How'd it go today?

This is five minutes from downtown Vernon and about fifteen minutes from where I live. 90 degrees here the last couple of days 20 degrees hotter than average for this time of year. Severe water shortages are predicted :cry: . I hope they don't drain my favorite lake.
Cause we already do. It's one of our water sources for the city and the level of our lakes has been declining the last few years with last year being the worst. Development is running rampant here with little thought for the future. How would ya stop it I don't know. More building and annexing of land into the city equals more citizens more taxes and higher wages for the politicians who make the decision whether to expand or not. We are living in a bubble here in the okanagan which will go pop sooner or later. My house has tripled in value in the last six years, is that value really there? I think not.
I got the burned up tub grinder home today.

I ended up buying it back. Its rebuild time!!:D
Beautiful place there, Justin.

Been raining here since about 5pm yesterday. Nothing heavy, just a light drizzle. My job for today got postponed so I have absolutely nothing to do.
Yesterday I had a job hauling a bunch of brush to the dump and ground 7 stumps. Got in at about 8:30, but made the most money in a day ever working by myself. Oh and I put gas in my pickup yesterday at the tune of $100.72 and it is now empty.
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Estimates.........................all day.

Oh, let me think about it and I will get a hold of you............all day
Well today I drove to Homer Ohio,about 100 miles from here,on the Knox/Licking county line.The event was a celebration of my second cousins 90th birthday.

Needless to say,something like this does not happen as a normal rule.:thumbup:
helped the 4-h at spring fair this am then found an auction! left with a oxy-acety torch, hoses, gauges, cart, bottle set up and a full upright drill press for a total of 230 bucks!
helped the 4-h at spring fair this am then found an auction! left with a oxy-acety torch, hoses, gauges, cart, bottle set up and a full upright drill press for a total of 230 bucks!


I got my second brand new computer in a week. The first one went pop! I bought some head phones and I've got Fleetwood Mac's Silver Springs cranked. I just downed a tall glass of Silk Soy Chocolate drink. The kid is at a sleep over with some of our bestest friends. The wife and I went out with my old foreman and his wife for drinks and desert.
Great pics.

I got 5 hours sleep in a row last night. Woo hoo! So I'm feeling pretty decent.
YES! :D I got another call back on a resume today. I got a call back from Carter Caterpillar( I have an interview Thursday morning in Richmond again(one Wednesday morning as well):roll:. They are considering me for one of three positions: Equipment maintenance Technician, Hydraulic Equipment Repair Technician, or Generator Service Technician.
We got rain today ! finally!! more rain today than the whole month of May.
finished up a new yard install job. five days on site, 60 odd cubic yards of soil, 20kgs of grass seed and a couple pick up trucks full of plants. two days in blazing heat, three days in drizzle / rain.

I am looking forward to going back in 6 weeks when the lawn should fill in. :D
a shot of me strategically placing seed... and the blond fellow in the fatigues is my new hired hand, fresh out of his 9 month service in the german army. followed a canadian girl back here and he works for me a few days a week till he gets his work visa.. :shifty: