How'd it go today?

I would try to simply remove then reinstall those joist hangers, they are pretty important. Lacking that, just bash the shit out of them with a hammer. Exhibit A of why I'll never fix up a house again, always fixing other people's frig ups.
No, it's simply typical of home construction. There's far less money in residential construction, so the quality of work often reflects that.
Didn't really do much today. Finished the day by lighting a Swedish candle, and soon after fire trucks came up the street. I was wondering if some tard reported smoke or something, but it was apparently some kind of Christmas thing. I didn't go out front to look, but I saw when they went by, they were towing some kind of lighted trailer. Sirens going, lights going, sometimes honking out jingle bells with the horn... I wasn't terribly impressed, but I don't think I'm the target demographic. I just wanted a quiet night outside. Never happened before. I'm guessing it was for the kids who are having a somewhat limited holiday experience due to covid.