Well, you have all heard the addage "The more you make the less you do!" Well, welcome to my world!!! This is NUTS!!!! I think? I might have worked a total of nine hours this week, yep, getting paid for forty!! Spent sixteen hours in oreiantation, watched videos and listend to people talk. I just kept thinking how much they were paying me, and laughed inside
Wensday was my first full day. Got in, still have yet to figure this one out. Guy ran a LARGE Toyota forklift into, and I mean head on, centered between the forks at full throttle, into a supporting I-beam!!!!!!
I had it running that day, I hope that made an impresion.
Boss had me spend three hours today, just walking around the plants and watching the way they process things. Want to make somebody nervous? Stand and watch them witha clipboard taking notes!!!! It was an odd feeling!!!
Had a chat with my boss today, he said he was pissed when he found out they had hired me and put me on first shift. I found that odd until he explained it. He said he figured out from the interview that I knew what I was talking about and was trying to figure out how putting me on first was going to help him any!! That was cool!!
Can't wait to see what next week brings!!!
Did I mention they were paying me a stuipid amount of money