How'd it go today?

Nice paddle decoration. I also like the idea of putting chimes way up in a tree. Kinda makes the sound more mysterious. I wonder if it pisses animals off?
It should be interesting as far as animals react. I hung it with out the sail for a couple weeks so there would be some noise generated by the higher winds in the afternoons. Now we'll see how they do with the sail in place. I had to lash the cord high on the trunk as well since the cows, horses and goats often find it fun to rear up, damn near climb the tree and screw with stuff.

She's got talent!

Thanks Stig. I have seen her sketch and draw better. The things she can do from memory are pretty amazing at 12.
Is that ALL nails?

Some of the vertical posts are dark/weathered. As are some of the rafters. What is a significance of that?

What do you call the post support concrete system you're using there? I wonder if I could use similar with telephone poles as we reinforce my grandfather's old pole barn? Alex has access to used telephone poles that we are probably going to use to replace the rotten ones in our barn. The current ones look good but some of them are rotten below ground level and are slowly sinking.
The rafters, which are rough sawn 2x8, have GRK RSS screws. The rest is pegged wooden joinery. The two center bents are king post trusses. The dark would is the longer stuff that got wet because it didn't fit in my garage. That's why I'm trying to move into this pool house, but as you can see, it has a bit of a hole in the way.

So, not a good night for some in Key West last night. The mayor set a rule that there would be no gathering after 10 pm last night because the Corona Virus comes out at 10:01pm on New Years Eve. Several folks challenged that theory and were arrested.
Tonight, not a problem, gather and party till the sun comes up if you want.
That’s just ridiculous. I’ve no problem with some restrictions to try to limit the spread, but how about some consistency and sensibility?
I’m sure you are aware of “six inch lifts”.
As I understand it a deep fill like that needs to be installed in layers, with each layer spread no more than 6” deep and tamped, so you end up with a strong, non-settling base for your concrete slab.
That is a beautiful space. I think it was Frank Howarth whose shop used to be a pool house.
You can do deeper lifts, depending on your compactor. Certain fill doesn't even need compaction, such as flowable and pea gravel.
Pea gravel always seemed like sketchy fill to me; doesn’t seem to firm up like crusher run for example. Around here they sometimes use a fly ash slurry to fill large voids.
Pea gravel is awesome, you just have to "seal it" so your finer fills don't infiltrate, reducing their volume and causing shifting. That's why it's not used as often anymore, and they've come a long way in understanding compaction so they often require ca6 or sand compacted to a certain density. A fly ash slurry is a form of flowable, works great. In Indiana, they had an outfit that basically added a single bag of cement to a whole truck of sand, making a flowable that was easily to dig later. It set up and all, but there wasn't enough cement to make it hard. They basically did this so they could very rapidly fill streets without a compactor at all. Around here it's made right, so it's got more cement and hardens accordingly. I literally flipped out the first time i saw that they were gonna pour right against the pipe, because if it was the flowable that i was used to you would never be able to dig it up safely. Only the paving crews had to have a compactor, and they just needed a small plate one for doing asphalt. Doing that with flowable would make it an easy job compared to worrying about compaction.
The rafters, which are rough sawn 2x8, have GRK RSS screws. The rest is pegged wooden joinery. The two center bents are king post trusses. The dark would is the longer stuff that got wet because it didn't fit in my garage. That's why I'm trying to move into this pool house, but as you can see, it has a bit of a hole in the way.

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Is there any road repaving going on in the area? They are giving away regrind at the moment here $125 a quad delivered. 10yard min.
Nobody gives anything away around here. There is a big hump just outside the building where the driveway needs to go. It's all sand and rocks. I don't know how much of that hump needs to go away for the driveway, but I know how much I'm going to take. :/:
Been a rainy/ freezing rain kinda day. Cleaned up the garage a bit more and watched YouTube. Only real accomplishment is I might have found a conveyor for the TW-6. Waiting on a reply for that. Might be making a road trip to North Carolina if I hear back from the guy
Happy new year tree people!

Snowman rock and someone trolling for winter king salmon. IMG_20210101_132819.jpg This is a local character nicknamed "Row Boat Richard". He comes from a family of wealth but chooses to live a homeless lifestyle, camping out year round and moving camps frequently. His boat is actually a canoe that he has rigged up with oars to move around with. He also uses a bike to get around town or hitch hikes sometimes also. Friendly guy. IMG_20210101_133114.jpg
This is a local character nicknamed "Row Boat Richard". He comes from a family of wealth but chooses to live a homeless lifestyle, camping out year round and moving camps frequently. His boat is actually a canoe that he has rigged up with oars to move around with. He also uses a bike to get around town or hitch hikes sometimes also. Friendly guy.

Sounds like a book or magazine article there