How'd it go today?

Right now its the itchy and scratchy show with the installation. I have to find a way to block all of me and my ladies boom boom sounds, because this room is for one of our daughters...hahaha! Ok for real my wife watches a lot of tv...
Sucks getting wrong parts. I guess you went from something that works, albeit poorly, to something that doesn't work at all til the parts come in, eh?
Is that for everything 4stroke, or just farm equipment, or something else specialized? One thing that really irritates me, is they don't put a full computer display in mechanicals. There's no reason you can't get full diagnostics through the infotainment display of modern vehicles, or for older ones, a simple computer that's stored in your glovebox, and plugged in as-needed. The computer is virtually free when factored into the cost of the equipment. The logical conclusion for why it isn't included, is the company's are dicks.

Realtime edit:
I see you answered my question
Other day in the woods taking some long hikes with gear. Laid out some property lines around a house I worked at before...

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It's a newish house, but it's made from reclaimed stone from a historic house in another county. Lots of neat little touches here and there. It's like craftsmanship from another century. First setup was in the remains of some of the stones...

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some interesting stones laying around if you take the time to look...

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That's coping cut into granite. You might see it on a building and not give it a whole lot of thought, but how exactly do you cut fine radii in granite?!

Woodpecker tracks in this piece...

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Our birds are tough out this way. I wonder why there's rows of pecker tracks?
There is no way I could let a pile of rock like that go unused on something. A grill, patio, fireplace, something.
I don't think the project's finished yet. In the back field, there were some huge granite slabs; maybe 8'x8'. The guy seems to have a busy life. If I remember right, he's a consultant for the NSA, and pretty young for the money he has to play with. He has animals in the front field. I saw a dog, a donkey, goats, chickens, ducks, and geese. all hobby level animals. Looks like a really fun place. I don't generally get very excited about newer houses, but this place is pretty special. Very well made, and elegant without being ostentatious, and it's in a nice part of the county. He has close neighbors, but you could imagine the rest of the world doesn't exist back there.