How'd it go today?

today was good, a small pruning job in the AM, some scouting for an install job next week and then I booked a ticket to see this guy talk tomorrow over dinnertime. :)
me too, I figured when am I going to get another chance to see a man that grew up with Ghandispeak in person? :) for $30 I dont figure I will be dissapointed. Have you heard him before?
indeed, now I gotta find an indian friend to go with me, for help identifying the chow, or not, that might be more interesting.
I've eaten a lot of Indian food, but the best was at a restaurant in Great Britain. Domestic food there is pretty bad, but the Chinese and Indian is out of this world, for some reason. At this one Indian place, just after you sat down, they brought out this big platter of curried limes and other fruits and vegetables, a free service. That went great with beer before you even started on the main meal. Pretty dynamic cuisine.
indeed, I am expecting some authentic stuff at this event, not much westernized fare, its ok though, I am a gamer! I will have to bring my cell phone camera to keep you lot up to date for the supper thread tho. :shifty:
Another day of ruthless tree slaughtering. Mwahhaahahaaa. I love it. Pretty smooth/easy day. Now I have to study up for my air brakes course this weekend, gotta get cert'd before the law catchs up with me.:/:
Made it in to work this morning barely holding breakfast down. Boss tried to talk me into taking my last vacation day. I worked anyway and after I worked up a good sweat for a while started feeling much better.
Flat slammed out some trees until about 2pm then we got kicked off the road by the County Road commission. Drove across street into guys drive and continued the slaughter 'til time to quit.
felt good to feel good. The trees were just a bonus.
Nope. The hardest was the bottom middle, since it was so long and had to be removed last while holding the plate with the other hand. I pull the first 3 out by hand, pushed the last, long one out with my hand on a drift pin.

I'm guessing the middle one slides out through where the other holes are correct?
The bowing is gay and due to its design. When I put it back in I'll look for places to add beef.

As is, mine is probably good for a few hundred more hours.
Just got home tonight from vacation.. I have a lot of photos to go through and such... Came home early... Kids were ready ... Katy was ready.. Me 2. We were only about 1.25 hours from home so no biggie. You should see the tree work available up there. Pines dead everywhere. Most are tight to houses etc. :) I left some cards :D
Imo, beetle kill pine needs to be checked over closely to ensure it's safe. In some spots the roots rot away amazingly quickly.
Twas fun bro... I will get a thread going with pictures soon as I sort it out. Katy got hurt the first day so that was a damper.. Poor thing pulled a hamstring :( Lilly had fun exploring and eating sand. :D

Did some tubing with a pontoon boat... :D
No good fishing this year though .. they were too stressed (the fish).
Not going to rain, no chance of rain, it can't rain. I heard this the last two days about today. It rained about all day, but only over south/east Wichita, where I said I would fix a fence today. I didn't get it done.
I went and dumped off some concrete, six inches of mud and water, it was awsome:roll:
Spent the morning trying out the feight revolver system and I have to say, once I get it all dialed in, this is going to be one sweet system!! Since it's SRT, you can do all kinds of natural redirects and you have constant friction on your not. Where with Ddrt, you'd be gained quite of a bit of friction from the redirects.

These are just some pics I snapped. First one is the system itself, next one is 60' or so up our Pin Oak. Fourth and fifth I thought were cool. You can see some redirects I've taken in the fifth one, and where I ran it through a crotch at 60', and then tied it off on the main trunk about 10' below the crotch.


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Today has been a complete washout, poured rain. Wife worked last night so she was asleep all day while I was on daddy duty, stuck inside..:|:

I want to go rage with my friends tonight...wifey wants to watch a movie ans 'spend time together'....good god I had no idea having kids would be like this...
Damp all day here.

I have a job I need to get done, or planned on it at least. Almost guaranteed that the back yard is soggy, as it's adjacent to water, so not sure about tomorrow either. Kinda bummed, but I'd hate to get the chipper stuck in the backyard, and it's not exactly down the street either.

It's a good sized Willow, she wanted the whole tree down. I told her she'll get herself a nice swamp if she does so. Just taking off some leads over her property, let it do it's thing and continue to absorb water.

My back hurts like a bastid too. Lifted a role of fabric paper and been regretting it ever since, 2 weeks now.