague diagram.

Oh well, it works, and I ran wood through it just fine. ...Still does that random power down, shut off, won't start back up thing though, which left me on a job yesterday with a 25' hemlock sticking out the back. Had to cut it up a toss it in the truck to finish. :?
you can get the cable piece or you can get it with a new slide/lock/lever thingy for 15 bucks more. i did that once so i have a backup but i need to start looking for an aftermarket cable the same size
Are we talking about the slide out ones? My old boss had to use a pair of vise grips all the time. My JD has it, it's kind of lame. I like the ones Bandit has on their machines motors, like a lever that locks in place.
Confession time;
I managed to avoid changing poopy diapers until four days ago, I claimed that I would hurl at the smell of poop. I have now changed 3 since then. 9 months, 16 days I managed to drag it out.

FWIW, I have no probs doing the pee diapers, I have lost count of how many of those I have done.

Hints: Get necessary items ready and handy (new diaper, wet wipe, assorted powders/lotions), remove diaper, hold breath, wipe, install baby powder/ bum lotion (optional), place wipe in diaper, roll it up and tape it shut then get it in the diaper genie ASAP. begin breathing again, install new diaper.
Paul, I suspect your wife is well aware of how many poopy diapers you've changed and I'm sure that she's appreciative of your newfound strength and resolve.
Paul, I have made it thru 2 boys : one is 4 and the other 2 (still in diapers) and I haven't changed a diaper yet.
Do not stick the kid in the dishwasher .

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Now that was funny.. I will use a garden hose in the summer though... :lol::lol::lol::lol:

I have changed as many diapers as momma, and I know there are times I do more. But then she catches up while I am at work ;)
I feel for ya Paul.. I had a hard time with it on my first relationship with a small child. But once I had my own, NP.. Maybe it smells different??? :lol::lol::lol::lol:
I really didn't mind changing diapers. Haley and I usually had a laugh doing it. I would pretend to be deathly afraid she had a poopy diaper and peak inside only to quickly avert my eyes and scream. I could make that kid laugh most of the time.
Oh you just wait ,you might get a boy .Now let me tell you those little rascals can really build up some pressure .As soon as that cold air hits them they can shoot a stream an easy 8 feet under the right conditions .

Remember the old story .The kid peed up in the air ,hit the cat between the running lights .The cat bit the dog ,the dog peed on the floor .I laughed ,the ex laughed ,the baby laughed .The cat was pissed ,off plus on at the same time .:lol:
i still dont do the poopy ones unless its just the 2 of us. then i head for the shower. i can gut a buck but the poopy diaper nearly pushes me over the edge