How'd it go today?

I had to go to work today and finish a job I started before NewYears ,a little break from my winter shutdown. Removed 3 medium spruce and 2 large poplars. -26F and a windchill of -44. Had to pour some of my hot tea from my Thermos over the powerbarrow's carb to de-ice it . Wife phones on the cell ,gives me shit for not being home early enough and in a rush I cut my new 200 ft 1/2" 3 strand pull rope in half.

Good day 11-6 spent in spikes, small DZ oak had good head lean to house, phone out of pouch and in the goldfish pond below at about 30+ ft up. watching if fall in slow motion:|: Larger Cherry to the back of that with same DZ and a small oak in comparison. down chunked and cleaned up more to go tomorrow if the rain holds off.
We were supposed to get snow last night, at 10pm I looked at the doplar and there was a huge storm headed right at us. Woke up this am and nothing, wow cannt believe it, I unlike everybody else want a lil snow so I can burn my junk wood.......
It's supposed to snow today here as well, probably wont start until right before I have to pick the boy up from school then go like hell!
Got a call at 9:30 last night, guys daughter has an '01 Jeep Grand Cherokee, cranks but wont start. Made some calls for research and to line up a scanner. Sounded like it was most likely the crank position sensor. I dreaded that, it's between the engine and tranny, real bear to get in and out and the only test is to use a scanner and I dreaded borrowing a $3500 Snap-on modus!
Got everything ready, get over there starts right up. Hooked the scanner up and ran the codes, just a couple of hits with the O2 sensors, nothing else. Drove it around, shut it off and started it a couple more times, no problem! Can't fix whats not broken! It's frustrating to both of us!
But I did learn a neat trick for Chrysler products, and some Saturn's that I wanted to share in this long winded post!
If it wont start, get out, close the doors, using the key, lock then unlock the drivers door and see if it starts.
This is an included trick/security feature that resets the ECM (engine computer) back to default mode and lets it learn all over reseting the trouble fault.
Currently washing the stainless steel cooking grates from my bbq in the dishwasher, anyone wanna let me know how much trouble I will be in when the wife gets home? :D
Good idea but I already washed what was in there by hand to make room :) I dont think it will be that bad. When I wash the flame deflectors however...... lol.
And then, when the swelling goes down and he can see out of at least one eye, he can make his own sammich and clean the dishwasher. :lol:
Too many hills in too many days.. I am soooooooooo tired. Easier day tomorrow. I think the HO will let me chip the material on the fire road around his property. Since we cant burn shat of late :X
Anywho... Work starts on the homestead side of an 80 acre grant. Most was done by a forestry mower and small hand crew. We get the historically protected side of the fence to finish up the grant :D
Just renewed my FBN today. Felt good to get that done. I thought I was going to have to republish with the paper, but that is only if you let it lapse as I don't have any significant changes on the business for the county to worry about :)
pruned fruit trees all day. apples, pears, peaches, figs, apricot. i love fruit trees! going back tomorrow to teach the client how to graft on her peach. oh yeah, and they have a giant tortoise in the yard, ill post a few pics in the picture thread.