How'd it go today?

in moms defense, it does get parked in her yard
maybe I should poll my customers and see what they think? might be really good letting the customers share their opinions about it?
I wouldn't poll your customers and I would buy a camo or color-neutral cover to throw over the chipper at your mom's house.

Pink is the new yellow.

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I don't like pink, especially pastel versions, but glo pink really stands out. It's my goto color for high viz stuff. Company name and logo in black should be pretty memorable in the sea of yellow machines.
any pics? trying to get ideas on what to do here, even tho painting a chipper pink sounds like a terrible time and a waste of money, I cant seem to stop myself either!
No. I don't have pics. The chute is a good canvas for your info though. Do you have a logo? If not, I would think about that also. Something low on detail, and easily recognizable from a distance at various sizes.
No. I don't have pics. The chute is a good canvas for your info though. Do you have a logo? If not, I would think about that also. Something low on detail, and easily recognizable from a distance at various sizes.
ive got a logo, gonna do the chipper back to factory labeling, the infeed hopper/tray is welded open so no logo on that going down the road
the chip box has a ~6x8ft logo on it, both sides
rattle can never comes out good for me and I doubt itll last long on any equipment so im going to get a spray gun and do the whole thing, probably mask off the engine and keep it yellow, black axle, intake, exhaust, hoses, infeed motors, and crush cylinder and rims, pink everything else
my chipper is the only machine I own that I really care to keep looking nice, I should fix the leaky valves before paint tho lol
the logo is fairly simple and everyone around here knows us by now, people wave at the truck constantly!
I figure being the only guy in town with a "new" looking pink chipper may catch some attention and also look like we maintain equipment
Sure, I don't think it's ridiculous. It's eye catching for potential customers, and it's practical for seeing around a jobsite, or parking in congested areas. Only problem is cost to do it well. That's up to you whether it's worth it or not.
Sure, I don't think it's ridiculous. It's eye catching for potential customers, and it's practical for seeing around a jobsite, or parking in congested areas. Only problem is cost to do it well. That's up to you whether it's worth it or not.
I could go without painting it, its been resprayed before (right over the hoses, wiring, logos, etc) and it just looks bad IMO
money better spent on new equipment, but I consider paint to be maintenance, which im lacking currently
IDK, its all food for thought when I have time, just takes so long to do a good job painting a machine, and I use my stuff so much that I cant afford it ATM
broke my skidsteer again, curl cylinder mount tore off
replacing the cross tube with some 1/4" or 3/8" wall tube, and beefing up the mounting ear for the curl cylinder, with lots of gusseting/back tie going on
no Kyle, I never did go back and fix those ugly welds, bit me in the ass today
gonna do it right this time, in my shop with the arms off the machine, positioned how I want with a hoist and jackstands, gonna be great!

@WoodCutr You appear to be short on luck lately, sir. My greatest of sympathies. I hope things improve. Focus on that matte silver P51 Mustang chipper rendition! Less perspiration and more inspiration! Huzzah!
@WoodCutr You appear to be short on luck lately, sir. My greatest of sympathies. I hope things improve. Focus on that matte silver P51 Mustang chipper rendition! Less perspiration and more inspiration! Huzzah!
im always short on luck
if I maintained equipment, and "knew a guy" like everyone else id be the next bartlett or asplundh
but no, im too lazy and fix it AFTER it breaks lol
on friday what a great day.
dismantle of 1 euc in tight quarters.
with speedline, lifting with smartwinch first time with drill instead of handle, use of dmm captain to reach long limbs ends, first dismantle soft lanyard, bit of cut and chuck.
all of this wrapped in showers in june????
crazy weather for this part of portugal
Are you stick welding that?
nope, gonna do flux core, somewhere around 28 volts and burn it in good
thought about dual sheild but I dont want to switch everything out to run .045 wire and pick up a bottle for one job
I cant stick weld good enough to trust it, did flux core on my chipper winch mount and have put close to 10000 pounds on it with minimal issues, all done in the middle of the night too!
Apparently, a treeworker got injured and had to get rescued yesterday. Boss called today to see if it was me. Asshole... :^D

Dunno what happened. If I had to guess, it was a 'struck by', or an issue with ropes and heavy weights, cause it took two hours to get him down. Careful out there...

Big ol tulips!

Dang that was scary watching those noobs cutting the sycamore chunks.
Self shielded wire is garbage, and isn't good for multipass welds because of the aluminum they add to make it run, so it's completely useless for that. Dual shield uphill would be fine, hard wire likely not because of the position. You would be much better served by simply using 7018, and you could probably do it all right there on the machine. I would definitely at least tack it up on the machine so you can get everything all lined up nice and check that it's gonna work before you weld it out.
Self shielded wire is garbage, and isn't good for multipass welds because of the aluminum they add to make it run, so it's completely useless for that. Dual shield uphill would be fine, hard wire likely not because of the position. You would be much better served by simply using 7018, and you could probably do it all right there on the machine. I would definitely at least tack it up on the machine so you can get everything all lined up nice and check that it's gonna work before you weld it out.
Can't weld on the machine, too flammable, will be in a custom fixture to keep all the welds horizontal

I run multipass self shielded almost every time I weld, never been an issue, as a matter of fact all I use is self shielded wire on everything I weld
Nr211mp Lincoln wire runs really good

No stick, like I said I'm shit with a stick welder and it's gotta work

:lol: That eye is 2 inches thick, the recommended max thickness from Lincoln is 5/16, likely because of the aluminum buildup. That's why even the 3/32 wire can only weld 1/2" total thickness, in comparison I've burned literal tons of 3/32 dualshield running 1.5" fillet welds on slightly larger earthmoving equipment. I'm trying to help you out here, and keep you from having to do this again, or even worse getting you or someone hurt. You could try dual shield, or if you got a stick welder you'll be fine, 7018 is very easy to run on thicker stuff, just go uphill in small beads. Or you can try it, hopefully run it for a bit, and in the meantime practice more and get setup for doing it better once it breaks again, and then cut all the possible junk weld off before you fix it right. If it's gotta work the first time, i strongly suggest you change your plan.
