How'd it go today?

A couple pics from the place we played at yesterday. The really don't do it justice. These folks have spent many years creating a beautiful home. The detail you see when walking around the grounds is amazing.


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Got up this morning, thought my back was OK.

Went for a 5 mile bike ride. Back bothered me a little, muscles felt good though.

Ended up I couldn't bend down and tie my shoes. Really hurt, looked like a 80 something year old getting in and out of the car.

Picked up some Alive, ate a couple of those and feel better. Just did a couple test rides on the Wraptor, carried everything over in one trip so the back isn't that bad anymore. Certain movements really hurt it, so I'll be easy all week.
sucks B, good luck with it.

I had a great day. We took the kids to Harvard Square

Had a nice lunch at a mexican place, with a couple of Pacificos to wash it down. After that the wife and I loaded the kids into the chest harness thingys we have and did some shopping, people watching, she got ice cream. We were out for three hours before my daughter had a meltdown:) It was nice to get out. Now they've had their baths and I'm having a cocktail waiting for the season finale of Trueblood to come on.
Mandi and I just got back from a long hike with the dog.

Black Balsam to Cold Mountain. Camp. Then down to Camp Daniel Boon, hitch hiked back up to get the car.
Dang this day off stuff can turn into work! I arrowed a deer this morning. Spent 1.5 hours getting him out of the canyon to a 4 wheeler trail. It's still about 5/8th of a mile to a road and I was plumb tuckered so I walked out, drove hame and am preparing to go retrieve him with the quad-unfortunately its battery was toast so I ran down and bought a battery-which had to filled with acid, let sit an hour and then charged. Looks like I'll be getting him in the dark.
Just sent Stig on his way to the bay area. He'll be taking his trip home in the AM from there. Had a great time and I will be posting pics shortly. Really had a great day and a great time.
Yes. I field dressed him immediately-better cooling and I DID NOT want to carry the weight of the entrails up the side of the canyon. By the time I got him to the top I was thinking I should have boned out the meat at the bottom. :lol:
Today the kid and I got malled. It wasn't too bad and we ended up with some nice dresses for fall and a new pair of purple Converse sneakers.
Had to go to church this am, Bubba was singing in the childrens chior, wish I had been a little later as I got greeted by all the people I wished to avoid, and the wife caught me straight away. I had hoped to sneak in, sit by the exit and get out quickly when it was over!
Got home and started mowing, I hadn't used my John Deere walk behind all year so I decided to run it for a while. Wife and Bubba come home, wife goes in, he stays out:? Ok, not happy but I can deal, next thing I know I am trying to mow and have a yard full of kids:? I got done with the front and explained my frustration with my wife:lol:
They went to pre-school for a deal and I got the rest of the yards mowed and weedeated. I was weedeating and the neighbor kid comes at me (early 20's and dumb as a box of rocks). I shut off the weedeater and stopped him in his tracks "I'm done mowing back there for you, I am tired of hitting shit and tearing up my mowers so don't ask!"
No, he wants to borrow my weedeater, I don't think so! I tell him to knock it down and I will weedeat for him and carry on. I get his done and go to my back yard, here he comes again. "Hey, if I give you a couple of dollars would you weedeat along the driveway?" Sure, I'll get it as he pulls out this wad of reciepts with maybe six bucks cash. He has a baby might be eight months old. "Keep your money, I'll get it."
Got done, sat down maybe five min. enjoying a stiff drink, my music and trying to read the Koran a bit. Here comes the lady across the street with her kid selling crap for the school, then the otherkid that won't EVER go away. Then I see the wife and boy coming down the street.
Finally get rid of all of them, wife and boy went to his chrior practice. I trimed up the Locust and Maple in the back and started taking out the Juniper.
I go to get the mini and here comes the kid that wont EVER go away asking this and that, which I dont care! Yep, cant get rid of him fast enough, here comes the wife and kid!
I managed to get the brush loaded, but nothing else,I just wanted to get something done without it raining, is that so much to ask?

Ok, sorry about the rant.
What are the odds I get followed up by a friggin cheese head? This after Matt Kenseth got put out of the points chase last night!
Friggin cheese heads:/: