How'd it go today?

Oh, I thought you were talking to me there for a second.

We did our motel that has the holly oak trees that we shape into a cylinder with a round top. It's a grind, hedge trimmer started acting up on the last one. Had to choke it half way to get it to stay running.
Fun posts, all.
My day was worky.

Mine was workulous with hints of jobiness. I forced two crab apples into lollipops for a second year running. I hate doing Red Lobster's trees but I like their money. After that I removed a dead cottonwood in a backyard. The only other tree service that looked at the tree said they could not do it as there was no way to bring their bucket truck into the yard. I have to remember I can add more money to jobs that other tree companies are unlikely to want to do. Oh well, I beat my hourly goal and it was a very pleasant sunny day.
got my mug on the front page of the paper, leading walk #1 of 2 at Treefest last Sunday at Riverview.. yay me.

hmm, wont let me upload a pic again, I will try later. :(
Paul, the picture uploader works fine. I think it's a new upgrade that filters out offensive and objectionable images, blocking them from uploading.
Wrecking season is officially over for the year. Over 300 trees Deforested.

Finshed 3 days ahead of schedule and not even a Good Job from the Boss.

Now begins composting, tilling, irrigation and tree planting.
Hence only mildly entertaining pics to follow. :)
Mine was workulous with hints of jobiness. I forced two crab apples into lollipops for a second year running.

Are you stalking me ?!? 2 Crabs + 2 Serviceberry "under control", as per customer request.
Hey, it pays the bills.
I took out two red oaks that were about ten feet apart and over a service line.They were fat,but not very tall.There was a huge poplar was over the two trees just close enough to where I could climb to the top of it,tie in,and work the two red oaks.I was able to cut it down in such small peices to where I could just "swing" everything off of the wire.It was a fun job.I didn't have to clean up any brush,I only hauled the logs off.
I serviced ATM's, drove the company rental, came home late... twas another good day. :)

I also got a chance to try and request what work truck I'd *like* to have, that the company buys. I'm trying to go for a Chevy 2500 pickup with work body.
I did a clean up job today. Used my tractor/loader and the dump trailer hauled 5 tons of weeds and crap to the dump.
2nd day of two blue spruce takedowns in a backyard between the pool and the neighbors fence. Ardous task lots of rigging for what I'm used to had some holes to block the trunks down but it was all rigging for the tops and bigger limbs. No pics as I'm not even sure where my camera is and it was raining/pouring these last couple of days, miserable. Might try to get a pic of the cleaned up site I gotta go back to collect the money and do my final little spotless of the worksite, Just cause it was to soaking when I was done today to finely detail. It's clean right now I just always go for the better than before finish.8)
I just did spider duty for my wife. It was a very big and healthy looking black widow spider. She has on less dimension now.

Today was swell. We had weather coming in and I was able to finish everything before the wet stuff came down. I even managed a few bids later in the day. Avery, a fellow tree guy who come on here as Happytree, and I are going to drive a little bit into the mountains above town to look at a large dead pine tree to see if it is climeable. Its out of my service area but the customer said it was 120' tall and I haven't been above 75' in a tree since I came here.
Well, you have all heard the addage "The more you make the less you do!" Well, welcome to my world!!! This is NUTS!!!! I think? I might have worked a total of nine hours this week, yep, getting paid for forty!! Spent sixteen hours in oreiantation, watched videos and listend to people talk. I just kept thinking how much they were paying me, and laughed inside:D
Wensday was my first full day. Got in, still have yet to figure this one out. Guy ran a LARGE Toyota forklift into, and I mean head on, centered between the forks at full throttle, into a supporting I-beam!!!!!!
I had it running that day, I hope that made an impresion.
Boss had me spend three hours today, just walking around the plants and watching the way they process things. Want to make somebody nervous? Stand and watch them witha clipboard taking notes!!!! It was an odd feeling!!!
Had a chat with my boss today, he said he was pissed when he found out they had hired me and put me on first shift. I found that odd until he explained it. He said he figured out from the interview that I knew what I was talking about and was trying to figure out how putting me on first was going to help him any!! That was cool!!
Can't wait to see what next week brings!!!

Did I mention they were paying me a stuipid amount of money:lol:
Andy, good deal!

Well, I am so excited. After almost 2 years, our yard is beautiful once again. Ever since Wilma (the hurricane) put 4 feet of salt water over our island, we have been steadily been replanting. I tried to get it started with a "while you were out planting" but it hardly made a difference. John has been at it with his crew when they had time. They finally spred the pea rock, that I swear has been sitting in our driveway for a year (driving me CRAZY, spread the damn pea rock already!!) It really finished off the yard, finally looks good!

I will get some pictures up soon.
Just dropped of my van to have graphics put on, hopefully it'll be ready tomorrow night.

Thinking about going up and doing some bow hunting, dont have ANY venison in the freezer and it bums me out.

Yesterday was interesting to say the least....

driving to school at about 7am, 2 blocks from home, a lady was walking her dog. Well the dog got away from her and made a b-line for the front of my truck doing about 30mph. Poor dog didnt stand a chance, I felt horrible all day and still do.
Andy, what is it you do??? I dun forgot...

I actually work for TMX Aerospace. They supply all of the aluminum to Boeing. The plant I am at runs 3.5 million pounds of alum. out a month. They have a shear, seven metal saws and 23 forklifts/sideloaders. I am a maintainance tech., it breaks I fix it.
I finally got everything somewhat figured out. They signed a ten year contract in 1997, it's up for renigotiation right now. In the old contract Boeing paid for all of the repairs. The new/in proccess contract, Boeing no longer will do that, they need to do as much in house as they can.

I have to wait another week to get paid Jay!!!! I'm waiting as paitently as I can!!!!