How'd it go today?

I took down a large willow tree today. On the last cut a limb split down and made me hug the tree really hard. Went to my daughter's house for a birthday dinner.
Thank you, Burnham, will try to employ your suggestions. Been paying less attention to which way the hung up tree will slide out of the other one, than just bucking perpendicular to the bind. You know the results....deja vu scenario over and over, until the tree finally falls.

Wedge sounds good, and just happen to have a buggered up one to reshape from yesterday :|:

Sorry, Jay...I didn't mean employ a felling wedge, I meant to cut out a wedge of wood, as in a narrow face cut, to allow room for the bucking cut to close into.
Ah...thanks for correcting the misinterpretation, the "taken out" part in your answering post did have me confused. I worked on that wedge today, not a loss though, it should be useful.
Brutalized three willows today. My uncle got his pointer finger smushed real good from the chipper, he'll lose the nail for sure. That's what I like about working with him, he showed me what happened and then no whining. I asked him at lunch how it was doing he showed me a ballooning black and blue looking finger and then we went back to work.
Ouch! Was it from the feed rollers grabbing a bent limb and smashing it against the side of the feed tray, smashing his finger? I've had a few of those and they suck. :(
Had a good day in school. Nothing overly tough to learn.

Looking forward too tomorrow and the weekend. Dad's going to use Mike tomorrow on a big Pin Oak. Apparently they are going to be removing some fair sized limbs, so I'll definitely give him the camera.

Then, hopefully on Saturday I get to do some tree work with Mike.
Ok, so here's adding insult to injury. Two days after getting my new bucket truck my chipper calved. Some of you might remember, the oil cooler seal failed and pushed most of the oil into the coolant yada yada yada. All under warranty and the dealer gave me a loaner life was good. Well about a week ago I got a frigging invoice in the mail for 2g for the repair.

So I stormed down to the dealer with my warranty info and the invoice and basically told them what they could do with it. The guy was like oh so and so will have to look into this and call you back. I told him not to worry about calling me back I was dropping off the invoice and plain as day the motor is under warranty for another 7months still. I just received a statement from the dealer with the 2g showing owing. Now I'm just like WTF? I'm going to have to call them tomorrow I guess..........but they might not like what I have to say!!!!!:X
Ouch! Was it from the feed rollers grabbing a bent limb and smashing it against the side of the feed tray, smashing his finger? I've had a few of those and they suck. :(

I think that's what happened.

If blood is pooling under the nail, lancing it can make a huge difference in the comfort level.

LJ, I'll make sure to mention that tomorrow.:)
I almost feel sorry for your poor dealer tomorrow.

It all just depends on how they handle it. Possibly the statement went out shortly after the invoice, so it hadn't been cancelled or whatever yet? I dunno the guy that I dealt with there in the service department was a real dofus about it when I went in though. He was all like 'we'll have to look into this' and confused seeming. You know what? Look into it all you want. I've got the bill of sale and the warranty info, I'm through looking into it.
All the service managers that I've ever known, drank too much, abused their wives, and tended to generally be....ah, what's the word? *@{}#5~¥.
"Hi, my name is Justin, and NO, I will not pay your bill and you better fix my @#$%, NOW!!"

Yeah, we gotta have this on video!!!
Today I lined up a nice 2 day job (13ish removals and a couple hours grinding) 22 miles from the house. What makes it nice is I leave the chips there, stack the logs for the guy to burn, and he does the raking. Also his neighbor has some stuff he wants me to look at doing while I'm there (3rd day hopefully:)).

On a totally unrelated note, my Photobucket was getting near full, so I canned 57mb of pics which gives me enough room for a while.
Remember Squish, you are "The Calm One' now.:D
We spent half the day cutting up a huge ass willow trunk and hauling it out on a hand truck. We have dinner at my step daughter's house in Modesto every Thursday and I just got back from that.
Well since the chipper tune up, and all the rain lately I decided to tune up the 48 chevy. So picked up the parts, carb kit, plugs, points/condensor, and front brakes for the grab truck while I was there....
I took the male side of the quick attach off the mini today and welded it up for next week. It's pretty well thrashed, 1/4" bow in 25" and a lot of cracking near the tilt cylinder attachment, but it should make it a while longer now. Excuse the booger welds on the short uprights from this perspective (3x). Now that I look at the pics I'll go back and weld the inside of the eyes as well.


Nope. The hardest was the bottom middle, since it was so long and had to be removed last while holding the plate with the other hand. I pull the first 3 out by hand, pushed the last, long one out with my hand on a drift pin.