How'd it go today?

I took out a couple more pine trees today. I falled them onto a parking lot and when they hit they shattered and stuff went flying all over the place.
They fixed it! It is only about 3 years old. The good part was, we have a service agreement with them, so it did not cost me a penny! (other than the service agreement fee)

Thats all well and fine, BUT DID YOU TIP THEM?! :)
33 ??? Dayum, bro !!!
Was it for fruit production ? I'm still learning to balance between aesthetics & production... customers always want the best of both worlds & I know little of either.
Glad you're tard, Justin. I'd be happy to prune fruit trees instead of sitting around getting fat again. I worked 5 hours this week. :(
Thanks for the sentiment, Justin. I'll be fine, I just forget that my casual expressed thoughts can sound like whining. I have relatively low expenses, a decent size emergency fund and I only need to work 25-30 hours per week to make a decent living. And work will pick up soon. I'm in an excellent position to do very well this year. :)
first day back at the question counter at the garden center for this Spring's season. I will be on deck Saturdays from now till maybe the end of June, 9 to 5 or so. Its good fun, and I managed to hand out 3 cards to people that need some work done :shifty:, its all good. now home to dinner then I think we might watch Juno on the computer screen and hit the hay early, tomorrow is a 6 estimate day, dont forget to set your click clocks back if you do that sorta thing! :thumbupold:
first day back at the question counter at the garden center for this Spring's season. I will be on deck Saturdays from now till maybe the end of June, 9 to 5 or so. Its good fun, and I managed to hand out 3 cards to people that need some work done :shifty:, its all good. now home to dinner then I think we might watch Juno on the computer screen and hit the hay early, tomorrow is a 6 estimate day, dont forget to set your click clocks back if you do that sorta thing! :thumbupold:

Dang, Paulie ! I'm jealous that you had such a good day. Hope Aayden keeps you up... oops, too early for that just yet!
Juno is a GREAT film ! I think you'll enjoy it.
Enjoy those peaceful dinners while you can. The chaotic dinners will be more fun, though. You'll see !
hahahah! so true! whoopsie daisy! Spring FORWARD y'all, or email Rocky Sqwerl and get a wake up call monday morning to be sure you get to work on time ;)
Ha, I gave Dan Kraus my # to put on his website for the "cat in a tree rescue". I got a call today. Was loading up when the guy called and said there was someone locally with a truck that will be there sooner.

Good thing, wind gusts up to 40 MPH today. Woulda been fun.

Maybe next time.
I made a concrete canoe yesterday with the civil engineering department at Mississippi State. Talk about a lot of work! We got there at 8:30am, got done at 9pm, 7 days and it should be ready to come out of the mould.
Will do. The first step is making concrete float, which apparently isn't a cheap thing to do. The concrete we made costs between $2-3k per yard, we used a little over a 1/3 of a yard for the canoe, frisbies, and the samples for the judges.

The canoe is 19' long and should weigh around 300 lbs when it comes out of the mould. Swamped with water, it'll still float :)