That's a dried up stalk of Indian Celery. I'm not sure of it's Latin name off hand.
Same family as Giant hogsweed.
I though it looked a bit scrawny, but figured that could be from growing so far North.
That's a dried up stalk of Indian Celery. I'm not sure of it's Latin name off hand.
Surprises me a bit to hear you talk about reduction, I thought that was frowned upon Stateside.
all depends on what you mean by severe.Totally agree with you, it would indeed be a severe reduction which I would basically never recommend , but given that it was my tree rather than a customer's, and given the results I've seen to date with my neighbors sugar maple mentioned above that was effectively severely reduced, I would've/should've done it.
Maybe check your chainsaw filters too? And the bucket truck filter. How many of you frequently check the bucket truck air filter? You know all the saw dust falls on it.
That's not a bad looker. I've used the frame of a lacrosse net once to buld a protective barrier. It worked well, but yours looks mighty light and easy. Can you fill us in on construction, height etc.View attachment 106382Build yourself one of these Murph for the street side.
Total length is 10'6" 44" high and the pannels are 41 1/2" wide. It's just some 1" black pipe welded together. At a guess 45-50 lbs. The mesh is shade tarp folded and zip tied in. I left it a little long on the botom as a skirt. When welding it up I left 5" legs so you can stab it into tje ground. The hinges are just plain steel door hinges. I had to weld two hinges opposite one another so it would fold flat. It's all one unit but it works.That's not a bad looker. I've used the frame of a lacrosse net once to buld a protective barrier. It worked well, but yours looks mighty light and easy. Can you fill us in on construction, height etc.
Maybe check your chainsaw filters too? And the bucket truck filter. How many of you frequently check the bucket truck air filter? You know all the saw dust falls on it.
When the trees struck again The Man was ready, fad to blackHad some windy weather last night...three large widowmakers left suspended in other branches of a Doug fir just behind the house.
Throwbag job...pulling up a running bowline after the normal isolation magic tricks. Got them all in relatively short order. Life is good