How'd it go today?

They got the concrete poured for the footer for the addition .I put the rods in it .I won't pour a cubic yard of crete without rods---old school .;)
Today was my first climb since my hernia repair in July. Everything went well. I just had to take out a rope I had set with throwline to pull a tree over. Chipper died, hopefully not to serious, and plans changed. Didn't figure I should leave a 200' 9/16 double braid hanging in a city park over night. It would have been more enjoyable if it had not been misting rain.
Spent the day at a local tree farm and got a cedar milled as well as a nice oak log I took down a few weeks ago! Easy relaxing day


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Man, KA-CHING!!!
I find my family and friends appreciate the professional quality of the job done and pay extra because they 'assume' I am giving them a better price,
... meanwhile the richest customers are wailing about every last dime...
Picked up a nice job today, from one of my furniture customers with a second home in the area. 24 pines along the road, a crane job, and eleven deciduous trees by the house. I figure a busy four days with the clean-up. Want to wait until the cooler weather next month. The hardwoods all bucked into firewood lengths. :|: Told the customer that they don't want to be here when the work gets done.
Beautiful day to work here, after the rain quit this morning. High of 69F, 35 mile per hour gusts, sunny. Did a big willow stump job and spent most of the rest of the day looking at homeowner inquiries. Tonight a low in upper 30's or low 40's, great sleeping night. Hope the weekend stays this nice. Have a 2' dbh split green ash to start with tomorrow morning. About 45' which is average for green ash in Minot. Should be done in about 3 hours, if the BC 2000 Vermeer chipper holds up. It is trying to lose the clutch and it is only 10 years since the last one was replaced.
Easy day. Some PT this morning and watched my son's football scrimmage tonight. Hot as hell though.
It was my slack off day of sorts. I started the day with a wonderful trip to the dentist. Yep that cracked molar has got to come out... in about 2 weeks after a course of antibiotics to get rid of that nice little abscess. :roll: Oh well, the conversation was nice, Dove season starts this weekend. :lol:

After that, I went by to check on our old neighbor uptown, to make sure he was set in case Earl turned inland. Afterward, I ran a few errands, dropped off and picked up my prescriptions, came home, cleaned up the saws, and sharpened some chains.
Came home to find everything broken. Sister's Jeep self-drained all the ATF, the skid-loader was dead. The borrowed skid-loader made it 100 feet and cooked a fuse, melting the fuse block. At least the Kubota is still working. We need one new everything around here.
Have ratchet straps we have been using to haul logs on flat bed, but we will just drop the split tree from the small bucket and chip it. Won't need to reinforce it for rigging at all. Weak side is the one over street.

Truck is a 50' knuckle boom type ex utility company truck. Has winch on front and at top of boom, neither of which has been used in the memory of anyone here. It has two buckets at top. Cab over Ford with diesel engine, I still have to pass the air brake test on the 13th to legally drive it about 100 miles per year. We have a shorter 35' (?) that handles the majority of our work and we have me for anything over 50'. What a deal, Eh?

Will try to get some pictures of units at work, when I find my camera. Think it is in one of the trucks, probably under a seat, or else I put it up where I would remember where it was -- someday!!!