How'd it go today?

I rolled my jeep two hours ago avoiding another vehicle (we were sharing the middle lane on a country road). The Jeep is totaled, I'm fine. I got a few stitches in my chin (5 I think), nice goose egg on my left temple area, and sore, but like I said, I'm fine.

Yes Che, I was wearing my seat belt. :). Daniel took some pics, I'll gettum later.
Glad you're okay Carl. Sounds bad. Did you get yourself checked out at the hospital?

Found out I passed the CA test!

I'm back home, dad and I went back to to the wreck in the golf cart (about half a mile from the house) to try and figure out what happened.

We figure I rolled the jeep twice over its side, stopped on the driver's side and fell back on its tires. I also twirled lengthways, just about completing a 540* revolution. It climbed the bank of the road, the highest limb we found that was broken was about 8-9' above the roads surface. About 25-30 yards from where my tires left the pavement to where the the Jeep layed at the end. That explains why I'm a bit sore I think. My right shoulder/chest is aching pretty good.

The sound system left the truck. The sub box's bottom board was busted (and out of the truck), the amp smacked the ground, has a scratch/dent in it's bottom. Also the face of my radio left, it was between the subs and the amp.

Daniel found my sun glasses, and my Blackberry was about 10 yards from the Jeep's resting place.

One of my knives went flying also, I found it shortly after the accident. There is ammo (9mm and a little 380) strewn for roughly 40 yards, probably less than a hundred rounds. We retrieved the guns from the Jeep before I went to the hospital, Dad brought them back home.

I went to the hospital, they did a chest x-ray and I recieved 5 stitches under my chin. They said take Advil or tylenol (not asprin or booze) for the next 5 days to help with the "pain". Stitches come out wed, I suppose I'll take them out when I land in Hartford, perhaps Brendon will be kind enough to help.

I believe that sums up the current details regarding todays activities.
I bet the next couple of days are going to be uncomfortable, Carl. Worse than now. Hope I'm wrong, and trust you'll be back on top soon.
Wow, if i rolled a jeep there'd be Halloween candy strewn everywhere not ammo. Glad you are OK Carl.
Good to hear you are ok Carl. As for being sore, the car accidents I have been in, the second day was far worse than the day of the accident, then it just kinda settles out and you should heal up fine.
Well I had a hard day cutting this dang log in half. I can't believe my cameraman had it set to B & W. :roll:
Carl, glad to hear you're OK. That sounds like one heck of a wipeout. Take it easy for a couple days so your sore bits can get themselves back in order again.

Jon, congrats on the CA exam!

Butch, you know they make these things called chainsaws now...
Had a really pissy couple of weeks at work!!! And I didn't respond quite the way they thought I should I guess:lol: They don't seem to like an angry Andy!!!!

Burried my Black lab of thirteen years today:cry:

Not been a great week.