Had to go to church this am, Bubba was singing in the childrens chior, wish I had been a little later as I got greeted by all the people I wished to avoid, and the wife caught me straight away. I had hoped to sneak in, sit by the exit and get out quickly when it was over!
Got home and started mowing, I hadn't used my John Deere walk behind all year so I decided to run it for a while. Wife and Bubba come home, wife goes in, he stays out

Ok, not happy but I can deal, next thing I know I am trying to mow and have a yard full of kids

I got done with the front and explained my frustration with my wife

They went to pre-school for a deal and I got the rest of the yards mowed and weedeated. I was weedeating and the neighbor kid comes at me (early 20's and dumb as a box of rocks). I shut off the weedeater and stopped him in his tracks "I'm done mowing back there for you, I am tired of hitting shit and tearing up my mowers so don't ask!"
No, he wants to borrow my weedeater, I don't think so! I tell him to knock it down and I will weedeat for him and carry on. I get his done and go to my back yard, here he comes again. "Hey, if I give you a couple of dollars would you weedeat along the driveway?" Sure, I'll get it as he pulls out this wad of reciepts with maybe six bucks cash. He has a baby might be eight months old. "Keep your money, I'll get it."
Got done, sat down maybe five min. enjoying a stiff drink, my music and trying to read the Koran a bit. Here comes the lady across the street with her kid selling crap for the school, then the otherkid that won't EVER go away. Then I see the wife and boy coming down the street.
Finally get rid of all of them, wife and boy went to his chrior practice. I trimed up the Locust and Maple in the back and started taking out the Juniper.
I go to get the mini and here comes the kid that wont EVER go away asking this and that, which I dont care! Yep, cant get rid of him fast enough, here comes the wife and kid!
I managed to get the brush loaded, but nothing else,I just wanted to get something done without it raining, is that so much to ask?
Ok, sorry about the rant.