How'd it go today?

I fell a small pine and chipped it up. The customer came out and told me he didn't want to cut the larger pine yet, the one I put the money on. I will get to do it later. I get a lot of work from this customer so I can't complain. I just had to adjust my day. I left my groundy trimming an ash tree and returned home to swap the chipper for the stumper. My new stump grinder was doing great. Just at the end I started hearing a "tink, tink, tink." I thought a belt was falling apart and slapping the sides. Two of the teeth were sliding out of their pocket and were cutting out knotches in the metal cover plate. Realized I don't have the tool needed to change out the teeth. Tomorrow I will go looking for a large hex socket and hopefully get the grinder up and running again.
Ha if I keep them on the 1 ton, it won't be a big deal sliding them down to load then up after I load back up. Moving them around with 2 people aint hard, I can lift them into the chip truck or the back of the 1 ton solo. Of course the mini can move them about if I needed to bridge something. It can just barely lift the 2 ramps while heeling them by the end.
Indeed the picture is slightly out of focus:

The highlight of my day was felling a 32"DBH x 130ft Cook Pine. The tree had a very large wound on the side that was mushy almost to the pith. Fortunately, the wood closer to the base was mostly solid. I remembered to take my camera in the woods today so click on the link to see a video of it.

First picture is of the wound, second picture is of an unrelated, but astonishingly orange, fungus.
i did some "spar pole " logging and donkey punching today :) my customer took some pics and said hed send me a disc. we were skidding a bunch of dead firs i crashed down a hill. fun day
Things are out of balance. I was tired from yesterday, today was forecast to be the hottest day of the year thus far, humidity was high -it has rained every afternoon for the previous five days and I had a ton of bid I decided to go easy on the work and take care of bids.
Soooooo... I did $220 and scheduled $2610. It seems that my thinking that I was starting to catch up a little was erroneous.:roll:
Great vid Leon, lots of crashing.

It rained all day so i had a lazy one, glad the rest of you had some fun,
i did some "spar pole " logging and donkey punching today :) my customer took some pics and said hed send me a disc. we were skidding a bunch of dead firs i crashed down a hill. fun day

Donkey punching?

OM, you will be very familiar with that tool over the next few years. I lost mine so I got a 1/2", 1/2" drive socket and cut off a piece of a 1/2" hex key and welded it into the socket, works OK with a ratchet but if you use an impact wrench on it the weld breaks. If yours has the belt with the teeth in it going down to the wheel it is pretty fool proof. Although because you just got it I would take the cover off and see if everything is OK in there. Sometimes it gets full of grease from greasing the bearings down by the wheel.

I took my parts for my chipper to the Vermeer place in Livermore and got a new shaft and bearing, they had to order one bearing and the hub for the belt pulley which I broke while disassembling is going to be shipped to me from their Fowler store. It's going to be almost $900 in parts. Here is a picture of the disk in the back of my pickup and one of the chipper without the disk. I used my "log loader" to lift the disk out of the chipper.
old term for yarder engineer. they used to call the yarder a donkey, steam donkey back in the day
Holy fork you guys need some newer rigging down there :lol: . Oh man rigging that out for a living musta sucked, maybe they could put a couple more lines on there :lol: .