How'd it go today?

Good luck with the itches Brian!!!!

Got my lunch packed, putting on my bots and I am off!!!!

Thanks al for the good wishes, I hope I can stay awake!!! The only thing on tv worth watching has been cartoons!!!
I can't believe ya'll don't do the Oral Ivy thing. It's been keeping me immune for ages.

And any deodorant with that aluminum whatever crap in it will block a lotta the effects of the PI. For added protection, I always keep a long sleeve shirt stashed with my gear.
Just managed to dry out a little, rain fierce today.

No web access at home really sucks, will be at least a month before my new line gets installed. Not happy about the instant transition I was promised from my old service!
Got a referal tree call today from a feller who refered me has liver cancer.
I have thought of being a "altrustic voluenteer" and give my kidney away to whoever needs one, I have two of the them and only need one. If this refering customer had kidney cancer, honest to god I think I'd give um one.
I have kinda survived!!! Man am I tired!!!!! 7:30-9:30 of constant videos! Short break, then another 45 min of videos!! Talk, talk talk, then another video about Kaizen (if youdon' know, don't ask!!!) short break, then te HR lady went over the company policies, there are a LOT of them, short break, 1:30pm, then they cut us loose to go to our depts for the rest of the day. My supervisor wasn't there today, so I met the second shift guy, hung out with him for a bit, toured the place AGAIN, then "Well, me an this guy need to go somewhere, just hang out here." And LEFT ME for an hour with nothing to do!!! Truly maddening!!!!!!
Get to go over paper proccesing and forklift training tomorrow!! WHOOOOO HOOO!!!!
Its always swell when someone refers a job to me. I'll buy them beer if they drink or send work their way. If it is just the same, I'm keeping my kidneys.

Today has been easy and profitable. Now I have to go out and do some bids.
Trying to get a nat. Guard vendor number to place a bid on 3 removals at the ANG base in Jackson. Today was the dead-line:( so don't know if the number was submitted in time or not. Lot's of removals due to construction build-up here. Also bid on 2 oak take-downs today, should know something on those tomorrow.:)
I just sent a thank you email to a fellow who sent me two referrals for reports last week. with the offer of "I owe you one" attached. only catch is now to pay back the i owe you one with my choice of item/activity. left too long it could become onerous under pressure. Whats a fair referral fee to someone that sends you some stuff? maybe 5% or so?
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Avery (Happy Tree in the TH) sent me a $30 gift certificate for Tony Roma's for a job I threw his way. It was a nice gesture.
thats what I am leaning to as well, the two jobs ended up billing out at about $800, I figure $50 at a nice eatery is reasonable. Next time I need to build a few extra dollars in the invoice to cover the gratuity though.
Good luck on that ANG bid doggone. I hope you get it. Its now over 50 % of my job, sales that is.
I am becomming more like justin and getting and concentrating on repeart,/referal. Its a way I've found to survive werking for myself.
four take downs...good day...found out new guy is an ex felon.. No prob, but it was for recieving stolen goods...I dunno..Dude worked hard but???? Out of prison in close for me so far...Should I give em' a chance?
Bean planting a landscape the last 2 work days. It kicks the crap outa me more than climbing. Much rather be doing tree work, but it's money, and I enjoy doing it.
I had one of those days when someone asks- how was your day?

I say dont bother asking.
Sorry to hear that John.

This afternoon I blew a front tire on my big truck. Pulling out of a stupid little house-converted-to-office back parking lot, they had a stupid, unneccessary section of curb jutting out into the drive right where you go past the corner of the building. I caught it with the tire and ripped a 3" gash in the sidewall. Took two hours to get a truck tire service to come out and mount a new tire for me. Bill was $377 (plus a $20 tip for the tech).

Luckily my day was profitable enough to cover that and I still made a few dollars. The guy I was working for kicked in $200 and added it to the customer's bill since it was an emergency call anyway (tree split out, top fell next to the parking lot).
they had a stupid, unneccessary section of curb jutting out into the drive right where you go past the corner of the building. I caught it with the tire and ripped a 3" gash

:lol: I know just what you mean with "stupid unneccessary section of curb".

Reminds me of the HUGE backyards with HUGE TREES and a little bitzy tiny itty bitty gate as the only access.
I have five site visits to do tomorrow. and two of the more strange requests I have had so far. One, as pictured here is an insurance report for valuation of landscape damages, the second is a lovely little old lady that wants me to visit the cemetary plot of her family, 4 plots together with curbing around it, and estimate to remove some soil, the not so living existing turf and install some sort of groundcover plant to pretty up the spot. Being a gamer, I said sure, why not, I will go out and have a look tomorrow and we can discuss options later in the day. My wife said ' you are going to take soil out of a cemetary plot? thats creepy, what about the bodies underneath?". As a treehouser, I shall soldier on, bodies under me or not. pics to follow :)
dont know what the prob is but the pic uploader has become quite the (expletive) of late for me. I cant seem to upload pics in a reliable fashion at all. :(
ha! look what the uploader did to her!

my probs are when I try and upload more than one image at a time, then if I have one that goes 'nope!', I can refresh and attempt to reload numerous times to no avail. I change the file name, resize it down to 99% for a file size change and it MAY go through then. The pic I just posted took me like 10 attempts to get posted before it worked.