How'd it go today?

deadwood/mistletoe all day in scrub oaks. day rate job for 3 guys so i had to be there all day. on the bright side the mini was in its element and saved a whole lotta work:)
I slam dunked a 40ft willow removal in a very small back yard with authority this morning. Most of the branches were either over the house or the fence and I didn't touch either.:headbang::headbang:

Showed up at 8:30 and drove away at 12:00. Slam bam thank you ma'am.:D
I spent 7 hours removing moss from a huge live oak spread over 2 properties. The tree was 50' tall and had a 100' spread, it took me 5 setups to reach everything. I burned less than 1/4 tank of fuel in my 200T today, but I put down enough moss and deadwood to fill the 10' box on Dave's chip truck.

I didn't have my camera but I'll try to get back later this week and get a picture. I think it's a rather impressive tree. :)
Me and the another climber slayed about 30 pines. Two 30 yrd chip boxes full by lunch. Surfing around a friends site that sells stones from madagascar and ran acroos a pick of a petrified stump thats really beautiful, I'd love to have it but I cant even afford shipping cost I'm sure. Anyways heres the pick.


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I had fun doing stage one of a TD on a red oak. My roper let one get away from him and he bought a planter, lol. Stage two will happen in a few years.


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the guys did some small stuff this am and are nearly done with a freebie for a friend, i bid some jobs, had lunch with some other tree guys and did some office stuff
Me and Hollywood pruned some Oaks today. It was a balmy 45 degrees. We've been waiting for this weather for almost 6 months now it seems.
Yea, and the funny thing is I think I did it... over 20 years ago. I'm not positive, but I'm pretty sure I did.
It really is sad. Trying to educate someone about why a tree moves in the wind, and why this and that.

I think my favorite line that a customer has given me was. I want you to take about four feet out of the top of this dogwood. my response why? what are you trying to keep it underneath? He replys with my neighbors dogwoods have never been that tall.

I stood there for 20 minutes explaining to him why we don't top trees. how it will affect them blah blah. after all that he looks at me and says ok what about just taking two feet out.
spent 2 hours adjusting the brakes and giving a lube job and finding an annoying 'cricket' underneath my wife's POS toyota 4 runner.

Found the creaking noise, finally!
It was a loose exhaust clamp hiding from me. Damm noise was driving me nuts. It would change from time to time making me think everything from wheel bearings to CV joints too I don't know what.

Had it up on the lift a few times as well. For some reason i finally found it- hallelujah! Free at last, free at last!
Took down 4 pines today. Two were kind of on the small side one medium and one was 80' tall or so. I have an 180' rigging rope and when I let the top down I had about 2 feet of rope in my hand when the top was on the ground. Had a contract climber for the day.
I was wrong, it was only three.


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You trimmed those pines a little hard, didn't you Butch? 8)

I did some easy climbing today, nothing major. My buddy Dave had a couple small jobs and no climber available, so we knocked them out. I did get to use my bucket truck on one palm tree and one other trim. Hey, it beats sitting at home. And pays better, too.

Got a call from some redneck-sounding guy asking about my truck for sale this afternoon. I answered his questions and he sounded like he was salivating. He called me back twice more in the last hour to discuss it further and he made me promise to call him if I sold it before Monday. Oh, and he tried to talk me down on the price. :lol:
You trimmed those pines a little hard, didn't you Butch? 8)

It's cool, my treepaint had special growth hormones to make it sucker out. ;)

I forgot to say I had to speedline the tree on the left cuz of the magnolia under it. I haven't broke out my speedline kit in a couple years.
I took down 1 pine and 1 mystery tree. Got done early, one of my guys was not feeling well and my contract climber had to go to his regular job today, so I was the climber boy today. I really need to teach one of my guys to run the tractor so I won't have to do too many jobs.