How'd it go today?




Former daze:
About what?

The law doesn't determine who is at fault in an accident, the insurance companies do.

However it was filed as a single vehicle accident, so basically that is on me. Filing it like we did might keep it off the state's record, not that it really matters. She was no more at fault than I (probably less in my mind), and I was the only one that had damage, thus no point bringing her into it.
The law man said he would call our wrecker (friend of ours), but his dispatcher forgot/neglected/didn't go through with it, so my dad had to wait a while for a wrecker to come.

He and my dad knew each other from back in the day or some such, they chit chatted for a bit.

He had a heck of a time getting a holster/gun combo out from behind the glove box, but he finally managed to succeed. He handed it to me and I took it to dad. Then the law man let Daniel hunt for the other gun (small pocket pistol) under the dash, although he wouldn't let me show him how to drop the glove box out of the way earlier.

Either way, he was a nice guy :)
Yo, Carl....I just backtracked this thread to get the skinny on your accident. I am glad you get to give us such a good report. The PPE paid off, big time.

Go easy, friend...glad you are OK.
Vharrison, RE sweat shirts, uhm yeah, its Canada! :) we could see our breathe most of the day as it was near 4 or 6C and very cloudy. PERFECT weather for what we were doing.

LJ re will they survive, surely hope so, the burlap should degrade hastily and the client has been instructed to water them here and again.

and wow, you did tear the jeep up good. Glad you are ok.
Today was the end of a job from hell. Empty out a planting bed (hand dig 2 cu. yds. of topsoil), & replace with new topsoil that I hauled in. Ford 150's were NOT meant for this.
$265 work order >>> 3 days & $80 in gas.
I suck.
Gotta take the bad with the good, I s'pose. This is an established customer that pays me good money all season. My bad for not quoting it proper... & it's work. Hey.
Just catching up on some threads.......Carl, I very glad to hear your fine after that accident. It could have been very bad man.
I worked 4 hours today, bringing me up to 56 for the week, so far. I may have to work tomorrow, if they aren't painting the new office. I'm sadly hoping they are, so I can get a day off for my mom's birthday since it's Monday and I know I'm gonna have to work late since it's an upgrade in Hampton.
Thanks for the well wishes :)

Yeah MB, full coverage.... I wonder how much they are going to pay, guess I'll find out soon enough.

Yep MB, the insurance companies/courts/arbitrators figure out who's fault it is.

I'm pondering a car, perhaps a Honda Accord. They get good mileage, have enough power they get better mileage at highway speeds. Since I'm driving to school, bids, and competitions, it would be nice to get a vehicle that gets 30+ mpg at highway speeds, whereas my Jeep only got 15-17 in my mixed driving. Cars are nice and quite, the Jeep is noisy, can't talk on the phone while cruising in the Jeep. Anyone have an opinion?

That's assuming it is totaled, I'll be surprised if it isn't. The driver's rear wheel/axle is bent, the front axle is sitting out a few inches to the starboard side. The only piece of body metal not bent is the grill and drivers fender. Ironically that fender is the one they replaced last year, when a dear committed suicide on said fender.
Got the Spruce I B & Bd yesterday loaded up for the son and got paid. Went and ground out some shrub stumps, Visited the Hoochie Mamma, Winterized the cooler,Bid a job, winterized the sprinkler system. The damaged guts on the backflow preventer (been cracked since last year but working) went ahead and blew up so I got new parts installed ready for Spring. Got the furnace filter changed and the house system humidifier turned back on. Went to Wally world for the essentials-Peanut Butter and Bratwurst.
Oh and I ordered a new Power Pruner.
Ha- I had to look closely.... you phototchopped them rims on there.

For a minute there you lost my tree mans truck respect.

I hate the looks of those oversized rims everyone puts on their trucks these days. Trucks are supposed to have big tires.
Carl if you already have a decent gear rig and just want a fuel efficient bid writer/ school to and from'er, Id go with a sporty little car. Why not?
Damn Carl- I just now noticed the pics of your Jeep.

Holy shit man! Glad you came out of it with only some scrapes and bruises ( and the few stitches). Good thing you were wearing the belt, it could have been so much worse!