How'd it go today?

Thats easy LJ!!!! Use standard Portland cement, but use styrofoam pellets for aggregate, and use fiberglass mesh instead of steel for reinforcement:P
Just woke up....

hellish night. Wife and I ordered out for Thai food. Around the second helping my hands started to itch, then felt like they were on fire. Whole body went red, hives started popping up all over. Took a couple of benadryl, then my ears felt blocked, then trouble breathing. Time to go to the emergency room, I'll drive myself, veeeery bad idea. Hospital is under construction and the entrance has been moved, so now I am panicking. make it to the e-room, pass out. Wake up with an IV, ekg, oxygen, feel like shit. After 4 hrs they send me home, still dopey from the medication. Boss is away, big windstorm last night, Commissioner is pissed that she could't get me on the phone. Never had any food allergies before, ate the same dishes we always order. Last night sucked!:X
Wow Greg, that sucks! Glad you're feeling better though. Better find out exactly what the trigger was, maybe your health insurance will cover a trip to an allergist.
hellish night. Wife and I ordered out for Thai food. Around the second helping my hands started to itch, then felt like they were on fire. Whole body went red, hives started popping up all over. Took a couple of benadryl, then my ears felt blocked, then trouble breathing. Time to go to the emergency room, I'll drive myself, veeeery bad idea. Hospital is under construction and the entrance has been moved, so now I am panicking. make it to the e-room, pass out. Wake up with an IV, ekg, oxygen, feel like shit. After 4 hrs they send me home, still dopey from the medication. Boss is away, big windstorm last night, Commissioner is pissed that she could't get me on the phone. Never had any food allergies before, ate the same dishes we always order. Last night sucked!:X

Wow, glad you are alright.
So, are you completly back to normal? Also, what is an epi pen?

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A 0.3 mg EpiPen auto-injector.EpiPen is a registered trademark for the most commonly used autoinjector of epinephrine (a.k.a. adrenaline), used in medicine to treat anaphylactic shock.

Contents [hide]
1 Description
2 Alternatives
3 See also
4 References
5 External links

[edit] Description
EpiPen is manufactured by DEY L.P. EpiPens are commonly carried by persons with severe allergies and a risk of anaphylactic shock because they can be self-administered and are very fast-acting. In the UK and US, EpiPens are regulated medical devices and require a prescription. In Canada, EpiPens may be purchased without a prescription, but they are kept behind pharmacy counters.

The standard dosage of epinephrine supplied by an EpiPen is 0.3 ml of 1 in 1000 Parts (0.3 mg). Child-sized dosages (0.15 mg) are available as the EpiPen JR. In the US, EpiPen JR is recommended for children 33-66 lb.[1], while in Canada it is recommended for children 15 to 30kg. [2]

The EpiPen contains a spring-loaded needle that shoots through a membrane in the tip and into the recipient's body to deliver the medication. In the new set of instructions, approved by the Government’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (UK), a patient uses the device by removing the gray locking cap from the top of the device, forming a fist around the unit, and jabbing it firmly into a thigh until the click of the spring-loaded needle activating is heard. These instructions are assumed to be more intuitive than the old instructions, in which after the locking cap was removed, the device was put to the injection site and then pressure was applied to activate the mechanism. Both sets of instructions are valid, but all EpiPens manufactured since December 2004 carry the new instructions. [3] Regardless of the instruction version, after activation the patient holds the device in place for 10 seconds as the epinephrine is delivered. This gives the drug enough time to be absorbed by the body's muscles and diffused into the bloodstream. Using the device intravenously is highly discouraged, and can even be lethal as epinephrine is a local vascular constrictor, and use intravenously can restrict blood flow to the area of the injection site, causing subsequent damage to extremities. Additionally, intravenous administration of the EpiPen can cause ventricular tachycardia, or dangerously rapid heartbeat. [4] After administering the device, patients are advised to seek immediate medical attention. Directions for use of the injector are found on the device itself.

EpiPen usually has a shelf life of 20 months, when the EpiPen should be discarded if unused,by returning it to a local pharmacy or hospital for safe disposal. Using an EpiPen that has expired is discouraged but better than nothing in an emergency. The original carrying tube that the pen came in was easily broken; however, the manufacturer has recently begun shipping EpiPens in more durable carrying tubes with significantly thicker plastic walls, a screw top, and metal plating at the bottom (needle) end to prevent puncture injuries.

Despite being trademarked, common usage of the word "epipen" is drifting toward the generic context of any epinephrine autoinjector.[citation needed]

[edit] Alternatives
Companies other than Dey have begun to market similar devices, such as the Twinject. Ampules of epinephrine are also available for single use in physician offices and hospital pharmacies, as are preloaded Tubex cartridges. None of these devices prevents future episodes of anaphylaxis, but patients who experience severe or life-threatening reactions may be treated with a series of allergy injections composed of increasing concentrations of naturally occurring substances such as venom to provide excellent and usually life-long protections against adverse affects of future insect stings: these injections are astonishingly dilute—a billion-fold or more is common. [1]

[edit] See also
Name Pen

[edit] References
^ Resiman, R (Aug 1994). "Insect Stings". New England Journal of Medicine 26: 523-7. 
" - Dosing." Accessed on December 5, 2006.
"Calgary Allergy Network." Accessed on December 5, 2006.
"The Anaphylaxis Campaign." Accessed on March 19, 2007.
"BMJ Clinical Review of Epinephrine Administration." Accesed on March 19, 2007.

[edit] External links
So no rec climb today?

Definitely have to go for some drinks and a smoke after that ordeal!

Glad your OK
Get tested!!!I got tested again a couple of years ago and was shocked to find out I am now alergic to shrimp! It seems to change as you get older!

Yesterday was interesting to say the least!! No work at all, that was nice!! I slept 'til noon, that was nice:D
I was looking for a gift card I had and couldn't find it, my wife piles stuff up, then moves it to a bigger pile somewhere else, I guess because she can? I guess it's the out of sight out of mind mentality, I don't know. Anyway, she is digging for this gift card and comes out with this lette from the State "Did you renew you're licencse last year?" Of course I didn't she had the renewal in her hand!!
Yeah, been going on a bit over six months with an expired DL!!!! Odd thing is, this company hired me on after looking at it, and running a background check, and I have been pulled over twice, and NOBODY noticed it:O
I have to wait until Tuesday, because they are closd Monday, go figure?
We did some shopping, then went to the shoe store that I had the gift card from (what started all of this mess).
My feet have been KILLING me the last few weeks! The ball of my foot hurts, my arch hurts, my heel hurts!! I take off my shoes and walk barefoot and it kills me!! I figured it was time for some arch supports. The gal is checking my feet for size and asks what size my work boots are, I tell her, "Did you get them from Redwing?" Yup, "You're boots are too small!"
I've worn size 12's for forever bu I guess Redwings run on the small side of things and they are crunching up my feet! Who'd a thunk it!!
So now I get to order another pair of $160 boots!!
We went out to dinner latter, had a good meal, I don't know what happened to being able to make reservations, but this "call ahead seating" SUCKS!!! I called at 5:30, it's always been 2 hours wait, the gal ratled of something like 160 min. wait, I said we would be there at 7:30, she thought that would work. Had to wait another half hour!!
There were folks there that called 45 min. ahead, and where still waiting after we left!! Thats nuts!!!!
Ok, ranting over.
I had an Uncle that became allergic to wheat in his late 60's. Glad you are OK. That is really cool about the canoe LJ. I worked on my truck this morning and got the engine and transmission sitting in there. We manufactured rear mounts yesterday and put the transmission on today and it is sitting in the truck. There is a big hole in the cab where the gas pedal sits, which is where we made room for the valve cover. It's really warm here this afternoon.
As normal as I can be!:|: Missing the rec climb sucked. I had my wife call moss from the e-room

My daughter had this type of reaction on a Sunday night. I took her to the ER, ofcourse. My insurance declined to cover it, stating that it was NOT an emergency ? I was like, "WTF???"
We never figured out what the reaction was from >>> Hope you can figure your's out, OTG ?
An epi pen is good >>> knowing what caused it is mo' betta !!!
Glad you're O.K., big guy.
6 estimates, woke up a bit late due to the clock change... back home to a cranky young lad and a tired wife. spent some time with both and now they are snoozling on the bed. I gota get her up uhm, 10 minutes ago for the roughly shceduled baby feeding.. :shifty: yeah, I'll get right on that. hahaha.

I took off my old ballcap and put on my CPA's hat today and whipped through the taxes,done,finished over with,goody.:D

I'll let my pea brain rest for few days then review them before sending them on.

Say,did you ever notice that income tax and nincompoop sort of ryme with one another ?:roll:
I sliced/ruined two oak trees so the customer wouldn't worry about limbs falling on his roof. Poor trees!
I wacked a big ole weeping willow today. When I showed up a bunch of the competitions trucks were parked right outside the driveway I was going to. At first I was wondering what was up? They were two houses over wacking a big ole weeping willow there. It was kind of interesting having another crew working that close. Lots of waves and smiles plenty of trees to go around here.8)

Have I mentioned that my new chipper kicks ass lately.:D
The time change kicked my azzz!!!!!! No real shocker there!
Mama flew out this am, no boss, again, "Tweak" apologized to me for Friday:O That was pretty cool! Spent three hours doing preventative maint. on one saw, they didn't care for that, but it sure runs sweet now!!!
Had to stay until 2pm with my temp so we worked on cleaning up the room, not sure we accoplished much, but threw a lot of CRAP away!!!
Got home and filled out my driving test so it's ready for tommorow!!
It was my nephews B-day, so I went to mom and dads for dinner and hung out with Bubba. Now I am ready to go to bed!!!
I wrecked 6 pine trees today, still on the same job as the last couple of days. 2 more tomorrow and then planting some trees.