I hear you on the milking, but goats are suprisingly easy/quick compared to cows. From the time the doe is led to the stanchion to the time she is returned to the pen is only twenty to twenty-five minutes, and it could be quicker with some tweaking. I was afraid I wouldn't like the goat milk, but it tastes just like the store-bought stuff to me. I will be glad when we return the buck we have borrowed for breeding. He smells horrible! I've heard that having a buck in the same pen with a doe that's in milk can give her milk an unpleasant taste, and I can believe it. My oldest daughter claims she can taste a taint in the milk, but the rest of us can't detect it. The folks we got our goats from claim they can milk a doe in five minutes....we don't have the knack yet.
I've got a Rhode Island Red hen that's setting on ten eggs right now. I'm hoping she'll stay with them. She hatched off two little ones in the spring. Got any experience with guineas? I've got six of them. They are reputed to clean up ticks around a yard. I hope they get with it. We're overrun with ticks.