How'd it go today?

Raining here and about to have breakfast my ex girlfriend is coming over so im hoping on getting back together but im not going to play by her rules anymore,Either she wants me or bye bye.
Gave a lecture on my woodwork to forty some people.... It went ok, the folks seemed to enjoy it. Nobody came up after wanting to order anything though. :(

Scratched pic, excuse.


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That doesn't look like the style I'm used to you showing, Jay. Did you carve the legs?

Today: We had an old bay window that rotted and we replaced with an unfinished French door with the two side windows. Five years ago. Today, I finally stained it! Well, the first coat. Another coat tomorrow and then a couple coats of polyurethane. What fun. It is pretty though.
Yes, Che, not my usual style. Had a customer, my best one so far, who was a very classical sort of guy. He asked for a dining set along those lines.

Very wealthy young dude, always paid in cash. Two Mercedes in the garage and two porsches, one a limited edition, for he and his wife. Also owned a private jet with a pilot waiting on standby.

Very nice folks, it was a pleasure working for them.

Had a carver I knew due the intricacies on the legs.

Is anyone else getting a "data base error" page coming up when logging into posts? It's happened four times so far this morning.
I think that I've only had problems when clicking on the latest post in the "first car" thread. Wonder what's up?

X that, it happened again at another thread.
I finished a clean up on a three day job this morning, ran my Dad around and when I got back discovered someone had stolen the ramps to load my tractor in the trailer.:X I backed the trailer up to a bank of dirt to load it but now that I'm back on flat ground I have no way to unload it. Went and did another small removal in my town and when we were leaving my groundie put the blower in the chipper chute like always but didn't close the chute, so I lost it on the way home.:X:X. He said he would work it off.
I think Steve needs a hug:P

Sorry your day sucked man, I can relate, at least the dude is a stand up guy with the blower, and you can make a set of ramps in an hour or so, I've seen your work.
It will be better tomorow!
I got back discovered someone had stolen the ramps to load my tractor in the trailer.:X I backed the trailer up to a bank of dirt to load it but now that I'm back on flat ground I have no way to unload it.
Just got back from the State Fair.... What a waste of time, really sucked this year....:(

I can relate Steve at least they only got 1 of my ramps.


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well, just got in from a very interesting evening. at a medium sized auditorium, crowd of 90% south asian (used to call them folks east indians) and the rest mixed of other races. watched 3 different dance troups do indian dances, kinda cool then a recess with samosas, crunchy spicy noodle thingies and two sweets I have no idea what they were but they were very tasty. Then after recess a bit more yip yap and then some good time listening to Mr Gandhi speak, totally worth the $30. Compared to seeing Dog Chapman talk a few weeks ago for $50.

sorry for the shitty pic, very low light and crummy cell phone camera eh.


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WWB, this is basically the same talk I saw tonight, give or take a smidgen here and there. I really enjoyed it, it has made me think about me and my anger and how I deal with things, I will do my best to be better.

I like how he doesnt hesitate when asked a question, this guy is for real. If the world could or would adopt the ideals he and his grandfather profess, it might be a better place. On a positive note, I notice about myself that I have followed this idealism somewhat, in the vein that I refused to let people tell their horror stories about pregnancy and childbirth while my wife was pregnant, understanding the difference between fighting against an ideal vs fighting for an opposite ideal and in child rearing. He has a sstory about getting an autograph from his grandfather and the way he was dealt with, its not that dissimiliar from how I deal with our young man when he insists he should get computer access to watch youtube sesame street or some such. As he comes to me and taps my lap whilest I sit in the office chair, I reach down and give him a non ending hug repeating the phrase, no, but I love you... until he gets sick of it and pulls away to go do something else.

Nice of you to post that, Paul, thanks. India has produced some great minds, not driven by a competitive spirit. It isn't always very easy to grasp their message, but I think that ultimate freedom from the burdens that we place on ourselves, is a big part of what they are trying to teach.