How'd it go today?

Andy, get ya arse down to an osteopath, totally differant to a chiropractor.
Chiro's only deal woth joints, osteo's deal with muscles and joints which seem to be more your problem.
As for your hips, my wife says have ya got collapsed arches in ya feet?

I'll call the Doc Monday and see what I can do. Bubba is out of school the next two days, and I'll have to have a referral. to see a "specialist".
Worked on a mistletoe and dead wood job in a black oak for about 5 hours aloft. Had to brush out from under the tree to get into it. And so we could bomb the dead wood. Maybe about 1-2 hours to go and it will be done tomorrow. Then finish the clean up. Turning out kinda pretty. HO will have me maintain it ever couple of years. I'll get some afters tomorrow when I am done. :)
I am tuckered out and the kids need some daddy time :)
I'll see if I can get in B, I promised Bubba he could sleep in tomorrow, and I HAVE to call in at 8am ON THE DOT to even be able to get through the phone system. Then be ready to take whatever time they have, be it in 20min or six hours. He's also off on Friday's now!
Hey Brian, took the saw out of the box and got some pics. It looks rougher than I thought. The new bar got bent by one of the numb nuts, nobody knows how:? I should probably just pull the screen and tune it up and tell everybody its MY SAW. Like I said Im sick of $650 saws getting destroyed:|:


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It does look a bit rough for being so new. :cry:

Call or PM me with a price, we'll take it from there. I tried locating a Johnny Red top handle but Google can't locate one online.
Getting my plow truck all sorted out today, could snow here any day it looks like.

Had a real close call yesterday, nearly cut me noggin. Y'all be careful out there, don't get complacent like me. A good close call usually really gets my focus going, I'm just thankful I haven't had to pay the price yet.
Wow, Skwishey. I had a couple close calls like that last year. I did the 'five minute evaluation' and then pretty much kept doing things the same way. A week later is when I hit my wrist and ended up with 20 stitches. Good thing I was only a block away from the E.R. when it happened.
The snow word was mentioned in our forecast for Sunday morning. Not anything that will stick though.
I was asked to bring my trailer to today's job all the way down in Windermere (about 30 miles away). Larry wanted to save a trip since there was about 3 loads of debris in the job. About 9-10 skinny pine removals and some clearance trimming on some oaks. I flopped 5 of the pines and pieced down the rest. He loaded all the wood in my trailer since my truck handles the weight better than his. I was back in town and had the trailer dumped before 2pm. Easy day other than a lot of miles, the trailer almost doubled my pay for the day. :)
Nice Skwerl!

After school today I grabbed our 660 and 310 and went and helped Dad cut down the remaining 10ft of trunk of a tree we removed about a month back. A large silver Maple, probably 40" DBH, so had to come at it from each side. I got to do most of the cutting. My face cut was good, but my back cuts need work when dealing with the bigger saws and bars.
Knocked down 4 tall doug-fir today contract climbing. Speedlined brush on the first two, then was able to piece out the others by hand with no rigging. Former interior trees that were tall and straight with little taper. Wobbly. Had to get up to 3" wood to get a small top on the skinniest one as there was no clear place to drop it as other larger firs were enclosing it, and I didn't want to rig it down. The only clearly open slot would likely have deflected off of neighboring large limbs and rolled it onto the house. I dropped it onto the neighboring large limbs, worked it down a bit by hand, then threw the rest down so that the top didn't come back at me. Got to drop some nice logs off of those.

The guy that was contracted to do the jobs, Aaron, was taken advantage of by his landlord, to whom he owed rent. Landlord's son was the homeowner. Aaron got $400 for $1500 worth of work that we did today. He maybe made out okay on some of the other trees there, but nothing more than okay. Got screwed on these last ones, for sure. Today he had at least $425 in labor without paying himself or for his equipment/ insurance, plus he owes me a half day of help with his chipper. Felt sorry for him, but that doesn't pay my bills. Sometimes, getting behind cost double of staying on top.
I've found that working extra cheap to help out friends never pays. They only assume you can work that cheap all the time and reduce their prices accordingly. Good for you for doing your best to make the job work and still sticking to acceptable rates. There's always room for a little give and take with guys you work with all the time. Just so long as there is both give and take, not just constant take.
Yikes Squisher! Snow a coming, eh? I should really start paying attention to the weather channel. Had a short day today...and a short day tommorrow. Getting low on work. Might have to talk to Spruce Valley Logging here pretty quick.

Work's softening up here too. Got about 3 days a week on the books for the next couple. What kinda logging outfit?
I bid a job with him the other day, 50/50 joint venture. Went with my prices more than his. He's afraid of not getting the job if its too high. I'm afraid of getting the job for too little money. I'm the the best at bidding, but thankfully don't think I've ever paid to work. His landlord is a cheapskate, ready to take advantage of anybody he can. They have two fireplaces, and he has unlimited amount of firewood coming in, but for some reason, the landlord won't let them burn for heat.

He's been ready to help me out (just waiting for a bigger job where I can use 4 people), was trying to get me to use his chipper for free rather than having to rent one recently, but had incompatible wiring and was last minute. Mine is needing to go to the mechanic next week. Offering his smaller dump truck any time I need it.

Hopefully, he will be a good asset for times when I need more than me and Ben. Currently, that is usually accomplished with a hired grapple truck.
His landlord is a cheapskate, ready to take advantage of anybody he can. They have two fireplaces, and he has unlimited amount of firewood coming in, but for some reason, the landlord won't let them burn for heat.

Probably for insurance reasons.. Insurance on a rental goes through the roof if your tenant can heat with wood or use a fireplace. I won't put a wood stove in the rental house for that very reason.
Machine work mostly. Skidders and bunchers. Possibility to get that blasted falling ticket and perhaps a class 1, plus some hours on a machine. If nothing else, its something new and if he's got a spot full time for the winter then I'd have no problem starting my own show and maybe dropping to part time later on. Time will tell, but she's looking tough right now. Got a week banked and maybe 2 days on the books. Come on windstorm!!
Well I'm gonna have to pull the trigger on a tractor I'm thinking. Nothing else is panning out for me and I've got signed contracts were I'm to be sanding. Looking like a kubota l3400 possibly new or possibly one that's 3 years old for about 6g in savings with 500hrs on it. Stressing me out a bit but I can't wait forever.
I've been working on one of my pumpkins this afternoon. I've roasted the flesh, and the seeds are done. Now I need to peel it, and then I'm going to try a pie before I do the other 2 that I have.
Do you have a Mahindra dealer up there squish? Might be worth looking at, just a thought.
Can't hardly go wrong with a Kubota mind you, I'd buy one over the new Deere tractors for sure! 500hr for a $6k savings, not a lot to think about, I'm thinking! I like new mind you, but that's just getting broke in good!

Turned a 32" front door into a 36" front door, 1920's house. It was a good time! Got to play with plaster and lathe again, trying to cut it so as not to disturb it more than I had to. I. e., cover my cuts with trim boards! Got it in and it looks good, slipping in the new header was a trick, but got pulled off!
Got a call late last night, guy wants to buy all the Oak I have, I'm resting for a bit before I go cut it up, then I'm going to have to borrow dad's splitter to knock it out as quick as I can. I hope the weather holds so I can get another run it quick like. I knew they'd call, but didn't think they'd hit me up this fast!
Then I may be pouring concrete sometime in this mess, six yards on the drive, three on a sidewalk, one pour. I may walk on that job and try to pass it off. Not sure the back is up to it and I'm damn sure not doing it without some help, which is scarce right now!