How'd it go today?

Price is right, private sale. Even though if I told ya the price it'd probably floor ya. It does me, but I could spend a lifetime waiting for things to come down more.
Best thing you'll ever do imo. Some people have been harrassing me a bit about having a decent sized mortgage(mostly those who are jealous imo), but for me it'll be offset by having everything I'm looking for right at home.
Thanks Brian.

And what I meant by saying, "I'd have everything I'm looking for right at home". Was meaning that we'll have our horses at home so no board and no travelling to and from the boarding stables constantly. Didn't want people to take that comment the wrong way. Not boarding the horses any longer will negate quite a bit of the increase in mortgage payments and I'll be paying that money into something for myself rather then throwing it away
Chickens for sure! Goats, nahhhh. It's barely a farm 10.8acres. Mostly good for the horses and hay to feed the horses.

Goats don't take up that much room, and they actually produce more, value-wise than the chickens. We're getting anywhere from six to ten eggs a day from the chickens (eleven mature hens), got several more coming on. The one goat being milked now is giving a gallon a day. That's $3+ value per day as opposed to $1 a day worth of eggs. We have two does we're trying to get bred. Planning to raise a buck off to eat, if either of them yield a buck. One is a registered nubian, the other a registered alpine. If we get a doe kid, we plan to sell to recoup some of the original investment.
I milked cows though for three years. I'm not gonna have anything around that I have to milk. I'm thinking layers and broilers for birds. I love some chicken. My wife wants of all useless things a miniature donkey. WTF is that good for? She says for protecting the 1200lb horses? Uh huh? I asked her has she somehow missed seeing the two gigantic dogs we already own?
I hear you on the milking, but goats are suprisingly easy/quick compared to cows. From the time the doe is led to the stanchion to the time she is returned to the pen is only twenty to twenty-five minutes, and it could be quicker with some tweaking. I was afraid I wouldn't like the goat milk, but it tastes just like the store-bought stuff to me. I will be glad when we return the buck we have borrowed for breeding. He smells horrible! I've heard that having a buck in the same pen with a doe that's in milk can give her milk an unpleasant taste, and I can believe it. My oldest daughter claims she can taste a taint in the milk, but the rest of us can't detect it. The folks we got our goats from claim they can milk a doe in five minutes....we don't have the knack yet.

I've got a Rhode Island Red hen that's setting on ten eggs right now. I'm hoping she'll stay with them. She hatched off two little ones in the spring. Got any experience with guineas? I've got six of them. They are reputed to clean up ticks around a yard. I hope they get with it. We're overrun with ticks.
I've got basically no experience with the birds. My neighbor currently has layers and the eggs are delicious, we'll never go back to store eggs. I definitely have some researching to do on getting going properly.
A friend of mine got into chickens a couple of years ahead of me. They incubated a bunch of eggs and gave us ten chicks to get us started. I picked up a few more here and there. I now have 26 total chickens. They are no trouble at all. I have both Rhode Island Reds and some Barred Rocks, with a couple of Black Stars and a few mutts. The RIR's are my favorite of what I have. I'd like some Partridge Rocks in the future.
No, but I grew up with them and just always remember the "alarm" as my grandmother called it. She also had more horses than I had fingers and a donkey!
Finished up the tree work portion of a small job Scott and I started last week. Did the majority of the raking, I'll grind the stumps and do the final cleaning Thursday I think.

Paid off a little over $4200 in debt this month, ahead of schedule to reach my goal of paying $10k off between July and December. 8)
My neighbor has a full size donkey and a male goat. He has done layers, meat hens, muscovy ducks. I'm sure he could give lots of advice on what not to do. he's burned through 2 or 3 goats through various mishaps and his great dane and fisher cats have relieved him of his poultry responsibilties. Pedro just seems to bray at random times.
Wow Squish.. Sounds nice mang.

Pruned (butchered) a blue oak today.. kinda tired...
Booked another day of limb removals there and such..
Chipping day tomorrow .... weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :P
The guys dug out the footer and crawl space for my room addition with a mini trac hoe .18 yards of dirt in about 2.5 hours,did a fine job considering the close quarters .

I ran my azz off with a skid loader carrying off the over barren .Kept up,barely .Beats the hell out of a shovel I'll tell ya . Concrete footer tomorrow,block day after .Probabley start the framing next Tuesday as I'm slated to work this comming three day holiday weekend .