How'd it go today?

I just got a call,i have 1 and quite possibly 2 weeks of work starting Monday, Skwerl, I'll be in the Oviedo area maybe we can meet up?
Finally decided to fix the leaky tire on the Toyota today. Only been a few months. Fixed the tire on the tractor, musta ran over a nail near the fire pit. Greased her up, checked fluids, and quick waxed.

I was playing around with the loader too.


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Testing out the new bolts, eh? Assuming you have a load on the trailer so it doesn't just tip, if you move the load further and further out, does the pressure relief valve cause either boom to lower if you exceed its limit?
I was moving snow, to many piles everywhere.

I'm not sure yet Carl, I don't want to push it to the limit being so close to the 5th wheel, not hooked up to the truck, and un loaded. I did extend the boom and it just wanted to start tipping instead of leaking down.
Hey, hey, watch it!

That's how I ripped the mirror backwards on my Ford. Woops, trailer won that battle. Sure be nice not to work around that at my new place.
The 2006 mirrors go both ways, think I like that.

I'm still hoping to find some deals on a loader alone like we found in 09, mount it in front of the gooseneck hitch and power it with the PTO.
Having a loader strong enough to pick up the mini is a frikkin awesome combination. I could see that coming in very handy when packing up to head home. And no more heavy ramps taking up space either.
Really, they fold forwards? Huh.

Ya, there was what, two or three good deals back then. Damn. Sure would be nice on the gooseneck though. I've got some plans for mine come summer. Square tube outer rail, with twice as many square stake pockets w/rub rail. Solid lightweight floor halfway, sandblast and paint.

I know Brian, tis sweet. Gotta make up a chain the perfect length and store it on there. Tie, lift, and strap. What ramps!

I remember two, both ~$4k for a $18/22k Nokka loader. I don't know if I'd rather it be on the goose or the truck. The truck would be the least amount of work to mount on.
Thanks to the Federal government deciding how much water I'm allowed to use per flush, I end up having to flush my toilet a few extra times per day to prevent my sewer line from backing up. One more example of the Feds involving themselves way too much in our personal lives and actions. It would be really nice if I had the choice of using a 'wasteful' toilet that could actually flush properly with one flush instead of having to come back and flush again and again at a measly 1 gallon per flush.

Water is the same as gold here. So we save and they raise our rate's to make up the difference in the savings. Wack.
Not that I can tell, steering is tight and the turning radius is awesome compared to the 2000. There isn't any death wobble up to the governed 83mph.

Haven't lifted the tires yet; I'm putting it off pulling the inspection (mainly of the brakes) until after I get caught up on work so I'll have the funds/time to fix/upgrade whatever. It looks like the passenger rear seal may be leaking/weeping and the inside of the driver's rear rotor looks suspect for replacement. The parking brake works great thankfully, and apparently the rear end has a locker/super tight limited slip. 8) I need to see if I can clean up the axle tag and see if the truck has the high GCVWR package (limited slip was required for that package, 33k GCVWR).
I don't know if it would be in the VIN or not.

The VIN is 1FD-AF5-7P1-6EC-240-78. I put the dashes in. The rear axle is "D713M" on the build sheet, but that doesn't pull up anything on a google search.
It looks like a Workshop Manual for my truck is $220; there's one for $189 on Ebay. I might order it after I'm working again or I might wait until I need it.
Thanks for the links. 4400 miles of warranty left on the engine. The 200k mile Diesel Care Plus warranty cost $2520 when the truck had 76k miles on it, fwiw.

I could get a subscription to, but 2 years' subscription costs the same as the books. You used to could access the direct links to the manuals, but they put a stop to that, requiring you to log in first.
Soon as my warranty is up, I'm thinking a supercharger on the Ranger is in order. :/:

Buddy of mine built up a 3.0, found a guy in Canada to grind a cam, worked out the intake, got the blower etc.
I've driven the truck without the blower, I stuck my foot in it from 2nd to 3rd, the ass all but passed me! That thing was sick!
He put the blower on it, didn't make it a week before he blew the head gaskets. He went copper, I haven't had a chance to drive it since, but man do I want to!
I want to drop a 350 and a toyota 1ton rear and a little chip dump into my old 89' S-10 and make a toy chip truck out of it. Maybe pull a 10 inch chipper... It'd be fun!

We rocked out 8.5 hrs of crane time today, removing six big trees at the local VA hospital. We came out profitable on the job which I'm glad about, and we scored some REALLY nice logs. A 20' 34" walnut log from one tree should fetch a nice penny once its milled and dried! :D

We even pulled it off with a dinky little 12" rental chipper!!
Finished putting Sheetrock up in the nursery. Mudding tonight and sanding tomorrow. Still have to put up 2 doors, wainscoting and moulding! Every things coming together nicely.