How'd it go today?

Wow Stephen, I truly hate it when customers treat me like a farking slave boy who doesn't know anything. Just work cheap, do what I tell you, no I'm not interested in hearing what you think about my tree, just cut it the way I tell you. And by the way, I think you broke that window 6 months ago so I want you to fix it out of your own pocket.

Jeezus I'm so glad I don't put up with that shit any more. I don't know how you keep yourself from jacking one of those assholes up side the head.

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Nice looking truck, Treebogan. Looks like a Mercedes?
Just smile and wave boys ... smile and wave.....

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I just look at the money I have made over time with them.. How many referral that equal more money.. And laugh as they pay me more money when I sell them on more work before I leave the site..
SO I will butcher the one tree for about 300... To come back and kill it for another 2-300... Then I will fix the window at the other place for about 300.. And come back and charge him about 500 - 1000 over the course of the year... Then make another 2-3000 next year on the HO Assoc..
Smile and wave boys.. Smile and wave..;):lol::lol:
All the way to the bank :D
CSV.....Was that job w/window under a signed contract? When I plowed snow I had a time limit written into the contract that customers could claim that I damaged something. No one ever seemed to have a problem with it.
For the about last 3 years I have been taking pictures of any pre-existing damage to places before I start working. Also record whatever we see in a pre-job briefing. Doesn't hurt to CYA.
I usually take pics and record all I see when I walk the property prior to the work ... This was an hourly job.. These are good folks and never had any cause to ever doubt them. I personally handled the weed eat near that window. I know the damage was not there prior to my work. I trust them.. I will own up to it and if for nothing else.. It will be good PR... They give me shat loads of work ... I have most of this neighbor hood sewn up in part from them.
I do need to put a time limit on claims though... What limit do you use?
A week should be plenty, although 30 days may sound more reasonable.

Glass is cheap also. The last window I broke cost $4 to fix. The most expensive one I paid for was about $275 for replacing a gas filled double pane, they had to pull out and replace the entire window and frame. It was a custom order due to being an oddball size as well. It was broken by a 4' long sucker sprout that bounced off the garage roof and somehow hit the window at just the right angle to bust it.
I agree with Brian, somewhere around a week to 30 days, depending of course on if the customer lives on the land or only visits it from time to time.
Plowing, they had 48 hours to let me know. Many folks like to run into their own garages, lamp posts, mail boxes, etc. in the winter here.
well, looked for a couple hours and couldn't find any drywall nails, so giving that up 'til next week.
Going to try doing some siding tomorrow, if I can find all the tools for that.:roll:
For the bathroom, aren't you using the concrete board (one brand name is Wonderboard)? I've always used screws instead of nails, for both drywall and Wonderboard.
Yes I do Jay... It is required in CA and they DO check... This time of year you also have to pack in an extinguisher and shovel/McLeod.


And if you start a fire (how they usually catch you) and are not in compliance... You are responsible for the cost of fire fighting and damages.
Dave, your gifted music playing fingers are too precious to be doing those mundane tasks, God forbid you should whack a digit with a hammer. Get some normal person to do it for you.
Brian, Nail the edges and screw the centers. Just drywall on the outside walls.

Jay, I run chainsaws for a living and before that I nailed shingles on roofs.
I always preferred to hit my hand in the mourning (it was going to happen at least once a day) as I wasn't swinging the hammer as hard as in the afternoon.
Went over to "tree trims" place today to practice with a Stihl 084 hotsaw that if things work out I'll be running at the Paul Bunyan show the first weekend in Oct .

It's a mover and shaker allright ,flat gets down on it . The saw has the power,the chain is good .What is left in the mix is the operater which will be me . That said if I don't do good it will only be my fault .

If things work out ,some time this winter I hope to throw together my own hotty which will be my first try at a true racer .They say you never know until you try .;)
I installed the new carb on the chipper. I didn't engage the disc since the chute was off, but it rev'ed like an SOB compared to the old carb.

It has an auto choke (not hooked up to a choke stove) whereas the original had a manual choke.

When I went to fire it up the first time, I let the engine turn over for about 30 seconds and nothing happened. I stopped and checked everything, and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I tried cranking again and almost instantly gas started coming out of the exhaust so I used my finger to hold the choke open and it fired up in a second or so. Sure was some stinky, dark exhaust for a few moments:lol:. I'm letting the motor cool back down, I'm going to disable the choke (let off the spring's pressure) and try cranking again. My bet is it fires right up. If it does then hopefully it will be fine without a choke and I can keep from having to retro it; we'll see when it gets cold.

$200+$40 core:

Carl just pull that one off, the black part and replace with an electric model. Then if you want the choke open before you crank it just turn the key on for a minute or so. Should be good to go then. Unless the one you have, is electric? Can't tell for sure without seeing the other side. It didn't sound like it was from your description. 3 small bolts, pull the old one and replace with the electric version. Piece of cake.
Forgot to mention, I ran my first Husqvarna's today. A 338 climbing saw and a 570 rear handle saw. I wasn't so impressed with the 338. I felt the balance and power of a Stihl 200 is a lot better and the way it hangs on my saddle.

The 570 is a different story. I really liked the saw and felt it had plenty of power. It started first or second pull after initial start. Husky has definitely impressed me in the rear handle/large saw department.
Na it runs off the choke stove/exhaust heat through the fitting with the black stopper in it, top right corner.

It was supposed to be an electric choke, but it turned out being an auto unit. I'll call Holley and see if they'll swap for me.
Felt better today, trimmed out the window I put in yesterday, got the wiring and some othe work done on the splitter then bought paint and started painting. He's going to cry like a little bitch when he sees this thing! He just told me to paint it, he wasn't specific, he should have been:lol:
It's pink, REALLY pink! Panther pink, I'll have pics tomorrow, God this thing is PINK!! I'm so going to burn in hell PINK:lol:
helped out at the local chapter TCC this morning to this afternoon, went for supper and drinks with some highschool friends after, now home to bedtime soon, working tomorrow.

was the timer at rescue climb, got to reset the fiddle block mounted rescue randy 30 times today, and reset the preset climb line, and time the contestants and help critique their performances a bit. I learned a bunch, made some good impressions on those that are important locally and... got a free lunch, tee shirt and a handful of mini biners, yeehaw.


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Patrick Swayze fest this weekend.

Watched Point Break and Youngblood last night.

Today its Red Dawn.

What other good movies was he in???

Those mid to late 80's movies bring back lots of memories of my High School years I had forgotten.
He had a good one where he lead a group of rednecks to NYC to save/ get revenge for his brother/ friend... I can't remember the name. It was entertaining.
I finished pollarding the trees that I have b een working on for a couple of days yesterday. Finished up about 8:00. Just had to get up and take my son to work.